Why do incels worship asian girls, but write long posts about hating ''wh*te roasties''?
Why do incels worship asian girls, but write long posts about hating ''wh*te roasties''?
that is because you have created a mental image of so called incels and proceeded to attribute them traits which you would like for them to have. all confirmed by you looking at this board with your heavy confirmation bias.
Because most incels are brown subhumans who got rejected by white girls.
I hate all women regardless of their race
Because Asian girls like video games and anime. White girls like traveling and netflix. Asian girls are cute and feminine. White girls are slutty and narcissistic. Asian girls are traditional and treat their partner as an equal. White girls hate traditional gender roles and treat their partner as a tool for their own happiness.
Now everything I said is a generalization and not true for every white girl or asian girl, however, it's true for enough of them that these are fair generalizations to make. Fuck white roasty whores. Keep riding the cock carousel, I can't wait to see you wind up alone when you're in your late 20s and chade doesn't want you anymore. I'll keep enjoying my based asian women.
mfw videogames and anime are pathetic manchild hobbies
OK bruh i'll be enjoying my 18 year old white girls.
Enjoy fucking chad and tyrones leftovers cuck
pretty sure both video games and anime are among the most mainstream things in western culture.
yfw I am tyrone
It's true also that always when there's some fucking controlling, cunning woman it's always a white one. Asian women can't be blamed for that like, ever. They will never control you to the point they'll be literal Machiavellian-like.
I wanna lick that girl's pussy
Yep, white woman have to be in control of your life and the relationship. They are cunning and manipulative whores. Some asian girls can be materialistic and like to be spoiled, but they won't try and control your life.
You live in a fantasy world, because Asian women are known for being gold diggers, and many of them are controlling.
>he unrionically thinks asian women are bigger gold diggers and more controlling than white women
You've never seen those china videos.
Asian women are materialistic, basic gold-diggers for sure. Everybody knows about it. They're superficial as they come but they'll never be controlling, maniac crazy controlling. They're way too weak and feminine for that, but some white girls, damn they're just crazy inside out. Plotting like hell.
>you've never seen those chinda videos of gold diggers
Your videos of gold diggers prove nothing.
I can show you videos of white gold diggers, that proves nothing. There's a reason why every rich nigger is dating a white woman because white women are gold diggers.
Traveling is codeword for foreign cock, mostly BBC.
>Asian girls are traditional and treat their partner as an equal.
>It's true also that always when there's some fucking controlling, cunning woman it's always a white one.
KEK. Delusional.
White girls are usually more liberating and free to be around. The economy is also good enough for them to not be gold diggers.
Western relationships are usually based around mutual respect and love on an equal playing field, which is not something you see in the rest of the world.
You do realize that Asian men are the most beta guys because of their Asian tiger mothers, right?