>Meet a cool dude at a barcade
>Start to get along
>Drops me like a sack of potatoes when he finds out I'm a lesbian
Meet a cool dude at a barcade
Nice story, got more?
if you're not gonna suck his dick then fuck off
dudes dont want to hang with chicks unless ur suckin or fuckin
That's kinda depressing don't you think?
No because women are bitches and they're boring too
based user being based. stay based, master aynon of the based
Gently so that he doesn't have squashed fries?
And did that bother you ms.lesbian
>he's never had a cool lesbian friend
You don't even know what you're missing out on
You must not have any interesting elements other than your vagina. You aren't even worth using to pivot or indicate value. There is a very applicable comment screenshot that floats around, but I don't think I saved it.
You now have a small taste of what it's like to be a beta male - people are evaluating you on what you bring to the table, and it's nothing.
I've had 4, and I can honestly say user is not missing out on much. Does this sound like you:
>OMG I'm a total gamer; I play spore/sims/console games
>dude I matched with this suuper cute girl yesterday and blah blah blah
>*has a tumblr blog*
>*posts and retweets pride and gay related 24/7*
>I haven't seen the old star wars movies but the last one was good tee hee
>*talks to guy friends about girls* (tip: do not do this)
I've managed to make myself angry coming up with those.
>do not do this
The funny thing is this is about as good as they get. I've seen far far worse.
you boring fucking cunt
It's awkward. The male brain is hard-wired to get excited whenever the topic of sex/romance is brought up in the presence of a female. You may be gay but you still look female which confuses my boner and makes me feel guilty for having it. Also why should I give a shit? You're a girl I cant fuck and whoever you're talking about is someone I cant fuck. Unless we're really close friends I'm not gonna listen to that shit.
I'm usually the designated "listen to me whine" guy and it hurts the most when cis girls talk about guys with me.
Thank you! Someone who gets it.
I prefer action games, I don't give a shit about dating sites, dude, tumblr is worthless without porn, I don't have social media, star wars has always just been fine, I only bring it up if it's already a topic
Did I miss any?
>no productive hobbies
dropped like an anvil
You never asked me what my hobbies were. Just a bunch of social media stuff.
Tragic but why would any of you judge someone for something silly as what type of person u like to have sex with i personally don't care about stuff like that
What type of person they like* sorry i know that probably confused things a wee bit
He probably dropped you because you're a tranny.
There's no such thing as a lesbian, you're just deluding yourself.
This. 100%
Women spend their lives not enduring the crucible of manhood. If there is no added element of sex, they get surprised to realize how little value they have.
Why would I do that though? Orgigonally
he fell in love with you retard, you have to let men know that you are off limits so you can actually have a fun platonic relationship
t. male
>men want to fuck literally every woman they feel even vaguely comfortable with and will immediately cut contact is said fucking is not happening
How is this at all surprising to you
I always liked to have lesbian friends because then there is no chance that they will find a romantic opportunity in me, only to be disappointed.
Hello fellow lezanon! I think we must be the only two cis lesbians who post here.
T. The Other Lezanon
>wanting to be friends with a dyke
I rather spend the rest of my life alone
>I rather spend the rest of my life alone
Then I got good news for you user
Hello anony. There's a few lezanons surprisingly, at least some semi frequent ones.
Women have nothing useful to offer men except for sex. He did the right thing. The only thing women do is talk shit and moan about their periods.
This, rightfully, a man's most precious resource is his time, a woman? She just needs to lay there and soon enough some desperate dude will show up.
But a man? He only has his time, a resource he has to use to improve himself, find women, seduce women and provide for them.
So why would a man waste his time with a woman he has no interest into? Men do not give a fuck about what most women have to say, since it's always the same boring trite shit, unless there's sex or affection involved there's literally zero interest, so engrave it into your mind roasties, you're worthless, yet your value skyrockets with what you have between your legs.
I've had one or two lez semifriends (who were out). These were not like any of the tumblrinas you note. They were cool.
If Lez wants to keep you around in the ol' frenzone then, go for it, it won't at least break your heart like a str8 woman, who is fucking Chad, will break your heart. She can give you advice on women, which the lying Stacy won't.
To sum up: just stay away from tumblrinas and man-haters.
return to your castle king r*ddit
I don't give a fuck. Let's cut to the chase and you can torture my cock and balls.
Shame I am married and have 3 kids.
>wasting a man's time when he could be hitting up a female who is actually functional
>no lesbian friend to play video games with
this gay earth has pulled one over on me yet again
That is entirely your fault for leading him on you stupid fucking femoid retard, now fuck off back to your lesbian circlejerk subreddit and get the fuck off of this board
>tfw no lesbian friend that occasionally sucks you off
You are not a lesbian. You just haven't gotten a good dicking so far.
women are objects and are useless for anything other than sex.
Honestly shocked at how that's not original
You should have at least let him eat you out. A mouth is a mouth.
It really isn't. Guys are hilariously bad at oral.
So then why don't you be a bro and teach him how to do it properly?
you didnt start to get along. you liked him and he probbably started to suck up whatever bs you laid on him because he realized he could've potentially smash. then you basically told him he couldnt, then he stopped and you stopped. girls and guys do this all the time.
Because I'm not attracted to boys. Would you let a guy suck you off until he got good at it?
>girl told me shes asexual
wtf is wrong with american women in 2019
guys are good at sucking dicks as much as girls are good ate eating pussy tho. and vice versa bad.
not who you replied to just wanted to lay this out :p
Well gay guys, I assume, just as I assume hetshits are bad at eating pussy. Not that I've ever been eaten out by one.
No, gay shit is a sin. I'd let a girl do it though.
can i just pee on your clit?
Hormones and fluoride in the water my dude.
no, even the straightest guy would be better at first time sucking dick than a girl suckung dick for the 40th time. just as girls will be better at eating out first time than an experienced guy. you know exactly what feels good to the genetalia you were born with, and are oblivious to the opposite. untill you both comunicate with your partner about it and get experience with it, you will always suck and orally stimulating the opposite genetalia. because you just can't know.
Of course there are. R9K is the home of autism and autists are always choosing to be furries, trans, pedophiles, gay, lesbian, and all other perversions that come with brain damage.
>you know exactly what feels good to the genetalia you were born with, and are oblivious to the opposite
I get where you're coming from user but keep in mind that a LOT of girls have no idea how to even get themselves off - and probably more heteros than homos. I wouldn't trust a hetshit to eat me out.
Gonna pass.
That's terrible user, I hope you can have better experiences with males in the future. I feel this comes from a toxic upbringing when we can't see women as anything more than sexual partners, missing out of the fantastic experience that is to have a woman friend, I feel like I need to apologize on behalf of my gender
yeah, that was assuming you actually explored your crotch while growing up. guys naturally get the urge to eventually start manstrubating and all that bc of liquids and stuff but girls don't. i did notice a lot of girls have no need to touch themselves or explore their body at all and are even grosed out by their own vaginas sometimes. idk if its social conditioning making them asexual (being ladylike and that princess bs) but its a bit fucking stupid when 18-20yos has no idea how their own genitalia works.
Ew. I know you're being facetious and all but still this made my skin crawl
lmao dude, it's like an arcade for adults! there's beer and no stupid children!
Because femoids don't belong on this board
I think a lot of it is social conditioning and "ladylike" behaviour bullshit as you say. I got a friend in her twenties who's never had an orgasm, that's just insane to me.
>gay woman
>still out meeting men
why do gay women refuse to give up their cis privileges?
Gay women are cis?
tfw no lesbian best friend to be deep homies with who would introduce me to her str8 friends
very uncool
>falling for my pretend gay talk
>tfw you were mansplained
You got me good you fag
gay women still need male attention.
>Hanging out at barcade
>hoping to meet someone tonight
>meet cool girl, we hit it off great
>get along well
>turns out there is zero chance she will be that someone
I'm not saying he cant be a dick, but guy went to a pond expecting to find the right fish and got a boot
you could always befriend a gay man. but you wont because you want a straight friend. its essentially the same thing as being friendzoned by stacey.
i dont think she ever will nor that it bears any significance to her. she just grew up without sexual pleasure and can live normally with all the pros and cons of that.
this op, go for the gays
Yeah on a logical basis I understand that, but on the monkey brain basis I'm thinking "wtf how and also why"
I'm pretty sure I'd have killed myself or others in my teens if I didn't cum.
but a gay man wont try extra hard to "convert" her. gay women still crave male attention.
Gay men are even more vapid boring cunts than straight women though
Not as depressing as talking to a woman.
confirmed for craving straight male attention as a lesbian. confess now
not even a dyke, I just hate fags, I've never known one to be moderately interesting
theres a reason lesbians dont want a gay male friend - a gay man wont give her the "i really like you!" attention. she wants essentially "orbiting" attention.
to be honest, if you hadnt told him you were gay, he would still be giving you attention.
so if OP is just looking for attention why did she tell him that she's gay tho
uh huh sure. im just right on the money and you dont wanna confess.
he probably got too amorous towards her, and she had to pull that card.
instead of the ever so useful "I have a boyfriend" so he'd keep sucking up to her like the good beta cuck he undoubtedly is?
so to sumarize this thread; for companionship straight male > lesbian > straight female > gay
i hope robots feel better from this
boyfriends could be dumped. but can a gay woman be turned straight? op had it good for awhile, lots of strong attention from this barcade guy.
I wanna rape a lesbot
Yes pretty much. Depends on the dyke though. Butch is probably radfem shit and won't really like any men even as friends. Lipstick/chapstick lez tend to be chill.
>lesbians trying to displace straight females for attention
but why
Yes so having a "boyfriend" would give her a lot of sustainable attention, she could wave the "but I might break up" carrot in front of his face for years. Being a dyke kills it. Very dumb move.
rookie move, op. i hope you learned how to dangle the proper carrot, now.
I used to have a fun lesbian friend. I think if I had one now, I'd desperately want affection from her and act creepy because I'm lonely.
>Butch is probably radfem shit
Good. Radfems are based.
Do girls actually go to barcades? I wan thinking of going to the one in my city on Friday by myself. I was expecting there not to be many girls there if any at all.
I mean in the misandry kinda way. I do agree that dabbing on trannies is based.
>Do girls actually go to barcades?
If you consider lesbians or trannies to be girls, then sure.
There's nothing wrong with misandry.
so no real girls then?