Why are Americans so sissies?
Is your nature weak and submissive or is there really something in your water?
Why are Americans so sissies?
more americans fags
lmao he looks like lauren southern
All the white men are sissy fags?
Lots of people raised by single mothers
several children raised by republicans aka closet sissies
If the gays didn't stop killing themselves, this shit wouldn't happen.
there literally is hormones in the water, it's not a meme. American women also have larger breasts than other western women, even accounting for body weight
that means if you ever drink tap water
Can I become a sissy?
This is the true nature of all white "men" deep down. Now open your breedinghole honky!
But shitposts aside I think things like this are the collective consciousness reacting to the threat of overpopulation. Men who have the willpower survive, soft men won't reproduce sort of thing.
Which is why I sorta don't get the alt-right take on this. One should encourage passive men in order to avoid more competition no? To weed out the weak genes? But it seems like they'd rather just start a WW3 with no allies cuz at least then they die with their masculinity intact.
it's not enough to actually feminize men, just enough to stunt masculine development
It's the culture. Women have all the power in society. Testosterone is directly tied to social status
this represents maybe like 0.2% of americans kys
Only the Americans that drink river water are contaminated with hormones. My tap water comes from a buried aquifer. Mostly filtered by the ground.
>One should encourage passive men in order to avoid more competition no?
the alt-right isnt about an alpha-male society, it's about a white society of straight cis men with straight white cis aryan housewives who conform to their ideal societal roles
once that ideal society is achieved there would be purges of those seen as lesser, whether those lines are drawn on height or athleticism or eye color or some combination thereof
passive men are an enabler to evolution, but the alt-right wants to wipe out the non-whites before allowing their idea of evolution to occur because they believe the white race is so superior
it kinda does
nah, but nobody posts non-white sissies because they dont look as good
thought this was the guy i shagged last week at first kek
Mmm but then by their own logic, would that mean their actions are morally justified then? If you aren't the best then band together and eliminate the best? If all you live by is the theory of natural selection then this would be the most logical outcome. This sounds miserable.
if yours is from an aquifer it's safe, but any americans that drink city water are drinking hormones, the water treatment plants filter pollutants and metals, but most hormones and medications aren't effectively removed.
americans are based, fuck off
if white people were indeed under attack just for being white (as many alt-right members believe) it would be justifiable to band together and fight for our rights.
the problem is that attempts to gain equality are seen as trampling on the rights of white people. if you think white people have the right to trample on others it does make sense, but you have to do some olympic level mental gymnastics to get there.
the Rothchilds, Rockefellers, Soros Conglomerate has a higher foothold in America than anywhere else in the World.
I don't know why people would want to be sissies, but I doubt it's overpopulation seeing as you find teenagers doing it, and they don't really think about those global-scale problems when begging their parents for estrogen.
The alt-right wouldn't let the weak genes weed out over time, they would exterminate genes they see as undesirable immediately if they had that authority. Part of this is due to the threat of convincing more men to not impregnate real women (they view degeneracy as a disease that can spread), but also because they believe gays and traps are a part of (((their))) plot to undermine the white race.
>jews want to undermine the white race
>jews are white
Listen i detest jews (along with the other abrahamic religions) but thats just stupid, lets get mad at them for normalizing the idea of mutilating a babys genitals
my estrogen levels are abnormally high and I have to get tested every 2 months instead of 6 and im at female levels while not even on AAs and Im taking only 1.5 pills of e.
Im probably one of the angriest people on this entire website and fight with everyone and everything.
Sissy shit is FUCKING disgusting.