>On Doomer/Jow Forums discord
>Get message from fellow user
>Apparently one of our members couldn't handle the emptiness.
>I never even knew this anons name
>See his offline status on discord and know it'll never be green again.
>Realize that even if no one even knows who you are your life affects other people.
Anons your life has value even if it doesn't seem like it at the time, there are people who care about you even if they don't know who you are.
>Best wishes to user, even though I never knew his name.
Will miss you user
On Doomer/Jow Forums discord
Other urls found in this thread:
please tell me youre talking about gunjys discord
Every day I fear the day of losing tbqh
what discord server is that? Having someone to miss me and feel sand once I off myself sounds nice.
It's a Doomer discord you can find the link on Reddit
>doomer/Jow Forums discord
Fuck off back to there then you worthless piece of shit and take the rest of the tranny wannabees with you.
Hopefully the rest of you abominations hang yourselves as well and do me a favour.
post link to discord OP, I would love to join!
there's no need to be originally rude, user
okay, fuck off now
Due to the admins discretion I'll link the Reddit you can find it from there anons :)
Jokes on you i don't have any social media account to be missed
As tragic as it is, why are you surprised that something called the doomer discord would be home to such a thing?
Wow, it's gonna be a real bummer when you forgot #randomfaggot25 on discord in five years.
>never green again
>its pottery, i cri evrytiem
>Linking to rebbit
The fact those faggots have already hijacked wojack along with youtube faggots shows how dead image board culture is.
>tfw not a doomer
I wish I could join this discord. Sounds comfy.
i fucking know, this motherfucker samelessly links to that abomination and act like it's all part of Jow Forums culture.
>man fuck you zoomers, you dont understand ReAL suUfFering. Killing yourself? Pffftt, thats pussy shit
>alright now i post the cool pic of a depressed looking guy smoking, thatll make me look like a real oldfag
>Unnamed image file
He posted smoking shaggy TO MOCK YOU, You zooming nigger
Face it anons, Jow Forums and reddit are joined at the hip now. People posted so much about reddit here that some anons were bound to check out reddit. Reddit also talks about Jow Forums a lot so they were bound to come here.
May I suggest a dash of "go back to plebbit" and a smidge of "ha-ve s-ex" in your post. Really makes it more likely someone will reply. And what good is this post from Op anyways? To venerate the guy that killed himself? To bring attention to the depressed anons grouping together seeking out others with the same issues? His post does nothing, just like the people on that discord and just like the people in the guys actual real life. It's not about being edgy, its about op posting about this guy like its some memorial when he didn't do jack shit and will likely forget about him just as soon as he was willing to bring him up.
name of the discord?
id wager a good 30+% of the old robot population has commit suicide
feels bad man
i hope he did a backflip
Nice jok men!! XDDDD