Hello mio anonos, post pics of your rooms.
Room Thread
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bump mio frendos
Here's my room pic, its comfy but seems cluttered. I like these threads so this counts as a bump.
> purses on wall
> loli hug pillow
real confused about the person who owns this room
I like your tucked in frog thing.
Why do you love Canada so much? We have ourselves a cuck country here, you know?
Where you the girl that was into retro cameras?
> not loving Canada
We're not much but at least we're not everyone else!
Those artifacts all represent a better Canada that once existed. Except for the charter, but it still just looks nice.
We actually suck ass, and we are all cucks. I have come to realize this. We provide nothing of value to the world.
Touche, and the charter isn't half bad. The problem with it is the legal standing and the government being ruled to be allowed to limit speech lmao.
Why shouldn't we feel pride in our nation's history.
What History, John A's gin addiction? Lester Pearson and Diefenbaker hating America? P.E.T and Fils? What history? Oh wait, let me guess, Vimy Ridge right? I guess you must not know your first world war history much, cause that battle was basically useless. We had the easy beach on D-Day. We didn't even follow our closest allies into Iraq when they wanted someone to back them, instead the Liberals threw confetti in the House when Chretien said we wouldn't be participating.
Have you read the news about the F-35? The gubmint said no to the plane, now they're loading the bidding competition to favour the F-35 so they can pretend like they are serious and didn't just make a rash decision. This happened before with the damn sea kings. Our country is a joke.
transgender child molester
ahahaha no fucking way this can't be real
> We actually suck ass, and we are all cucks. I have come to realize this. We provide nothing of value to the world.
What's the better country to live in? World ain't great. And it's not about providing value to the world, it's about being a good country to be in
trying to make it comfy
Not my room where I sleep but it's where I spend 95% of my free time.
I like your furniture. How much did that bedroom set cost you?
Looks comfy and actually based
Looks good, there's a lot of action figures but not too much furniture so it balances out the clutter. Nice Ween sticker on your bass.
Post more robots!
no idea, i've had it since i was a child, just got to keep it with me
thanks! i'm downsizing the figures a lot, some of them i just don't know if i'm keeping or not so they're kind of cluttering up the desk and dressers.
cool room my nigga.
very comfy, feels like it could belong to an unusually mature/tasteful student or an adult who's not hasn't lost touch with his inner kid
based fox rugs
why so many british flags
very gay
I can't it's got a wooden board over the window right now because I threw a medal through it. My living room is basically my bedroom right now.
Biological female :)
Thank you!! His name is naughty cat sheng sheng
Yes I am! I got a new canon t80 recently.
very nice
i wish my place was this nice
>I threw a medal through it
Based disturbed veteran user
unusually mature/tasteful student would probably be the best way to describe - i'm not that old lol
>Yes I am! I got a new canon t80 recently.
Cool user, have you taken any cool new photos?
Not quite disturbed just angry and drunk. Happens to the best of us. Need to get that window repaired soon but the fucking parts have to be shipped in from Germany.
Not yet! At the airport right now about to go to Australia though and it's in my bag (as well as a pentax) so hopefully I'll get a lot of cool pics that I can post in the next thread
KYS you faggot waste of life
Cool, are there any cameras you'd recommend if I wanted to try that stuff out?
how can I be a faggot if im a straight, bio female. you're just jealous of my cute room surely
so you are a veteran. what were you angry about user?
My first (film) camera was a 1967 halina paulette electric and it was pretty good for a first because you had to do absolutely everything manually. the view finder didnt actually match up with the sight of the lense so you mostly had to guess about what you were shooting. but if you want something a bit better and easier to use/find, try a pentax me (super), 1976-1980! that's the one I've got with me
What's in the glass tank over to the right?
>inb4 pet spider
Do you keep the pillow out when people come over and if so how do they react
Disgusting protestant whore on the wall next to an Orthodox cross ?????
Get out of my country, you fucking Anglo shit
a leopard gecko called squishy! hes best boy
You trying to be my therapist now? I'm not paying you fyi. I was angry over something that happened a long time ago and being drunk just tapped into that. Still drinking though.
>Everyone has such big rooms
Feels bad being a poorfag lmao. I have a bed and a dresser and I can barely move in my room.
What do you think of my room anons? Rate out of 10
I do keep it out because only like two people come over and they're even more degenerate than me
weird but at least it isn't a spider. I knew a girl who kept a pet spider before and I don't understand it.
i'm just curious user. people interest me. can i ask what happened?
Eastern Rite Catholic actually.
And Quebec Catholics loved the monarchy until Canada started going to shit, really makes you think.
Is that the royal family? Awesome flags too. Don't suppose you like the new one?
do people come in your room?
I probably mentioned it on here before. Someone I was close to passed away. Not really been right since.
Crazy to think the guy in this image has probably either cleaned himself up and maybe started a family, or is dead. I don't want to assume he's dead, but this picture must be well over 15 years ago and he is in horrible shape and hygiene.
Thanks. Yeap it is the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh, I also have an old portrait of King George VI and the Queen Mother Elizabeth but, I haven't put it up yet. I also have a picture of Queen Victoria but, I don't even have a frame for it.
Yeah I don't like the current government flag. Though I do kind of think of it as a mercy, that the flags were changed right about at the time when the old Canada was dying and the new Canada was becoming evil. At least now it kind of serves as a clear demarcation of the old and the new.
only my parents usually and like two other friends
>having two parents
Makes me feel bad man
I'm sorry, user. I'll be your mommy :^)
go blues
You should totally sell me that Majora's mask amiibo
>naughty cat sheng sheng
Its the dad that I'm missing, honestly it wasn't until like halfway through high school that I realized normal families are supposed to have a mother and father.
I got it from an Asian cutesy store where everything there was in bad English
Do you live in Ottawa by any chance, friend?
Very cute. Be my stuffed animal buddy :3
No I live in British Columbia
Yes pls. Post pictures of yours
We meet again, lady of my heart. Our previous conversation was abruptly interrupted.
I would but I am scared to post them on this board.
I help organize with the monarchist league chapter out here in Ottawa, look us up if you ever want to live some place relevant to our cause.
My darling! How are you! I'm flying out to Australia now and perhaps we shall meet at our destined lake?
Aw ): That's okay!
Aye, I've been waiting there for a long time. What shall you be doing in that ruffian-ridden wasteland, before making it to the lake?
Oh my! I apologise for keeping you waiting ): I'm going to such a wasteland in order to pay visit to my sister and also see a band hah
I hope that band isn't one of brigands! Are you perhaps planning on joining a gang? Such behavior isn't befitting a lady.
Has your sister been taken by a knight of veritable attributes yet?
Its Blackpink I'm going to see actually! A bit lame but I'm not the one paying hah. I wouldnt dare join a gang though! Unless they were polite and did stuff like deface parks by planting flowers.
My sister was never very pure morally but I think she has managed to sustain a bearable level?
D-do you have a discord I can add perhaps?
I do have discord but I'd prefer to add yours rather than drop mine. I'm about to board my flight though so I may be a bit slow
Do you have a throwaway email perhaps cause it's scary dropping a discord
do *you* have a throwaway email I can contact? :')
xxthrowawayxx42069@gmai dot com
Plz no bully
you should get an email with an image attachment too
By Christ's nails, those sacrilegious remnants of the Golden Horde are getting out of hand! I will be soon attending a street performance myself, by a wholesome band of renown.
Planting flowers is a noble pursuit that I would contribute to. Modern settlements of concrete do defy all that is holy and humane.
Do try to place your sister back on the righteous path, she could be a fine wench, I can tell.
Shall I send you an electric letter as well? My heart is big but also cautious, and so it suffers under so many watchful eyes.
I adore street performances! But sadly I dont find myself going to them very often in actuality...
Will I find you joining me in planting flowers? I love orchid calypsos, but they'd be too hard to keep alive in areas of the general public.
My sister is far older and more intelligible so I think my words would fall deaf upon her ears.
I would adore an electronic letter from you if you would be willing to supply an address?
interesting pc case
very cozy! based!
R8 my fgts. I think i win in the lamest room department. Also, theres some intense autism going on in this thread rn.
Roses and sunflowers are dear to my heart, and of course I would gladly aid you.
Do send a lock of your lush hair to this address: [spoier][email protected][/spoiler]
Ask and you shall receive my dear! I hope it comes swiftly.
you seem interesting but kind of bland. I think I had some of those legos when I was a kid.
comfy and cute, would "chill" with if you get my drift
you seem cool, would hang out or jam with. PU to the pop figures and MCU though.
sports/ew. everything else looks bland as well. those cables make me want to puke.
a man of culture and taste. great view. looks like you have a good life.
nice set-up. it's simple and cluttered but it looks like you got your needs down.
yeah pretty boring, in fact so boring it's scary. like one of those old room escape puzzle flash games.
Cool user I'm from BC too, I go to SFU. What are you doing in school?
I really love your room. I see it often and it feels comfy, you have a good taste in music too
Another brirbong
Boring hokey Chad tourist
I wish I had a closet, nice closet and good shoes user
Bonus round: shelves and CRT
Come to Odessa Texas and be my dweller-in-darkness BF. I make 140k as a drilling engineer at Halliburton and you can spend it all on low wattage light bulbs.
Not very comfy but I try
That's a very cool pillow!
Cute room, looks like something out of anime.
epic famguy styles!!!!!
>leafcuck and britcuck
Thanks, you mean the fox pillow right. I love it too
Oh really, because it is clean? Thank you
Family guy is nice to keep running in the background
>Oh really, because it is clean? Thank you
Maybe, I'm not totally sure. Just the feeling it gives off.
why do you have a giant log in your room, this seem to take space for nothing
If your room dont look as boring or messy as this then fuck off my board
true robot rooms are minimalist
it's a support beam for the living room above.