any robots out there have horrible sleep schedules?
>wake up at 6pm
>stay up until 10am
i usually spend my time posting on here, getting high, or listening to edgy synth tunes.
how do you all spend your nights?
any robots out there have horrible sleep schedules?
>wake up at 6pm
>stay up until 10am
i usually spend my time posting on here, getting high, or listening to edgy synth tunes.
how do you all spend your nights?
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Fall asleep at 6am wake up 3pm.
i wish i could get drunk tonight but we're all out of booze. being drunk/high is the only way i can escape the purgatory of my own existence
ahh i've done that before, 3pm is nice because you can eat lunch and then dinner later instead of just eating dinner when you wake up at 6pm and being hungry for the rest of the night
It's 4am here and I'm still not sleeping. That's bad.
bed at 12AM wake at 6AM
spend all day at coffee shops and driving around to teach guitar to clients
too depressed to write music. too lonely. eat like a hobo. then sleep.
it's 3am here. feeling kinda sleepy because of the weed. probably gonna drink another monster to try and stay awake.
i dont even have a sleep schedule, but whenever i fall asleep i sleep for 12 to 16 hours
i wish i had the confidence/motivation to go outside often. i haven't left my house in like 2 weeks. how do you do it, user?
i've slowly started to sleep more. for a while my body clock only allowed me to sleep for about 6-8 hours. now im sleeping at least 10-12, which is pretty comfy.
i wear a cap to cover my receding hairline and I pray to God that my car starts
i go to the same places every week. pho restaurant. tapioca teahouse. starsucks. whatabooger. taco cabana. popeyes
i dont have a car but most places close to me are easy enough to walk/cycle to, i'd love to grab starbucks and cycle around the park n stuff but i i just feel intense anxiety about going outside. i don't know how to overcome it.
One almost cannot be a robot without being nocturnal.
I go to bed about 0600 and wake up sometimes after noon usually no later than 1500
>One almost cannot be a robot without being nocturnal
i've been waking up super late, i cant believe i actually woke up at 6 today, and i only got up because i had to catch dinner.
I'm the opposite nightanon
> fall asleep at 7PM after work
> wake up at midnight - 3 AM
> internet and jerk off until its time for work
REEEEEEE it fucking sucks
>have to wake up at 6am 5 days a week for work
>literally incapable of adapting, even if i turn off all electronics or use blue-blocking glasses after work
>can't exercise at the gym after work because it keeps me awake even worse at night. slowly getting fatter every day
>can't go to the gym before work because i would wake up and just be like "FUCK ALL I WANT TO DO IS SLEEP" and just go back to sleep because i don't actually have to be at work
>doctor prescribed ambien and it didn't help at all
it's terrible because people just assume you're lazy when actually it's not that at all, they found genes that predispose people to this. also you could flip it around and say morning people are lazy they just go to sleep early whereas we have energy even when it's dark out to be productive and accomplish things.
reminds me of myself back when i was at school. i used to just not sleep at nights and go to school tired as fuck and usually drunk or high, then go home absolutely knackered and sleep for a few hours, then get up and fuck arouund on my pc until school time.
i don't think i could survive in a typical wagie 9-5 job. i wouldn't be able to handle the strict schedules and i'd probably get pissed and shit quickly and just leave after a month. i was considering getting zopiclone to help me sleep but i realised i'd probably just end up using it to get high.
just a little bit everyday. no more no less.
Sleeping when the day breaks
Dreaming as the evening falls
He's got no more headaches
Leaving us with empty walls
The last of many efforts
I know it's not my place
But I don't even wonder why
What commitment
What grace
To just refuse to be alive
i'll try to get better at it. cant make any promises though.
thats a nice poem, user. i can empathise with that a lot.
I also like how everyone fucking acts like it's just a matter of going to bed early.
I fucking did that. I did school, I did the 9 to 5. Constant unrelenting jet lag fucking sucks
>wake up
>get dressed
>comb hair
>zombie my ass out the door and off to work
>lunch = nap because fuck food I'm fucking tired as fuck, fuck.
>go home
>pick up dinner on way home maybe
>eat dinner
>crawl onto couch
>pass out
>wake up 3 or 4 hours later
>take shower
>go to bed
>takes an hour or 2 to fall asleep
>wake up
>Friday night arrives
>lol I'm just gonna skip the couch and shower and go straight to fucking bed around 6pm on Friday fuking evening
>still fucking sleep in till noon
Sleep phase disorder?
i guess:
but the thing is it wouldn't be a problem if i didn't have a 9-5 job
i know that fucking feel. im so glad i quit school, that was literally my experience with being on every fucking school day. just constant tiredness and no motivation. on the months following up my dropout i just started to skip class and wander around the woods vaping.
meant to say the months prior to my dropout
Finished uni for the year and nothing going on at work, on a very pleasant 2PM-4AM.
I wake up, go to the gym, go to the supermarket, maybe go to the cinema, come home, get high, sit at computer, sleep.
that sounds fun user. i wish i could learn to have fun by myself outside but im way to anxious and self-conscious.
Used to be the same desu, when I eventually realised it was a problem I started reminding myself that the things I was anxious about doing weren't wrong, and it was probably just a learnt response from as a kid.
Then it's just exposure to learn how to act normally, and learning to not care what people think anyway.
That's sort of hoe a sleep phase disorder works. If you can live and work around your abnormal sleep schedule then it doesn't present much problem
Unless you're a non-24 hour, then that would suck hard dick
Moat od my high school is a haze now that I'm past. Most everything before going NEET is a haze.
Not that I like me in NEET, but holy fuck is finding a night job impossible. Why the fuck happened to "no one wants to work graveyard"?
I wake up at 6:30-7AM and sleep at 3-4AM. Never felt better even though it's only a few hours. It's a thing that runs in my family, both my parents are the same.
aaaa well how should i start? im considering cycling around the park but im kinda bad at riding my bike due to my dyspraxia.
same, my school days are pretty hazy now, which are for the most part a good thing, because i have a lot of horrible memories from that time which i'd definitely like to keep repressed. i could perhaps stomach a night job, depending on how stenuous it is
i remember sleeping 3 hours before school and feeling like a narcoleptic zombie. you're lucky you can function on such a small amount of sleep,
Wherever u feel comfortable, baby steps, you could just walk around the park even.
Sometimes when I'm just sitting on a bench people will come and chat, that might help you also.
It depends on the day and how I feel but usually I sleep around 4 and wake up around noon. Some days it's like 7 and 3 tho
When I was studying in college I'd like 45 minutes sleep and stay functional. I'd end up falling asleep at like 9 or 10PM though which would throw my whole sleeping pattern out. Anything more than 6 hours makes me feel like I'm hungover. How many hours of sleep do you think you need? Is debilitating being that tired?
that would be nice. i usually come off as a pretty weird person though. i'm quiet and can't really hold conversations too well.
Any other user polarised as fuck too? I either get no sleep or sleep for 12 hours.
>How many hours of sleep do you think you need?
not him, but 8-9
>Is debilitating being that tired?
yes. mood is terrible, just irritated/agitated all the time. body feels weak and sore, like all the energy is sucked from your muscles. all you want to do is lay down.
Better to be weird and quiet than weird and loud I suppose, again I know it sounds cliche but asking questions definitely helps, people like to talk, and it takes the pressure off you a lot.
That's like a third of the day though. When do you find time to do things? Albeit I procrastinate a lot but I don't think I'd manage without the additional time.
And being that sleep deprived is just like being awake too long it seems.
i usually go to sleep around midday and wake up at 9pm though i've been having trouble falling/staying asleep recently :(
>wake up at 11:59
>just because its before noon
>make ichiban noodles
>watch tv till supper
>apply for a few jobs
>cook a real meal for dinner
>play vidya till 3am
>watch tv till 5am
living the dream
thats how i used to be, but i've just started staying up way later because im bored and want to do stuff.
jesus fucking christ user, 45 minutes would make me unfunctionable. i feel i need at least 6, and preferably 8.
it's horrible being tired, i'm so fucking unfocused and lazy i literally want to do nothing. it's horrible.
that's a good idea, actually. i might try that.
>That's like a third of the day though
>When do you find time to do things?
like what? i am a wage slave, there's nothing more i actually need to do, besides eat. i can eat and wageslave and still have a few hours left
>And being that sleep deprived is just like being awake too long it seems.
yeah ,basically, but i feel like waking up without adequate sleep feels even worse some times than being awake too long. but i was ever only awake too long because of drugs
>i've just started staying up way later because im bored and want to do stuff.
I'm kind of the opposite, I just try and sleep as much as I can. I stay up late cause I work graveyard shift so it fucks my schedule
It's so fucked i don't even have a schedule, i sleep whenever i feel i can.
Getting there usually involves me taking a variety of substances to help knock myself out.
Became pretty addicted to ambien at one point, blacking out and making a total mess of the place.
If it's any consolation I don't enjoy getting 45 minutes of sleep. The ideal is 3-4 hours. Sometimes 5 on the weekend.
You could read or learn an instrument or even play vidya or watch anime or some shit. I don't know. I even started trying my hand at photography to fill the time. If you know when to get up you can see some beautiful sunrises.
>You could read or learn an instrument or even play vidya or watch anime or some shit. I don't know. I even started trying my hand at photography to fill the time. If you know when to get up you can see some beautiful sunrises.
only thing out of that list i want to do is read.
but if i am sleep deprived i feel like crap and don't even want to read.
>wake up at 6pm
>eat dinner
>post on r9k and talk to people on discord
>eat ramen
>continue to post on r9k and discord
>eat a sandwich
>crawl into bed, fuck around on my phone for half an hour
>pass out at 10am
i used to have trouble sleeping bc stress but now i just vape and smoke until my stresses just fade. it helps a lot with sleeping