Whether you like it or not. This is your official Jow Forums roster.
Whether you like it or not. This is your official Jow Forums roster.
why isn't there a femanon robot character for me T_T
thats what the trap/tranny character is for you idiot.
actual unironic oldfag reporting in.
how do you feel about me making oldfag it's own class? Do you believe in the distinction between wizard and oldfag?. Or do you think they are too similar?
>Tranny main joins the server
Can we just ban these fucks already? They ruin the meta and make the game shit for everyone else.
Maybe next game, bro.
pretentious druggie reporting in, recommending that everybody take magic mushrooms RIGHT NOW, because it will expand your world view, and you're dumber than me if you haven't taken them yet
Should I do character bios next?
Robot9002 announcement when? Get on it gookmoot.
Yes, please do. This was interesting
>thinking literally deluding yourself makes you smart
You threw your cognition out of wack for a brief time and felt odd bodily sensations and perhaps random strong emotions that you believe indicate some personal truth all whilst seeing shitty hypnagogic patterns. Yeah we get it. Keep your shrooms.
It takes 10 years for Jow Forums to change. Oldfags participated in the first 10. This is the second. I think the third will be the last bad one. It will be like now but worse. But massive creativity and originality may come out of it. 4 may be the best Jow Forums era.
Shitposter here. Lel. Although the word shitposting has been adopted by normalniggers so im hesistant to use it
Inb4 someone calls me a kneejerk contrarian.
Kys retard.
What a nice picture. This made me smile :)
A new challenger approaching...
first one up.
literally who?
who could it be?
>tfw DLC
keep in mind the roster was only 8 characters big in the beta. After the full was released it was too late to add all of them so i made them DLC
randomly, the aussie is next.
trans 3rd.
going to post one more for today. Which should i do?
The Literal Autist
Overworked wagie here
Report in bros
I need tips on how to fall asleep or help with stress
Overworked wagie please
all right. All do overworked wagie. In his alternate wojak skin.
damn it i made an typo. here have the improved version.
i've tweaked the others too.
allright, heres that wagie one.
going to keep making them, brots.
last one of the day. I'll post more tomorrow.
Literal autist here! :D
Pretentious druggie from the first thread, good to see this back.
This is amazing, seriously, really good writing
Robot wagie reporting in
Bow to the sacred cow
Do it now.