How does this opinion make you feel?
How does this opinion make you feel?
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What an antisemitic bitch. Those brave men risked their lives to protect Israel.
Sounds like she grew up privileged enough not to see the dirty tactics army recruiters use on minors, so why is her opinion worth reposting?
Why the fuck do you care what people think? Just ask yourself, user.
I'm not exactly a massive fan of American foreign policy, but to suggest that the troops are just going out and killing a bunch of innocent people is completely incorrect. She may have been been talking about the terrorists not having free will and that was how they are 'innocent' but for some odd reason I highly doubt it.
But I do completely 'collateral damage' shouldn't even be called 'collateral damage' and should be taken much more seriously. Most innocent civilians being killed is due to bombs and not troops. The troops do not intentionally kill innocent people. No matter how much you hate America, if America had the choice to not kill anyone, it would. The same is not true for the terrorists.
Also using the term 'white male' when it's completely irrelevant to the situation meme.
To either see people get outraged or to initiate a discussion.
Oh know some white bitch doesnt like me boohoo whatever shall i do.
why the fuck would you feel bad about caring some little sandnigglet anyway? i'd sooner feel bad about the chicken who died for my lunch than smoking some little shitskin from the asscrack of the world.
adding white male to her post gave her carte blanche to say LITERALLY any hate filled rant she wanted and get upvotes
It's a somewhat valid opinion. Some military people are war criminals. All of them chose to go over there with guns and kill people. When you sign up to go and murder people, which includes children sometimes, you'll see some fucked up shit, it's not that weird. There are consequences to being a murderer. If one of the consequences is having dreams of that kid you blew the head off of, well... you chose your job.
why does she specify american "white" men? wtf
>if America had the choice to not kill anyone, it would
Nigga you can't seriously be this fucking naive.
>The troops do not intentionally kill innocent people.
So it was just manslaughter then? Are you also in favor of prison reform so that other people guilty of manslaughter can get proper mental health care?
Bait harder man.
You're not going all out yet
Imagine having a PTSD episode while your wife fucks a BBC. That's the reality of killing brown children for personal enrichment
Misplaced anger, some of the troops are certainly bastards who deserve your scorn but the majority of your hate should be directed towards the systems that produce imperialism in the first place and con people into being instruments of the state.
I blew up a kid with a SMAW who was shooting at my squad from a fortified position. The Adrenaline high was indescribable. It was the best moment of my life thus far.
It is unethical to refuse a service member's wife if she propositions you for sex. If you decline, you are complicit in the murder of innocent women and children and the proliferation of the military industrial complex.
Is there anything more cucked than joining the military at this point? You literally just fight wars started/perpetrated by Israel just so Jews can make money, meanwhile your wife gets plowed up and down the stairs by Chad. If you aren't blown to pieces by sandniggers you'll just have PTSD for twenty years until you kys. What's the result? Who wins? (((Them))) of course
It's seriously the ultimate form of cuckholdry
Shes right and wrong.
They did willingly sign up for the military, they either got jewed by the recruiters or were JROTC bootlickers from highschool.
What i disagree with is that we shouldnt feel bad. Mental issues destroy people, saying that one persons dont matter is to reject your humanity, and then you're as good as an animal and deserve to be killed as such.
>Mental issues destroy people
So do the bombs and bullets that they fired at innocent people to get mental issues in the first place. Why don't we also spend money on finding a cure for lung cancer in pack-a-day smokers too?
Feels good knowing people like this exist, their own lives are their punishment.
Was the shot in the nose what killed him?
both the OP imagine opinion and this user's opinion are true.
Gee. I do wonder, user...
I do wonder.
>3 confirmed kills
Every dumbass could kill 3 civilians with the military power of the US at his disposal, that doesn't make you badass.
>The troops do not intentionally kill innocent people.
Recently there have been stories of American troops killing children and old people for fun.
>No matter how much you hate America, if America had the choice to not kill anyone, it would.
You're a naive, blinded patriot who is living in dream world
Anyone using the term "confirmed kills" that isn't a sniper or a fighter pilot is bullshitting.
>dirty tactics army recruiters use on minors
Yes those poor baited retards who will get shot by some other welfare queen if they don't kill civilians.
link to one then. Should be easy right?
We're always presented with some idyllic image of soldiers who go in the army to serve their country and keep people safe. Literally every single person I know who went in the military did so 1) for education/career benefits 2) because they seemed to have some fetish for being a TROOP and getting the respect 3) because they were too stupid to do anything else with their lives. I don't think all troops are pieces of shit, but I definitely think most are. At best just brainlets who loved the idea of being able to tell people they served. They don't deserve sympathy for anything
Nice original commenty
Otales me feel like this thread probably belongs on Jow Forums
You're welcome
Daily reminder that no one respects troops and that girls will cheat on you if you "serve." Also the starting pay is lower than minimum wage in many areas.
Yes. It is easy. I think you live in your own world and choose to be ignorant of real life. Here's a wakeup call. Many soldiers are war criminals. The wars America involves itself in aren't to spread democracy and freedom, they're for profit.
vast majority of combat mos are filled with white men
why did you take this photo
The tribalist mind truly is an enigma.
Because American soldiers are psychopaths who enjoy killing.
the military only exists to kill people
there are all races and types in the military
is right tho
but it's true that PTSD is often due to involvement/witnessing of war crimesjust as much as seeing ur bro get blown up.
Alot of troops are racist assholes who hate brown people
Soldiers in the US war machine deserve no sympathy. It's a shit job for retards who don't know they're signing their life to the government.
They are indeed sick psychopaths
There was just a court case about a Navy Seal who sniped little girls for the fuck of it. Also a huge chunk of mercs are ex-American military and mercenaries are constantly being charged with murder and rape.
for every racist gun fucking white infantryman there are 3 regular people in the military just working in support, admin, and intel.
Yes anomalies do exist. Unfortunately America is run and filled by humans. I was speaking generally. If America could dictate exactly what happened in the Middle East without killing a single person then they absolutely would. I'm not even American so this isn't any kind of patriotism.
>I'm not even American
Then why are you telling Americans what our army is like? In the past 4 years, America has threatened war with Russia, North Korea, Syria, and Venezuela. The United States is currently bombing West African countries that have nothing to do with the Middle East. Our government is corrupt and sends the army to kill for money like a bunch of gangbangers. Our army is full of psychopaths who enjoy killing and raping. This is just the reality of things.
>ignore CIA reports suggesting an aerial terror attack on the east coast
>they actually do it and 5,000 people die
>turns out most the terrorists came from Saudi Arabia, one of your greatest allies in the ME
>later turns out that the big baddie is member of the current saudi arabian royal family as well as getting his funds from them
>as a result invade a country that is hostile to Saudi Arabia, saying they have WMD's
>turns out they didn't who would've thought
>then invade another country that would threaten the Saudi/Israeli hegemony (Afghanistan)
>then another (Libya)
>then another (Syria)
>meanwhile, overthrow democratically elected governments and install crooked despots who'll later turn on you because that's what worked since the 70s
You're a fucking dumbass if you think that the US of all countries gives a single flying fuck about the wellbeing of the people in the countries they invade, they don't even give a fuck for their own mooks.
Us soldier are murderous and evil
yeah, I addressed that in reason #3
this is what we KNOW about. Imagine what the assholes smart enough to not take pictures get up to
Because black people and minorities do nothing but profit off of the system. They have no need to fight for our country because they don't consider themselves a part of it.
>She may have been been talking about the terrorists not having free will and that was how they are 'innocent' but for some odd reason I highly doubt it.
Stopped reading there. They literally carpet bomb everything. Fuck you
I doubt that any US soldier gives a shit about shitskin child #23432 they unloaded a mag in, but you know what they do care about? Their fellow soldiers they have been with. Their friends who died.
No random guy is gonna feel bad about a ptsd faggot. Their family will care because it's family, and that won't stop. I don't understand why all these foreign people believe in the "USA loves its veterans". We ignore them for the most part.
>these "people" consider themselves above minorities despite coming off as soulless insects
A black dude was fucking president. There's blacks doing far better than your shitposting ass. Let's hear how you've been such an amazing benefit to your country.
>Implying I claimed to be any better
I merely stated the facts, retards
Cope. You're a racist prick who would feel more at home wit your fellow brainless poltards. R9k is accepting of blackbots and essebots. We don't accept trash like you, however
>Only good boys get into le kool klub and y y you are not invited
They're clearly in their 20s, so the opinion is meaningless
>The troops do not intentionally kill innocent people.
I mean i guess you aren't wrong.Some soilders or a whike troop go and fuck shit up just because but THE troops don't do it
No actually, what I'm saying is that the containment board is over here and I'd appreciate it if you stopped polluting my fucking qatari hopscotch forum
you ever watch a movie and think 'damn this is horribly written, these bad guys are just evil for the sake of being evil'
then you realize the american army exists
They don't go crazy because they killed people. They go crazy because they can't legally kill anymore and they're addicted to that rush.
Fuck off bootlicking welfare queen
>the lives of innocent peopl
There is no such thing as innocence only degrees of guilt
Kind of agree.
I hate all this "love the military" bullshit... it's not so big over here in England though thankfully.
I think if you join the army, you can't be shocked when bad shit happens... you knew what you signed up for, deal with it.
You're not a hero, you're a glorified war pawn.
get a load of all these communist cuckolds lmao
>0 results on google image search
Extremely based. Wish I could have joined you brother, but my gov wants trannies and fags in the military.
Soldiers have always done fucked up shit in war. Literally read some history. For the longest fucking time they didnt even get paid regularly so rape and pillage was a part of the package
because non-whites living in white countries are plagued with insecurity and they show this by lashing out at white men like a toddler throwing a tantrum
pic related explains it better
They are misogynistic pedophilic pigs. They deserve to get a taste of some #WesternMedicine.
If you support women's rights at all, you should be against Islam.
>giving up your life to serve your country is bad
Pussies like you is why your country is being invaded by mudslimes
Fuck Islam and sandniggers but I think that the correct course of action is to allow them to live the way they like. The truth is, the US is only over there fucking with those monkeys because they have oil. If and when oil ever becomes played out (it'll be awhile before Americans catch up with the rest of the world) they'll be left alone to do whatever the fuck savagery their prophet tells them to partake in.
>One black's achievement become's every black's achievement
By the same logic Obama was a rapist and a murderer because some other black was.
I was replying to a post that said
>Because black people and minorities do nothing but profit off of the system
It only takes one example to disprove that. Maybe learn to read before you spew garbage all over the place you fucking worthless piece of shit.
Pic related is you.
>implying war isn't causing refugees
Fuck Muslims for being bloodthirsty scum, fuck the soldiers for gargling politicians' balls (but good they do it so I don't have to) and fuck this tumblr user for being an sjw.
Psychopaths who enjoy killing make the best combatants.
I do actually struggle with respecting soldiers that can't handle their shit
It's not like you weren't warned, or prepared. I guess no matter how much muscle you build, some people stay sensitive forever. Can't wait for robo soldiers
Well when you enjoy what you do, you never work a day in your life.
Pax per bellum, amicus.
He's right and you're retarded, you can't cherry pick one example of a shitty nigger president as proof that blacks hold societal value while ignoring the 13/50.
totally dude and kids get bullied because the bullies are jealous lmao
That's actually a very common reasoning for bullying, especially when it comes to things like economic disparities among teens; poor kids fucking hate rich kids with a vitriolic passion. Just because you restate the argument like a retard does not make it untrue.
>be minority
>get treated like shit
>don't like getting treated like shit
>try to steer clear of whites whenever possible /try and call them out for it
whites :"w-why don't they like us we never did anything to them they're so ungrateful :'("
Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?
Wow, I didn't realize how salty the world is that America has the strongest military on Earth by a wide margin. All these clowns making humongous, ridiculous, racist, sexist generalizations about people in the army is hilarious. Lol, your country isn't as strong, cope harder NPCs
I can also do shitty psychoanalysis
>try to steer clear of whites when possible
Never happens. Whites move away from big cities and the niggers follow.
Maybe 60 years ago this might have happened, but any nigger who claims to have been mistreated in a mix-race environment like a school on the basis of their race in the last three generations is totally full of shit.
In every school environment in the US, the white kids are just hoping that niggers don't chimp out, and everything they do is designed to placate you or avoid inciting you.
Oh my God whites LOVE being victims.
>Why don't we also spend money on finding a cure for lung cancer in pack-a-day smokers too?
We actually spend tens of billions of dollars a year on NIH grants to research ways to cure both lung cancer and a host of other behaviorally-linked diseases. Including exhibit A, HIV.
That being said, I think that the attention lavished on PTSD paradoxically makes it worse. The Leo DiCaprio character in "The Departed" had it right when he claimed that a lot of people SEE ON TV that they're "supposed to" get PTSD...and so they get it. Cultures that tell people who go to war that they should exult in and glory in the killing they've done get that. Maybe we should change what we instruct people they should feel as a result of war, and see if changing our instructions produces a better result.
i mean she kinda has a point
>Oh my God whites LOVE being victims.
So it's your position that in the overwhelming majority of mixed-race school environments in the US in 2019, the primary dynamic and concern is that black people will chimp out and how that can be avoided?
Maybe in the 1950's there were schools where a black kid had to worry that he'd get lynched for being black, but in 2019 there are none. Zero.
What the fuck ever, you are not. Maybe you hear what white anons think about you when you come on Jow Forums - but IRL you do not. IRL you walk around and do whatever you want and everyone around you placates you in the hope that maybe one more day will pass without you niggering the fuck all over everyone.
>that pic
Poor woman
>the primary dynamic and concern is
What was it like having the shit kicked out of you every day of highschool? Because clearly it wasn't enough.
American soldiers sent to murder foreigners make me sad, the point of being a soldier is to protect your people, not to murder others.