Be me
>have sex with gf
>she gets pregnant
>we both freak out because we can't get abortion due to circumstance
>only 2 weeks prego
>find out ibuprofen is a way to cause a miscarriage
>she takes 1600 mg
>misscarrys within 2 hours
Bots is this wrong?
Be me
Morally, yes, but no more wrong than abortion in general. If you're okay with abortion then don't even worry about it. Be more careful next time, and make sure she doesn't take anymore iburpofen for the next 24 hours. Last thing you need is any permanent damage from too much ibuprofen.
Who cares even? People will scream how its murder and will then go say to kill all niggers or something, they just dislike women
Heres the way you should see it
>a baby wasnt born unto parents that (assumedly) cant support it
>financially you arent fucked
>wasnt really alive even because if only 2 weeks no heartbeat and definitely no brain activity
Even with the stupid heartbeat = life bullshit its not murder, and who even cares really, you did what you did, moralfags will moralfag, just live life. If you were willing to do it some subconscious part of you thought it was ok, so dont look for validation from elsewhere
>>misscarrys within 2 hours
w-what do you mean? did she just shit the fetus out? that sounds very uncomfortable and possibly traumatic along with maybe damaging, is she going to be ok?
You'll regret it in the future but no choice is wrong. Enjoy old age user, try to think about how they would have turned out or if could have saved your relationship or forged you into a man.
Shut the fuck up
>You'll regret it in the future
What, when he's able to go to college because he's not burdened by a child? Or when he's on his 6th vacation to a foreign country this year because he doesn't have a crotch rodent running around?
You could have been more tactful and try less dangerous ways to cause a miscarriage, yes.
>have a gf
fuck off and die already
It doesn't fucking matter. 90% of fertilized embryos are menstruated out. We dont flush fetuses out of sanitary napkins ladies drop in the toilet. We all die, some sooner than others.
You saved yourself the trouble from raising a bastard, it's just how you gotta look at it and move on with life
No robot, it isn't wrong. I would argue that you in fact made the right decision.
He wont do any of those things user, hes a loser, college is a scam
I've talked 4 different girls ive knocked up into getting abortions, thing is I'm not a loser so they wanted to keep it to tie me down, I'm no moral fag there was ment to be a try NOT to think in there.
P.S suck my sweaty dick
t. Unhappy man
>Muh career
>Muh travels
Literally cock carousel tier thinking
Jokes on you i would suck it
>oh no people enjoying their lives how degenerate
Do I even have to tell you how retarded you sound?
I enjoy killing, raping, stealing and genocide, who the fuck are you or anyone tell me I cant enjoy my life doing all these things????
Do I need to tell you how retarded you sound
P.S my ass crack is kinda sweaty now too it's hot as fuck tonight
Boy oh boy you're edgy, let me guess, people can only have morals if they're religious too, right?
A swing and a miss buddy, I'm only guided my wacky sence of pride and hate for humanity
P.S Could you move your tongue in a side to side motion when you lick my ass crack
You made a valid choice, not wrong at all.
Too early for fetus
If you don't want babies, don't have sex you piece of human fucking shit. I hope you never get this opportunity again.
Why dont you just get a Vasectomy if you do not want to reproduce?
Youre the one fucking off and dying user, normies own the board now and all you can do is post images of dogs dying in retaliation. Hows it feel knowing that your retarded favorite website isnt even for you anymore?
no, if its something that you both agreed to. it is your relationship, it is your decision to make, not anyone elses.
>1600 mg ibuprofen inducing miscarriage
Yeah no, you guys just got lucky
this is an amazing alternative/choice
use some kind birth control you mong
even just a condom should be fine
>ruining 0 lives instead of 3 lives
you guys dodged a bullet with your quick action. idk how healthy home abortions are though.
Your girlfriend is a murderer.
See you and your child murdering roastie wife in hell.
Also, Im reporting this post to the FBI OP
It was very early on
did she really lose it after 2 hours? asking for future reference as i would prefer ibuprofen over dr. doorknob in an emergency like this
fuck off back to ribbit nigger
You can get abortion pills for free online
Yeah light painkillers can cause a miscarriage, but it puts the female at risk of losing fertility and its painful as fuck