how you been these past days user
How you been these past days user
Shit. Just like everyone else here.
i'm doing alright
i'm taking some vacation from work soon but i'm going to spend most of it lazing around and playing video games
i should really work towards being more productive outside of my professional life but being a useless piece of shit feels so good
you should but to be fair "being productive" is what 99% of wage slaves on these boards say they will do on their vacation and never go through with it i say just go with it and if you do something you do something if not then keep goin atleast thats what i do
In the dark. My city got hit with what seemed like hurricane-like wind and rain which fucked up trees, businesses and power lines. Power was knocked out for the majority of the city and they had to call electric companies fron other states to help here because shit was way to fucked for the company here alone to handle.
Since Sunday (when the power went out), I've barely thought about this place. I was mostly thinking of how I was going to survive on canned food and bottled water and protecting myself from possible intruders because nothing attracts them more than neighborhoods that don't have power and therefore don't have security. Helping clean up as well. This whole thing was quite and experience.
Now our power is back on and this all feels so foreign to me now. I'm glad to be back I guess but I wouldn't mind leaving this place to do actual stuff again and be a part of real life.
going back to those "caveman" like instincts been there and heard of these feelings its like haveing every...first world problems if you will suddenly disappear and all you have to worry about is simply surviving it seems so simple yet its all you really can do sense everything else for the time being is gone
I've been better
Fucked up my sleep schedule over the last month. Usual bed time is like 5 AM now. Pissed that USPS is fucking up the delivery of my power bank. Already got shafted beforehand by losing out on a vinyl order from March that never came. The moment Paypal finishes the dispute and gives me my money back for the vinyl + whenever I get my power bank is when I'll go back to my normal self
I got super drunk yesterday, thankfully I didn't do anything stupid, but my stomach is still not feeling right almost 24 hours later. I think there's something wrong with me.
Nice dubs
I feel the same as you, been staying up till 5am and hating myself cause then I wake up and go directly to work
Hate my life
bad as always but this week has already started shit.
on monday i sperged out on my job and broke 50$ worth of products. nobody found out it was me, and i've been doing this for a long time but it's mostly 3-5$ products that i break. i really thought i was going to get caught this time