This one actually isn't bait I promise. Also if you're just going to reply with a picture or drawing of an ugly trans person, you are neither original nor funny.
I'm a trans girl ask me anything
I wish I was brave enough to transition
Do you really think you are a girl? Or do you feel like a guy dressing up as a girl?
I have a question. Do you support transgender talking points being taught or supported by schools?
why do you insist on being an attention whore. why are so many of you attention whores. i literally couldnt care less how you live your life but you insist on being as annoying as possible. why.
do you want a bf who also might possibly be old enough to be your father
What do you mean? Do you take HRT and look feminine and stuff or did you legit cut off your dick? Also why did you transition?
The fact that gender dysphoria results in a rate of 50% attempted suicide in those who try and transition and ISN'T considered a mental illness has made me lost all faith in our psychological health infrastructure and institutions.
Just do it, you'll be much happier afterwords. Even if it seemed scary, it was definitely worth it for me.
will you be my gf? ordhs
Who is your favorite character from Little Witch Academia?
Do you eat your own cum? Originally I guess, I didn't know this was a common question?
Will you be this anons gf?
I think I am and feel like a girl I guess. I don't really feel like a dude dressing up or anything.
Major scientific and health institutions support these talking points and ideas, and I think teaching them can help people be more open and nice to trans people, and potentially be able to realize it easier if they themselves are trans.
No I'm good
I take hrt and look feminine, but I haven't gotten a vagina yet. I transitioned because I had wanted to be a girl for a really long time, and was depressed and unhappy as a guy. I feel so much better now that I've transitioned, and I'm so much happier.
Get your statistics straight, those are determined by surveying trans people to see if they've attempted suicide in the past, which includes before they transitioned. Transitioning reduces suicide rates.
Probably not, I'm already taken.
Don't have one, I still need to watch it.
See above
>Probably not, I'm already taken.
why are you still here then?
please tell me you're not getting SRS
>but I haven't gotten a vagina yet.
user please dont cut off your dick, I am begging you
I mostly stopped posting but sometimes it's fun and/or comfy.
I'm not about to fall for the axewound meme. And what's even the point of having a dick if I'm not going to use it.
>haven't gotten a vagina yet
Don't cut off your dick! The small dick looks cute, don't mutilate yourself. You don't want to be mentally ill and mutilated.
Thank the goyim god
Small dicks do look cute on girls, but I'd rather have a vagina.
user I'm trying to prevent eternal pain, irrepairable damage, and potential suicide. You're just fine with a dick and tons of guys probably prefer a dick.
whats even the point of getting a vagina if all it's good for is being a fuckhole with hairballs growing in it? you already have an asspussy to get fucked in, you might as well at least keep your sexual organs functioning, besides, stem cell vaginas and uterus transplants are literally only a decade away, why bother with substandard procedures now when you could quite literally have the possibility of bearing children in the future if you just waited?
Look, I know people who have gotten srs, and they're both totally fine and content with it. Stop spreading this shit.
Does it bother you that people will never fully accept you for what you are and will pretend to support you so they can look good in front of everyone online when they stand up for people like you on twitter. I mean at least people insulting you and letting you know your not a woman are being honest, surely the other kind are much worse.
Uterus transplants sure, but how the fuck would they attach the nerves on a lab grown pussy?
I mean I'd rather people shut up and virtue signal than actively try to say mean things about me
I will never be with a transgender who has a open infection hole and calls it a vagina
at what age did you start to transition? Are your parents/family supportive? Would you say you 'pass'?
>thread exclusively about identity-based attention whoring on a site where anonymity is the main feature
I hate you, but I hate this shitty board more for enabling it.
it's going to be some crazy cyberpunk fusion shit, trust me it's gonna come someday. all we have to do is wait a bit.
it's up to you on whether you believe me, but personally i'm gonna just hold out and wait for a more advanced procedure to arise.
You can't help those who don't want to be helped user. Plenty of guy willing to suck Hikari's baby carrot, be she wants a colon vagina. You have to let her go.
I started transitioning at 18, and my parents aren't really supportive but they let me do it anyways. I usually pass, but if I've put zero effort into my appearance sometimes I'll get called a him.
Saying it'll be complicated doesn't explain how we'll be able to do it. We're very far away. If we ever get that technology, I'll be at least like 50, and what's the point of that. MtF srs is honestly pretty decent, unlike it's made out to be on Jow Forums.
So I guess everyone I've talked to who has srs is a liar then?
>tripfag tranny
holy shit, you are the bottom of the barrel, huh.
unironically cut your dick off yourself with a fucking kitchen knife and bleed out. you will never be a woman. you are also a brainlet, the statistic still applies retard. fuck off and burn you disgusting perverse xy MAN.
>tfw no one wants to suck kappu's baby carrot
suicide stats and chromosomes arent an argument user. stay seething.
Kayla get back in the game and stop fucking around on Jow Forums please
>get called a him
Thats because you are one dumb fucking tripfag tranny. Die of an extreme anal prolapse and fuck off to your reddit safe space.
c-can i join your game
you are based and amazing. Thank you.
is your dick completely useless? can you still can hard or cum? Did you live as a gay male prior to transitioning?
>another tripfag animeposter
go get blacked in the ass dumb fucking clown. you have no argument besides your fetish.
I can get hard, and sorta cum. I lived as a bisexual male prior to transitioning.
Kayla, i'll let you ride the big dildo tonight if you stop messing around on Jow Forums
that is the opposite of based dumb nigger
imagine being this much of a brainlet
no problem cutie
btw stop using tripcodes like a dumbass please
Hows it gonna feel when you cant pass, have nasty fake tits and a useless dick at 30 years of age? Boomer in a dress. Maybe by that time, theyll have monster rainbow for you fags.
nope, you're a guy with a mental disability at worst or a LARPer at best
does your boyfriend treat you like a ciswoman? Does his family know you are trans and are they okay with it? Since you said you were bisexual, have you ever fucked a girl (as a male)?
post yourself then faggot onion licker
i love you Kayla
Become another statistic, schizo.
>Also if you're just going to reply with a picture or drawing of an ugly trans person, you are neither original nor funny
>the trannies have their own discord
also hi Kappu
nah, if a posted a pic of myself you faggots would probably just jack off to it.
Reminder that taking hormones and getting surgery will not make you a woman, and this is irrefutable.
hi user, how's your day been?
Im just pointing out that you are a dude, my guy
a boring blur as usual
I'm just waiting for Classic WoW to come out at this point to have fun again
That's a possibility...but how can I if you don't post a cute photo?
>implying thats not your faggot fantasy, a bunch of sweaty soiboy neet losers fapping to your picture
I have a girlfriend, and I don't think her family knows but idk if they'd care. I never fucked a girl as a dude but if I had I probably wouldn't have enjoyed it.
damn, someone needs to invite me
Taking hormones have made me pretty happy, so I don't really care about your opinion
you're supposed to be original on r9k, user
Do you think being trans is a mental illness?
im a transgirl, on hrt for three years, but on the trannynet for significantly longer than that, my question is why cant i find any other transgirl friends? y'all are just as vapid, exclusive, and narrow minded as any other women, ive tried to just find friends with relatable life experiences but most of you are just so shallow.
do you have discord i have serious questions that i want to talk to you about
>taking hormones makes you happy
In the same way alcohol makes people happy, temporarily. That anxiety, self hate, depression and likely suicide will catch up eventually my man.
post your boipussy now please
sounds fun, i'm just watching tory leadership debates on youtube and posting on here because im bored
facedoxxing would be very bad for my opsec user
only if theyre cute neet losers
is she a ftm? Does you peg you or what?
those things are pretty funny and original, you just dont think so because you get btfo
its not that hard to find trans girls that arent fucking retarded. i have quite a few cool trans frens that i talk to regularly. i'd be willing to introduce you to them if you'd like.
why is this on the front page? come on guys.... we need to do something about this.
>sage in all fields
You know you don't have to post face kappu
because nobody likes trannies. all they do is bitch about how something is quote on quote problematic, ride eachothers broken dicks with the obligatory yasss queen! comments or kill themselves
I haven't experienced this with the trans girls I've been talking to
sorry user but that's against the rules
if she was an ftm, I wouldn't have called her my girlfriend
i cant sage in all fields is this the trannies doing?
>sorry user but that's against the rules
underage b8
ye i know dont have to thats why i wont
It's because this post is a jewish psyop
no its against the rules because youre not allowed to post pics of yourself on r9k. have you even read the stickies newfag
At least give us an imgur link or something
hmmmm, potentially? ive mostly given up, just venting frustrations wine drunk rn. do you have a discord?
what you could do is unironically kill yourself. pretty please??
no facedoxxing would be bad for my opsec
yee, drop your tag and i'll send you a friend request
no thanks i dont want to
can you add me glue#1600 please this is not bait i have questions
Fine then...don't post then...I still love you kappu
stop making up words and post your boicunt
i worked with a guy named Shlomo it was gross he was proud of being a jew
i already cut myself, so sure. will do.
why are trans people on this board so nice? or am I just desperate for interaction?
i love you too user!
i am going to bed soon but feel free and add me
i worked with a guy named shlomo it was gross he was proud of being a jew. get off my board shlomo.
weak impersonation, didnt even tripfag.
thats a cute pic though, i wish i had the balls to cut myself like that.
Show us your boiclit and boicunt now.
daily reminder that the only reason transpeople make r9k seethe is because we're winning and soon they'll be extinct.
make me.
kappu is an original girl