Do you like pubes on a girl?

Do you like pubes on a girl?

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Depends on the girl, really. But trimmed is fine generally.

Absolutely not, shave that shit bald ffs

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If she has an innie then it's great. It only is gross when she has a roastie. Roastie with hair just looks disgusting and it's so obvious that she grew her hair out only to cover her nasty pussy up.

So you like it to look pr pubescent instead? Pedo

A WOMAN'S pussy is surrounded by a glorious bush

I'm cool with it for the most part.
If it's a goddamn jungle though I'm out.

Im a beast cause Id live in that jungle. Fuck baldcucks

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Waxed or lasered is best, that smoothness goddamn, but stubble is so fucking rank

Neatly trimmed is a good middle ground if the upkeep is bothersome

I don't mine a gal with a bit of hair down there.

Yeah, I think it's really hot unironically. Must be an age thing, because I thought it was gross when I was like 16 but now that I'm 27 it's hot, and I think it's kinda boring that most porn (drawn/irl) just has perfectly shaved chicks. It's kinda boring desu.