>Nephew killed himself over the weekend
Don't do it robots, my entire family is destroyed
>Nephew killed himself over the weekend
Don't do it robots, my entire family is destroyed
thinking about what it would do to my dad has stopped me a couple of times
What was his motive for killing himself?
I dont even know yet, brother hasn't said anything yet regarding possible motives
That's the pits uncle user.
>don't do it because it is inconvenient for the living
Maybe it reminds your family to not neglect people next time.
We all take things for granted
explain more
i've had many suicides in the family and we're just fine.
>pls keep suffering to prevent us from suffering
Not very fair
i'm sorry to hear that user, bereavement of a suicide is a terrible thing to go through. i wish i could give you more than anonymous condolences
Can you speak about the impact it's had?
>my entire family is destroyed
who cares, thats not my problem after im dead lmao
Not being a prick, I'm just doing research to make better educated choices.
So true. There's never enough love in the world unfortunately.
How old was he? I'm concerned about a young relative of mine.
idk why but this post made me laugh. Sorry for your lost dude
Did he reach out at all prior to this? If so then all sympathy I'd have is gone.
Based and originally originalpilled
He was 16, pleaes reach out to your relative robot, I wish I could have been a better uncle talk to him more or something
they'll be fine in a few weeks
I agree. My only friend died and it made me regret the many weeks and months I didn't spend with them, the things I never got to tell him, the games we would never play together, the stories and videos and music we would never share. It's hard to know what you're missing until it's gone.
Use this as a learning experience to be closer. I don't blame anyone for wanting to be isolated too though. That's what I've done. Can't get hurt if you don't put yourself out there. If I don't have family or friends who will die and put my head in the sand, then I can't lose them. Think about which path you want to take, user. Open up or shut down?
>force someone to live a terrible life so you don't have to feel bad for a day or 2
reeks of normalfag entitlement in here. fuck off back to tumblr op
you just try oh so hard to fit in with your robot boys
Yall niggas some fucking faggots. If you have this much conviction about it then why havent you killed yourselves yet?
>doesn't know how to sage lol
Only 16? Please tell me it was not because of bullies? If that is the reason, it is time for you to stab those fuckers. That is what I would do if anyone fucked with my nephews
jokes on you, you dumb faggot lmao
I hope he was a repressed tranny or an incel fuck. If so he did the world a favor.
If I had the balls to do it, I would.
To annoy people like you user.
Plot twist :
he didn't kill himself , it was smokepurp that rekt him.
Based! smokepurp take me too.
Theyll get over it in time. it was going to happen one day regardless what does it matter if its sooner or later.
Get over it dude. When my father died I got over it in like a day because I realized getting worked up over the dead is a completely pointless exercise and just makes things worse.
This is the only reason I haven't yet.
It fucking hurts to live so much, but thinking about what it might do to my family stops me so I'm in a perpetual state of not wanting to be here but feeling like having no choice.
Same. It's sad but I'm going to do it anyway.
How did his parents react?
>Don't do it robots, my entire family is destroyed
Yeah, robots, be good boys and endure your shitty life just so your shitty family who never cared about you irl doesn't feel shitty when you finally get freedom
very based and suicidepilled
>can't even sage properly
>the absolute state of niggers
You wouldn't do shit you fucking nigger. Always with the big words.
The only think that stops me atm
Much based and nigggerpilled
Why worry about the consequence? The lack of regret is, for me, by far the most appealing part of suicide
Why didn't you save him, uncle user?
>used to want to kill myself because I thought I was worthless
>stopped wanting to kms years ago
>now want to kill myself again because my life is shitty and fucked up and I have no future
Why suicide if you are a virgin go on Grindr and have sex you don't have to be alone
That's a nice pic
hey robots, I'm not thinking of killing myself. but, i don't see the point of "your family being sad don't do it"
i mean i would be dead why would i think about my family
>being gay will decrease your will for suicide
and girls have brains
why should i spend the rest of the my natural days suffering just to spare you some negative feelings the two or so weeks after my suicide?
this to be completely honest
family is so keen to neglect people and laugh off / make snarky comments about their problems and then they ask themselves
>abloo bloo why did he do it ;_;
>Don't do it robots, my entire family is destroyed
i dont have a family
The bad part of hurting my mom is that she'll be hurt, not that I'll feel guilty. Even if I'm too dead to care, I still don't want to put grief on my mom. She doesn't deserve it.
Not everyone lives in the degenerate west.
They don't feel bad about him, they feel bad about themselves not being able to ""stop him""
>Don't do it robots
When i do it, i hope my family buries me face down in my coffin, so the whole world can kiss my fucking ass.
there's a difference between compassion and getting used as some faggot's onahole
but then if you happen to wake up in your coffin, you'll spend the last few minutes of your life lying flat on your face. that doesn't sound fun
you sound like an edgy faggot, just jump off a cliff and save your family the trouble