My parents are forcing me to get a job anons, FUCK!
I don't want to be a fucking slave, working some boring ass job for some greedy mother fucker all day every day
What is the point of living if it's nothing but suffering??
My parents are forcing me to get a job anons, FUCK!
I don't want to be a fucking slave, working some boring ass job for some greedy mother fucker all day every day
What is the point of living if it's nothing but suffering??
Why don't you just tell them no? If they don't listen to you when you say no, that's literally rape.
Just tell them no, and you don't care about being homeless. If you get raped by a nigger, it's their fault.
It's probably because you tribute literally nothing to the family household but expect to be fully taken care of
Just think for a second, would you financially support somebody of you are fully aware of the fact that you'll never get anything in return?
Get a job you like, get a part time job and live frugally. If you eat rice and beans and don't own a car you can easily live on 3 days/week pay.
>Get a job you like
kek, who the hell enjoys working? literally nobody
even if you turn your passion into work it's going to become a chore
>Get a job you like
Unless you like giving up your freedom and submitting yourself to someone else's standards and timetable on a daily basis, this is not possible. Anyone who says they like their job got incredibly lucky, or they are just too numb to feel anything anymore. Jobs aren't meant to be enjoyed; employees make very sure of that. Why else would it be 8 hours a day?
*employers make very sure of that
How old are you, Opie deska?
run away and become a hobo
26 desu, neet for 7 years now, I never looked for a job cuz I have no motivation and hate interacting with people
What do you do all day? Do you smoke weed and play vidya? How do you afford them?
i wish i had a job. i cant find a single one. my dad can get me hired at his place, but he doesnt. i dont know what i did for him to treat me like this. everyone i know got a job with the help of their dad. why cant my dad do the same? does he hate me... i feel so left out
That's just you having gigantic power complexes.
If you aren't raping a girl rn you are a slave to some authority too. Now what
>What do you do all day?
well I just sit in front of the computer all day and do random shit like vidya, anime, youtube, this stupid site and so on, I live in a virtual world pretty much all the time cuz I have nothing else to do
>Do you smoke
I couldn't get weed even if I wanted to cuz I live in a small eastern eu country, drug distributors get caught really fast here
>How do you afford them?
I don't get money, not from neetbux or my parents, having money would be nice but then I'd have very little time for games and shit
Start independent work, your own business
I aspire to be an artist for hire one day
not him but that requires some sort of talent and well developed skill, you really think any of us have that?
we're all fucking bums dude, if we were useful in any way we wouldn't be here
I used to live the same way.
I still do, actually.
Life fucking sucks and I really, really have to stop going to this site.
I thought most people here were just entitled normie tier
Just join the military. Somedays you will work 8, some days you will work 2 hrs. Rest of your time can be spent meeting it up with vidya
I was called for mandatory military service last year, went through the health check up, I'm not suitable