>He doesn't want to be happy and loved
He doesn't want to be happy and loved
Other urls found in this thread:
Asoids are incapable of love.
>Implying whiteoid women are
White women are far more cold and cruel, they have 0 empathy for men
I don't want angry, ugly sons with little dicks. Racemixing should not be acceptable under any circumstances.
you're right i dont. want to go smoke fat joints and sink some pints?
They love your white skin, not you as a person. White bois cope.
>love the guy for his white skin
>while the guy likely loves her for her asian heritage
Sounds like a win-win.
That Asian wife has the same skin tone as the white guy tho
You badly need glasses.
>Sounds like a win-win.
Until your brown asian son will be born.
Both have light skin. You ever seen Korean bitches? They have paler skin than most Euros
Edit:That coupling is so toxic. I really feel bad for any male offsprings coming from this coupling. You sons will still look asian or even brown, imaging the selfhate inside your sons after they realise the whiteworshipping.
Even the same level of toxicity are not prominent in asian male/white girl or black male/white girl coupling.
She has very distinct shades of blue/purple in her complexion, juxtaposed with an overall fairness that out-pales the guy on the right. The guy has more hints of red and orange in his complexion, the kind that is typical in Caucasoid skin at the SS level. Which not only gives his skin not only a kind of diluted-yellowish hint to it, but his overall colour can be easily identified as of an apricot variety.
>You ever seen Korean bitches? They have paler skin than most Euros
that's because korea and a lot of north asian countries are in cold, mountainous environments. those produce pale skins.
This is eugenic as fuck desu.
So what?
The skin tones and colour between the two are very obvious and distinct from each other. Like, you can clearly tell the racial differences between the two just on that alone; even without pay attention to their facial features and skull structures. Ergo, .
SK isn't that far north and Koreans tend to be paler than Japanese or Chinese. It's makeup. Skin whitening cream and foundations are really popular there, even with men.
It's not possible to whiten your skin (reduce your melanin) using cream. Commercial products don't contain bleach. The only way is to avoid the sun which will naturally let you go back to your original skin tone as a baby.
Also "whitening" is a deceptive advertisement. whitening means making their skin glow, it's not possible to become whiter using a skin moisturizer.
The "whitening" products aren't bleaching, it's makeup that's a bit paler than your skin plus super strong sunscreen. That's one of the reasons korean girls tend to be a lot paler than guys even when they go outside equally, they wear a full face of makeup and not just a bit or cream
So East Asian girls date white boys because they love "red and orange hints"? That's how fucking stupid you sound
that's so way off the mark of what he's saying it's virtually nonsequitur
>tHeY LoVE yoUR wHItE SkIn
>shE HAs VeRy diSTinCt ShAdeS oF BlUe/pUrPLe
Shut up retard
>makeup that's a bit paler than your skin
Somewhat, but you realize those kpop stars look white skinned because of favorable lighting mostly? They may use makeup but they can't put makeup on their entire body like their hands, legs, etc.
> super strong sunscreen
That's how you stay pale. It's 99% of the reason, yeah.
again, not at all what they were saying. you're conflating two different statements.
It's a strawman, not a nonsequitur.
I don't see the problem with having a millionaire asian son
how to get asian gf if youre in yurop tho
Take a trip in asia
I love how the only arguments against WMAF couples are "B-B-BUT ELLIOT RODGER!!!!!!". One guy, who had problems that didn't even involve race and a Jewish dad, is the only argument you can come up with.
I am a subhuman. I dont deserve love.
It's not just one guy, dude. Try /hapa/ or /asianmasculinity/ enough examples. White worshipping ruins everything.
There's something unsettling about that child's face
>arguing with these negative nancies
>not just doing what you want
;_; so cute
>not realizing that the whole asian shaming is done by liberals who identify with "PoC" agenda
>not realizing poc agenda is simply Team black/white/latino/arab with everything in between.
asians werent invited because they only like white men lol
>that's because korea and a lot of north asian countries are in cold, mountainous environments. those produce pale skins.
then why are inuits brown dipshit?
fuck off with this fake science
they also have the perception of white guys being more romantic
There are no women who would be interested in me.
will bitches in asian swoon over my red ass skin?
i like asian culture and think some asian guys can be cool but i would not want to be one
That was answered 12-years ago.
do you like tomato? if so, I don't think there's a woman on earth who'd want you
>asked to stop posting fake science
>posts more fake science
ok faggot
>be me
>pajeet body
>pajeet skin
>weird head
>jew nose
>small dick
Just end this
Something tells me you also think climate change and vaccines are fake science.
>implying they arent
littreally seething, sis
faggot; the explanation they came up with would apply to scandinavian/icelandic people aswell, who are pale as shit
it's just junk shit u accept because u read it on MSM garbage pop-sci outlets
for the same reason darwin outlined in origins of species: evolutionary physical characteristics are determined by the environment's climate + food available. foods and meat close to the arctic are rich in iron. inuits are also descended from ancient mongolic tribes, who also have brown skin.
>inuits are also descended from ancient mongolic tribes, who also have brown skin.
thanks to admitting to this, hence the whole "brown skin due to the sun" is a complete cope meme to downplay racial differences
99% of what darwin said is discarded by modern evolutionary theory just fyi
Scandinavian climates don't have the same diet (Icelanders are also Scandinavian). As well as Northern European tribes have been recently found to contain some southern influences -- instead of the North Asian influences like Inuits.
i wonder if asian girls ever feel weird walking around with their white bf seeing all the other white asian couples in their city. im not hating im white who thinks asians are attractive but it seems weird
you also ignored the part where it's also food in a given environment. european, asian, and american environments don't have the same food sources. not to mention, i have no idea how you read 'brown skin from the sun' from my post.
>Scandinavian climates don't have the same diet
the diet of historic scandinavians is 50+% fish just like inuits
literally compare the sami to inuits
this shit is offensive to non braindead people
fuck off with your basedboy retardation cope
>you also ignored the part where it's also food in a given environment. european, asian, and american environments don't have the same food sources.
artic circle has the exact same foodsources everywhere faggot
> i have no idea how you read 'brown skin from the sun' from my post.
that's literally what we were talking about, learn to read threads and maybe alert your compadre he's wrong then
brainlet faggot
Scandinavian food diets were hunted meat, not just fishing. :/
I went on a date with a chinese girl at a christmas market
she was hugging my arm all the time, I dont think she felt weird
It felt like she was showing off with me, even though Im below average looking (ginger)
it felt great but of course I ruined everything later on
i hate talking to braindead normalfags
just enjoy the shit u're eating, i'm out
the foods in the near-arctic regions depend on the landmass and continent, not the arctic itself.
and I still don't understand how you went from that to the sun. environmental factors play into human evolutionary, but that's not strictly the sun.
That's Inuit culture, showcasing certain foods distinct to that region. Not Scandinavian. :/
We still use Darwin's theories as a base to build modern theories on.
i imagine it feels very good to see our sisters walking around the city with their bfs.
>White women are far more cold and cruel
so are asian women. you should see how much they shit on their own people and non white people
Their daughter is going to be cute but their son is gonna grow up to be a 5'6 incel who either becomes a tranny or kills himself from depression.
tsk tsk, its always an outsider that is littreally seething about happy couples.
they just want to love each other and have a happy family. this would be far more than what robots got.
but whats diving it
i see no other race with asian girls besides white if not another asian. it cant be economic because a lot of the girls are from korea japan and china, the same for white guys,it seems like their is something internal and socially engineered about it
eh, i find asian women better looking than hapas desu
>they were colonized!
i always kek at outsider's paranoia over this.
what it asian women werent colonized? what if liberals were just pozzed by social engineering. what if some white men are simply that good and they can see it.
china never was nor where any of the other asian countries. also what about westernized asians in the us, regardless of background and upbringing a lot of them date and are attracted to whites. there could this be gene based like how black people all like dancing and drums
lets go with gene. they love the "gentleman" gene.
I loved BTFO'ing the faggot asiaboo beta males at my uni. Almost half of the white girls at my uni had a kpop/korean fetish. It's a plague of beta proportions.
even before china and japan met the west their where things like kabuki shows and geishas who painted their faces white for cinematics affects, its all kind of strange
im sure you did that, buddy.
jeremy lin is not a hapa
>That coupling is so toxic. I really feel bad for any male offsprings coming from this coupling