Your not different because you are socially inept. You are just like everyone else, nothing special.
Get over yourself
Does this mean l don't have to try?
Define "different"
all this constant reeing about normalfags by many on this site for example. there is little difference between a "robot" and a normal person
>"you are not different just because you are different"
Nice thread, opee.
There clearly is a huge difference between a robot and a normal person. Just because you're a normalfag doesn't mean we are.
idk man everyones got their issues and is different in some form.
I could see there being quite notable differences, so I disagree. Also "normalfag" tends to refer to those who judge things by their exposure, in a narcissistic sense. At least that's how I take it.
user why did you post a pic of my wife? Could you please explain.
I see these differences as surface level though. The way I see it the only difference between a robot and a normal person is the way each party expresses themselves. The core is the same though; having the same emotions and attachments and whatnot. After all both parties are human.
Everyone's got their issues, but surely a starving African child's issues are of greater magnitude than Stacy only having 15 clothes to choose from when she goes out clubbing, and having to take a taxi because his boyfriend's Audi is in repair.
Well yes, but how you wield each emotion is what makes up the notable differences.
I am literally different because the majority of people are not socially inept.
I wish my family would stop giving me shit for my failures. There's nothing abnormal about failing an university exam on the first try. They're just being cunts and projecting their own fears onto me when I have plenty to deal with on my own.
If I'm just like everyone else, then why do people have such problems accepting me as normal
Normalfags just love to bring others down or up to their level, telling them they are boring/normal/mediocre but then they get completely weirded out by you, give you blank stares for what you say, drop you, cast you out, bully you. BUT you are still just not any different than all the others.
most people ARE basically socially inept they just don't give a shit about it unlike robots, this makes it easier for them to make friends and mates in spite of their social failings because every failure in the social realm is the other persons fault not their own. in robots, it is always the self that is at fault so we retreat from further exposure
If you can make friends you are not socially inept. If you could make friends if you wanted to, but for some reason dont, youre not a robot.
I already knew that you fucking retard.
Then why don't I have the things everyone else has?
No im pretty sure im special
>little difference between a "robot" and a normal person
Like the incapability to interact with the opposite sex? Robots and normies are nothing alike.
You don't know anything about me or what I've been though. Get over yourself.
Yeah I know, and? Not sure what's the point of this thread.
>other people are worse off so your issues are invalidated
That's retarded. You eventually get down to there being only one person with legitimate problems, and it's the guy who's a retarded, quadruple amputee, burn victim living on dialysis with six different mental disorders and no sex organ due to a botched circumcision.
Just because nobody here is that guy, doesn't mean people on here don't have issues.