>we are not allowed to talk on Jow Forums about how the top performers in programming have autism or why non autists perform worse
>we are not allowed to talk on Jow Forums about how the top performers in programming are males or why nonmales perform worse
>We are not allowed to talk on Jow Forums about how the top performers in programming are white and asian or why non whites and non asians perform worse
>we are not allowed to talk about how Microsoft, Amazon, and Google have "white caps" that put a limit on how many whites and asians can be hired and how many males can be hired
>why do all of these tech companies need white autistic males so badly that the thought police have to try to prevent them from hiring more?
I'll enjoy my ban, because as a white autistic coder I am going to go work on some open source and make th world a better place with my hard work and intellect.
Jow Forums Thought Crime
Other urls found in this thread:
>post garbage politics/race threads on a technology board
Back to your containment board
Reminder these are the spergs that call everyone else fragile snowflakes that overreact to everything
Yes, you can't discuss off topic shit in the boards of 4channel. As you can see this is the technology board.
Why is so hard to poltards to read the rules?
But don't worry mate, I got you:
>being this autistic
>I have autism and I think I'm very good at coding
Good luck on you interview, remember that your "achievements" don't help you pass a whiteboard interview
You're the cancer that is killing imageboards, do everyone a favor and kill yourself so that nobody will have to read your posts anyone
I posted a loli image on /b/. Now I am under investigation by the police. How is this fair bros?
Based and factual pilled
Fuck the jannies. They compromised.
are you having your period
this picture is so fucking gay
first post mysterious post
>posting your IP
I hope you're behind 7 proxies
Go back to your containment board you glow in the dark 56%er
what can you do with his ip?
Mods even deleted "racism" from Intel threads. This entire site needs to die.
ping -l 65500
>ping -l 65500
You must feel really bad-ass don't ya?
Have sex.
good post
Are jannies getting paid now?
Gay son of a bitch is fucking everywhere.
Jow Forums is starting to become a containment board for people who hate Jow Forums.
The problem with separating politics from tech is the fact that they are now interwoven due to the power big tech companies have. It's like trying to discuss trucking and not mentioning the issues truckers face with the department of transportation.
I wonder why people keep posting politics threads here, it's almost like these topics are related or something.
>arguing with a newfag with logic
Youre wasting your time. He'll just sperg out because any politics besides his own are an intrusion.
Notice no one has actually even tried to state that the original post is wrong. They just argue it shouldn't be allowed to be said because it belongs in Jow Forums
How about some actual rebuttals to the argument?
>look at me i replied to everyone what now
NSA is full of wall walker glow boys.
Meta statistics about a particular topic does not constitute as topic related content.
Take ypu political discussion to pol
don't give a fuck about OP, but from past two or three weeks jannies are acting up
You didn't need to tell us that you are autistic, Daryl. We already knew. Everyone already knows.
how is that off topic? sounds like you're just uncomfortable broaching the subject.
cool pic, i want that cane the guy in the tan colored suit is holding
Retard I agreed with op why are you quoting me?
kill yourself
Why would anyone waste their time doing that?
please be patient. I have autism!
don't reply to everyone retard
look bud, I don't know what you're smoking, but all I said was "first post mysterious post", because that's what it is, why would someone reply to a thread with a cap of the OP?
this is max. comfy
Not a single person in this thread has uttered the words "OP is not true."
You know why? Because every single person in this thread is either a white or asian male with autism, and we KNOW it's true.
>I'll enjoy my ban
Bans mean nothing anyway you actual autist. They're pointless as it's so easy to circumvent. Don't even need a VPN. Most ISP's use dynamic IP addresses, so you just reboot your router, which will assign you a new random IP, and ban evaded. It's literally impossible to ban anyone from a site. Some sites use IP + cookies, in which case you just clear you cookies as well.
Oh wow you're right user, every subject is neatly seperable I should totally CONTAIN my thoughts on a shit board like Jow Forums because it triggers your flappy vagina
>kill yourself
you first :^)
Jannies will allow any lowest-common-denominator Jow Forumspol/ thread as long as it has some braindead tangential technical component, anyway.
no one can refute op lol bunch of brainlet retard useful idiots of the hegemony
I'm pretty sure we're allowed to discuss these topics. Threads about that tranny Ada or Karlie Kloss (cd, cd, cd), or women in code, or minorities in code, or any other number of threads are posted regularly and everyone shits on the very idea. I'm pretty sure everyone with a brain knows that Asian and white men are the top in this field. What topic, specifically, do you want to address?
autists rise up
In the 1900s all computing was done with pencil and paper and basically the society evolved so that men would come up with algorithms to solve and women in teams would do the labor of solving the algorithms. The reason it evolved this way is because women tend to be more servile and get turned on when following orders.
Perhaps the tech world will orient this way such that women do all of the monkey coding and men make the decisions about what gets coded, and in my hypothesis female coders might be even more happy this way than the other.
I could be wrong though.
Autists are dangerous subhuman freaks that cannot integrate and work and communicate effectively with the rest of society. They are prone to violent outbursts when they don't get their way or when dealing with complex emotions.
You deserve no rights whatsoever freak. They should just round the lot of you up and shoot you you worthless good for nothing pathetic excuse for a human.
yeah but then the computer machine couldn't ship your chad tanning lotion from amazon lel you need ppl like me or else u'll burn
how ur iphone gonna werk without an autist like me hrrrmmmm? didn't think so. you're welcome for the magic cellphone machine.
I agree . Fuck you op. But most importantly fuck jannies.
good lord the amerilards are extra obnoxious today
OP is wrong. Autists might perform better at these tasks, but they lack necessary social skills to get jobs
>they perform worse because interviewers (usually female) dont like them as much as chad
excellent argument.
>they lack necessary social skills to get jobs
No they don't they just lack the interest in developing the social skills or getting a job.
>be me
>go to some random cringe convention
>show up and just keep shouting how my bed has a pillow
>get kicked out
>wow can't believe they censored the truth
>post twitter screenshots
>surprised when everyone tells you to take your garbage somewhere else
>Hey there Autist male, we're going to give your job to this female designer with no actual experience and mild retardation because she has "social skills"
>By social skills we mean she turns the entire team into a toxic CYA mess with game of thrones level of backstabbing but comes out on top
>We need her because you fix mistakes other people made and it's causing the department all sorts of political problems as they're losing face
>Don't worry though because we will make you a diversity hire too just tell your bosses you're disabled so they can find clever ways to discriminate against you without leaving evidence.
--- 1 year later ---
>Gee user the department you quit fell apart after you left so it was outsourced to scam artist pajeets
--- 2 years later ---
>Gee user the CEO stripped the company of assets because there was nothing of value left
I hate normals
finally a brave soul tells the truth
It's not always like that
>company has single popular product
>working with R&D on that project and is generally understaffed for the work
>company hires Indians to do work poorly
>have to spend all my time fixing their shit
>company is bought up because apparently quality has dropped and consumers are moving elsewhere
>new company lays off 95% of staff and stops contracting Indians
>keeps only the competent developers (except one lucky normie) and people with field specific expertise
>hires 3 new guys who know their shit
>3 years later we're market leader again
I'm amazed it turned around so quick. These devices last for decades and I'm amazed there was even the possibility to make up the drop in that time.
>go work on some open source and make th world a better place with my hard work and intellect.
you have no place to run
it's already unanimous that here that everyone hates indians
We shall see fat idiot cunt, for my kind are more resilient and adaptive than you realize.
>>we are not allowed to talk about how Microsoft, Amazon, and Google have "white caps"
This is a good thing. It forces all the white talent to start new companies rather then work for some shithole that will eventually die due to diminished IQ's.
>if more capable workers work for the top tech companies it will diminish the IQ more than if less capable workers do
>Notice no one has actually even tried to state that the original post is wrong. They just argue it shouldn't be allowed to be said because it belongs in Jow Forums
I can say that Naruto is objectively better than One Piece, but that's still off topic and the discussion belongs elsewhere. You can be 100% right and still belong on Jow Forums, you retard.
Yikes OP.
Imagine being proud of being this...
it isnt trannies, mods are nazis
That's not aspergers that's a retard. The only reason they made aspergers and retards the same thing is to be more """inclusive""". Exactly the point of this fucking thread.
Nobody in the programming world is going to act retarded like that. Sure they may not look you in the eye and spend way too much time memorizing things from star trek, but they are not retards obviously.
You are a stupid dipshit for comparing true based high functioning autism to being an idiot. Those are polar opposites.
I personally found the Diavolo reveal to be underwhelming.
Who else here /HunterCHAD/?
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Yikes... the glorified animal tries to speak again....
Go back to playing with your LEGO bricks, and have sex.
Technology goes to the technology board, politics goes to the politics board. Had one of those, OP? It's not hard.
I may not be able to court a female and I have accepted that, however I can do things with programs that non autists will NEVER be able to do, and that is becuase I have what we call the obsessive autism.
There is this one kid I met and I call him "sonic the hedgehog autists". No matter what you talked to him about he would eventually change the subject in a few sentences to sonic the hedgehog. Essentially his autism prevented him from talking about anything but sonic the hedgehog. This is closer to retardation.
One famous focus is trains. Some autists for some reason focus on trains, probably cause when they were a kiddo they asked their mom "what should I do?" Kind of like "New robot born please insert instructions." And the mom says "well what about trains thats a nice hobby." and so the autist robot immediately allocates its entire brain to trains.
A train autist will care about nothing but trains. The study trains day and night. memorize serial numbers of trains. Schedules. Times. charts. If they are a full retard or have no savant abilities all they can do is watch trains. But if they have the good kind of autism and can unfocus from trains long enough to dress themselves, make food, pay taxes, go to the bathroom and etc, as well as can focus themselves on engineering classes, then they can actually go work for a train company. And these train autists make the best train engineers and design the best trains.
I am like that but for computers. I obsess over computers endlessly. All of my free time for most of my adult life has been on a computer. I have spent many countless hours sperging over computers day in and day out late into the night. I watch computer news. I get involved in computer politics. My computers all have names and I care for them like normal men care for a car. And because of how I learn computers inside and out like the back of my hand I am levelling up like a wizard. Normies can't compete with me over time. just no ladies. sad
have sex
>Uuuh argue with meeee why wont you respect my retarded simplistic childish opinions reeee
First, being a Jow Forumstard is nor technology. Being severly retarded is not technology either. Your bans were earned kid, go back to your closet homo trannywanker shitshow of a continment board.
You don't understand. I can't. I literally can't have sex. The beta is baked into my DNA. Trust me it will never happen. There is no woman out there who wants me. All I can do is try to make alot of programmer money and comfort myself with wealth.
>I literally can't have sex. The beta is baked into my DNA.
>There is no woman out there who wants me.
>comfort myself with wealth.
ya, no woman on this planet was ever attracted to wealth. Are you seriously this fucking AIDS level retarded?
If you excel at making money, then you aint a beta. You're just a faggot of eunuch proportions, which is why you can't get laid.
Autism does not determine intelligent or capability. I've met a lot of autistic pseuds in this field.
You mean you are impotent? There are cures for that you know.
Fuck off and die, mods. Racism isn't allowed on Jow Forums either. Move to .
>First, being a Jow Forumstard is nor technology. Being severly retarded is not technology either.
There's no evidence that OP is retarded, since the statements made in the original post are all 100% correct, but this poster is correct that Jow Forums is not the board for discussing issues arising from those premises.
Jow Forums is the correct board for discussing issues of employment discrimination, including so-called "positive" discrimination.
Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?
Maga hats really are the new fedora.
I can imagine this man wearing a shirt that says "atheist" in 2009-2014
I work at one of these companies and it is legit 95% white/Indian/East Asian
Imagine thinking the reason a person is sucessful is because he's white and an autist.
That's an insult to their hard work, their creativity and their talent.
Imagine being a mod and moving a thread from Jow Forums to Jow Forums because it has political opinions. How about you move it to /trash/ or Jow Forums you lazy pieces of shit.
Mods and jannies are tranny SJWs
more news at 7
The mods are fucking pussies these days, I got a warning for posting gore related to the topic of a thread on /out/ (animals attacked by other animals).
This is Jow Forums, not tumblr for fuck sake.
When you get banned from a different board, you need to go back to containment, not here.
It's because your argument was never the point.
schizo bastard tranny faggot