>Why are you a virgin?
>How do you deal with the crippling loneliness?
>How do you stop yourself from becoming bitter?
>What have you actually tried to lose your virginity?
25+ Virgin Thread
Don't tell me I'm the only one here.
>>Why are you a virgin?
Haven't had sex
>>How do you deal with the crippling loneliness?
I distract myself with work or reading or outdoor activities
>>How do you stop yourself from becoming bitter?
By not dwelling on it and If I'm expending energy on bitterness they win so there's no point
>>What have you actually tried to lose your virginity?
Yes by asking women out
>Why are you a virgin?
Manlet and socially awkward
>How do you deal with the crippling loneliness?
ASMR videos and point-of-no-return-tier porn
>How do you stop yourself from becoming bitter?
I usually don't care but sometimes the bitterness creeps up.
>What have you actually tried to lose your virginity?
Barely anything
>Why are you a virgin
I'm socially retarded and don't know how to talk to people outside of my circle of friends. Plus I live in a town full of boomers and hardly any girls my age.
>How do you deal with the crippling loneliness?
I fap, but that doesn't always work. I try to find things to distract myself with for a while.
>How do you stop yourself from becoming bitter?
See previous answer. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
>Have you tried to lose your virginity?
No, and that isn't my main goal at this point. I want to find someone I really like and care for to lose it to. I want it to be a nice and memorable experience.
Too avoidant.
>Why are you a virgin?
No social circle, and online dating doesn't really work since I'm not good at starting conversations with people I don't know.
>How do you deal with the crippling loneliness?
I stay busy with work.
>How do you stop yourself from becoming bitter?
I used to be bitter then it sort of melted away when I gained more success in life and self-confidence.
>What have you actually tried to lose your virginity?
Not very much. I'm actually kind of nervous about the prospect of having sex with a woman so I've had a lot of doubts about whether it's even a good thing to try.
Turning 30 in 2 days.
Should I ask a random young lady if she would partake in anal intercourse for the exchange of moneys?
If you want anal just get on grindr.
you are almost there mate, after 30 it's a smooth sailing, you succesfuly defeated the pussy
Does never having a girlfriend and had sex only with escorts still count as been a virgin?
>is sex sex?
Every single time.
29 hkv here, wizardry is inevitable
>>Why are you a virgin?
Ugly I guess
>>How do you deal with the crippling loneliness?
I havent
>>How do you stop yourself from becoming bitter?
Too late
>>What have you actually tried to lose your virginity?
Sent nudes to some guy I didnt know then ghosted him. Posted pics for attention.
>Why are you a virgin?
28 kv btw. because my mother never loved me or cared for me even in the slightest, and as a result i have very low self-esteem and im also autistic and very shy and i have very low self-esteem. physically speaking i look very good and when i was young i had girls interested me, but on the inside im a trainwreck
>How do you deal with the crippling loneliness?
ive tried mushrooms, i take nightwalks semi-regularly, i eat a very clean whole foods plant based vegan diet which statistically lowers depression. but i still suffer from depression. im actually a schizoid but still, being a virgin my whole life who wasted away my looks and youth for nothing doesnt sit with me well
>How do you stop yourself from becoming bitter?
>implying there is a way to stop from being bitter
>implying theres even anything wrong with being bitter
being bitter is just a natural response to being subjected to living a shit life. its unreasonable to expect me not to be bitter after never experiencing something as intimacy or love in my life
>What have you actually tried to lose your virginity?
when i was younger i was too shy to try approaching girls or using online dating, so basically not really. i never used tinder or any online dating stuff ever even once, etc. but one time when i was 19 my closest friend set up a date with a girl, but it was awkward and i didnt like it. basically i was doomed to die alone
thank you god, you truly are a just and good god
because i make no effort to interact with females or go outside
i just go about my day, it isnt a priority
cant be bigger about something i dont think about
If you're a girl and in Europe then I'll have you. Qontinue#3208
I've had gender dysphoria my whole life and it's made me feel like a freak undeserving of any type of love. 27 year old KHV NEET shut in with no friends.
I just distract myself with escapism all day.
Come to terms with the fact that I was born to suffer.
Nothing at all because women's bodies just make me insanely jealous and I'm too afraid of STDs for a random gay hook up.
30 kv
ugly, love shy, poorly socialized with social anxiety
not autistic though, thank god
>Why are you a virgin?
Paranoia, high standards, social awkwardness and lack of opportunity.
>How do you deal with the crippling loneliness?
I have family, I'm n the internet and I attend church, so loneliness isn't at crippling levels.
>How do you stop yourself from becoming bitter?
Maybe the answer is to trust in God.
Or maybe it's just a personality thing.
Either way, I don't see the point of becoming bitter, and I don't really understand why so many here are.
>What have you actually tried to lose your virginity?
Recently, nothing. There doesn't seem to be any point downloading Bumble until I have my own house.
In the past: tried unsuccessfully to find someone who I lost contact with before I'd taken the chance to ask her out. Also went somewhere where I dreamed I'd meet someone, but didn't find anyone suitable. This was all in pre-smartphone days.
>>Why are you a virgin?
I live with my parents. I want to live alone before I bother dating.
>>How do you deal with the crippling loneliness?
I just go exercise or hug my sister.
>>How do you stop yourself from becoming bitter?
Look for something else to do.
>>What have you actually tried to lose your virginity?
I'll be turning 28 soon. Will probably pay an escort to lose it on my birthday.
pay an average priced escort is better than a gay hookup
what are you waiting for trannie shill
Not a tranny shill. I hate myself immensely and if I could take or do anything to be normal I would. Just being honest that that has been the main thing that has made me terrified of ever getting close to anyone.
but the pussy faggot
why not pay an average pussy
you blatantly said about considering sex with a man
pussy is better
go out there a buy a pussy
>look very good
>low self esteem
top autism delusion
>>Why are you a virgin?
Was never good with girls in my teens and was hospitalized for most of my 20s. Doing good now but I lost all of my friends/circle.
>>How do you deal with the crippling loneliness?
Making small talk with people, generaly by going outside. And masturbation. Tons of that.
>>How do you stop yourself from becoming bitter?
I realize that every cavedweller of a man can find a women and I just have to lower my expectations.
>>What have you actually tried to lose your virginity?
I still need to get over some social anxiety but I'm doing better. I'm just going to bite the bullet soon and just start using dating sites and asking girls out.
1. no interest in talking to anyone in my freetime except online
2. never had. so many people online to have fun with
3. I am pretty sarcastic and people seem to like it
4. nope, did nothing so far. next year I am gonna be 30. Actually it would be funny to be living the meme. I would giggle to myself. Some people actively think I have had it in the past and I just smile.
Do you like anorexic Muslim girls?
>being bitter is just a natural response to being subjected to living a shit life
That's the most weak-minded shit I've read all week
>>Why are you a virgin?
too much of a coward to do anything
>>How do you deal with the crippling loneliness?
sport and music
>>How do you stop yourself from becoming bitter?
I am already bitter, but not enough to change myself drastically yet
>>What have you actually tried to lose your virginity?
like, asking some girls that I liked when I was in college
not a virgin but goddamn yall make for some good entertainment lol
>Why are you a virgin?
I was too pussy to ask a girl out. Ever. I've even had girls give me obvious signs that they were into me but I was too socially withdrawn to have a simple conversation with them. It's all my fault.
>How do you deal with the crippling loneliness?
Porn, Anime, Youtube, Music, Vidya...
>How do you stop yourself from becoming bitter?
By accepting the fact that it's my fault for being too pussy and focusing on other things. You do get used to it after a while.
>What have you actually tried to lose your virginity?
Tried Tinder and apps like it. I would get little to no matches and when I did they were fat/ugly. Pussied out of the meet ups because I was too concerned with what she might think of my appearance of how awkward I am. I'm pathetic, I know I know...
Turned 25 last month. I guess that makes me one of you now.
>Why are you a virgin?
I'm asexual and I was content being alone until recently when I realized I actually wanted a relationship. Also depression, mild autism and no self confidence, but I'm getting better.
>How do you deal with the crippling loneliness?
I try to distract myself any way I can, usually vidya and reading. I still have some hope, which helps too.
>How do you stop yourself from becoming bitter?
I know it's my own fault I'm alone.
>What have you actually tried to lose your virginity?
Nothing, I've never asked a girl out and have even rejected some girls. I've tried socializing more recently, but every girl my age already has a boyfriend now. I'm too late to the party.
>Why are you a virgin?
No female has ever shown interest in me, I also have no friends which doesn't help
>How do you deal with the crippling loneliness?
I don't. I struggle to cope.
>How do you stop yourself from becoming bitter?
I don't get bitter towards women but rather just towards life in general.
>What have you actually tried to lose your virginity?
I have been lifting since I was 17 (am 24 now) and have been using steroids for 2. I have a better body than 99.9% of the male population, I also have a job and my own place.
Stop making fun of the virgins
>I had sex a few times, am I still a virgin?
I don't know why people even ask this. Are they trying to be funny?
>Why are you a virgin?
Everyone says I look like a middle schooler. My work, my hobbies, my neighborhood, my friends, is a complete and utter sausage party.
>How do you deal with the crippling loneliness?
Work and vidya and anime all raised me, what is loneliness?
>How do you stop yourself from becoming bitter?
Escapism and social isolation.
>What have you actually tried to lose your virginity?
I was on tinder and got my photos banned for being underage. I was 24.
Sure, are you in Canada perchance,
>Everyone says I look like a middle schooler
>I was on tinder and got my photos banned for being underage. I was 24.
Holy fuck lmao. I know that feel. I'm 32 and could probably easily pass for a 15-18 year old if I cover my thinning hair. Shit sucks.
>Why are you a virgin?
I am socially retarded and an absolute loser
>How do you deal with the crippling loneliness?
Through being a crippling workaholic in my work time and being a crippling alcoholic in my spare time
>How do you stop yourself from becoming bitter?
Being heavily dissociated 24/7
>What have you actually tried to lose your virginity?
Used tinder, badoo and other shit like that, it turns out I am too retarded for texting random people.
>Why are you a virgin?
27. didn't care about sex or relationships until about 1 year ago
>How do you deal with the crippling loneliness?
see pic related - It feels even worse now that I'm the last single one out of my friends
>How do you stop yourself from becoming bitter?
Try to have a PMA and find peace from mind but it's starting to get harder when all I want to do now is cuddle with a gf
>What have you actually tried to lose your virginity?
Nothing until about 2 weeks ago. Downloaded
Tinder and had a few matches but none of them really respond. I don't even know how to meet women seeming as my hobbies are introverted hobbies