anons with gf's, what is she like?
did she complete you? change your life and make you happier?
please tell me
anons with gf's, what is she like?
did she complete you? change your life and make you happier?
please tell me
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I'm currently dating another dude because we cat fished each other and we don't want to admit we're cat fishes so it's a stand off to see who admits first.
i think I've seen this plot in yaoi mangas
I don't really like yaoi and I'm not a fag so it won't be going the direction of your yaoi manga.
I'm currently dating this girl who is essentially me but female. She hasn't changed my life or anything, and given how we're both mentally distant, we keep each other at an arm's length, but I do enjoy spending time with her when I do. I also like getting to share my life with someone I understand so well, and I appreciate the fact that, even given how weird and awkward I am, if I'm thinking about a topic, most of the time she will have the same thoughts on it. That and the sex is pretty nice.
I had one for ten years she was great but eventually she destroyed my life and its taken ages to rebuild
Im currently dating a very broken single mother who I see once or twice a fortnight and shows me very little affection aside from crazy messed up sex
Feels good and bad but I miss being young and not having women around
How old are you and would you like a girlfriend
25, and not most of the time, but chemicals in my brain keep telling me to
Would you like some genuine advice from a dude a few years older Im 31 and have had a few
she is quite the opposite of me and this changed me in a positive way. I was a unorganized mess just drifting through my bachelors, but with her motivating me I got my act together and will finish my masters in less than 6 weeks
I'll be your girlfriend user. I'm only 18 though.
It honestly comes with alot more cons then pros but the feeling you get is so amazing and indescribable. Less time to yourself, less time on alot of things, all of it is tricking you into thinking its good and worth it but in logical retrospect, its not
no online
I'm down for meeting up after a few weeks of talking. Only after a few weeks though. I don't wanna meet up with a stranger.
This. Sex is good. That's about it. No point in being with a girl longer than 1-2 years unless you want kids or if she is great at cooking/cleaning/sewing
She was the wrestling captain in hs and kept pushing me to join. Kicked my ass every other day and we became close friends through that lol. Now we are in uni and planning on marriage
where are you from suspicious user
So do you want my dicksword?
Hey I'm also 18
Do you want to be my girlfriend or do you only like older dudes?
I'm into people my age too.
If you want to talk with me, message me on Discord :)
>at r9k
Ok so girls like a guy that has his stuff together that much has been said here a hundred times and youd know the drill but follow it
Never friendzone yourself most girls will sleep with you within the few few times of being alone if they are keen dont waste your time
A women will decide if she is interested in the first hour of meeting her and then proceed to test you if shes not interested then she never will be
Act aloof around them like you dont care theyre a woman and just talk dumb shit with them no facts or interests cos these come later just talk about life and ask general questions about her like what does she do for work and whats it like but interject the occasional annecdote pay the occasional compliment but know what you are taking about
If they have had their nails done recently say you like them and see how she reacts
If you have social issues get a job or part time job in retail sales this will force you to learn to talk to random women it takes a lot of practise but it becomes natural
Meet them wherever but if you are talking about stuff you like say the beach and say
I havent been in ages and heaps want to go if she agrees say you should go together sometime if she is eager she will be overly positive if she isnt and says maybe just give up women dont change their mind
If you get alone with her alcohol is your friend but not too much a couple of wines will loosen her up to you
Im happy to give more advice if you want it
an 18 year old girl here I dont believe you
I can get in a voice call and show you. A lot more girls browse this place than you all think. Although it's mostly because they do it to feel better about them selves. :(
Im just interested in talking to a girl thats actually on here
Exactly what the antagonist said...
>Act aloof around them like you dont care theyre a woman and just talk dumb shit with them no facts or interests cos these come later just talk about life and ask general questions about her like what does she do for work and whats it like but interject the occasional annecdote pay the occasional compliment but know what you are taking about
I don't want to fake shit in a relationship. I want somebody I can be honest with and who's not disgusted by me. If I can't do that I'll forever be lonely. I don't need sex. I got money. I can get sex without jumping through hoops for pussy.
You guys dont know the archive exists? Fucking retards
the board is lost, so many norms
Its all a game with women
You will have time to show the real you and they will love you for it but you have to play the game first
You cant lead too hard or it scares them
Deep down they want to compete for a man if you open up too quickly you appear desperate
It really is a silly awful game some love it some hate it
I hate it but I know how to play it
Trust me on this
If they havent opened up and taken on your interests as you will have to with theirs as well by six months of dating then move on because you will find someone that will
Never hang around for just sex or you will be miserable
>then proceed to test you
like what?
They make sure youre not too desperate
Can hold a conversation
See if your jealous
Theres so many things they are sussing out on you but the main thing is to just not care and act casual
If you get their number or they add you on Facebook they dont want you to seem needy or too disinterested
Only ever send one message if you keep trying youre desperate and they avoid that
It all sounds really petty but on a deep level if theyre single they want a mate
It also depends on their personal interests some girls like a funny or intelligent guy so dont strive to be what they want stay true to yourself and if it doesnt work out just try again
Ive been turned down countless times or thought ive had something good going on only for a girl to decide she doesnt like me
But I wait until I meet someone else who I like and seems to like me back and I try again
I love her absolutely but she's changed over the past 2 months. Less submissive and isn't lewd with me.
I miss when she was more submissive, made me feel loved and wanted. Not even sexual I just felt warm. Now she ignores all my flirting, and is abrasive instead of soft. I'll always love her and there is much more positive about her than negative and I'll get used to this change eventually but it's been messing with me lately.
At least I can vent anonymously.
you sound like those PUA I'd listen to when I was 16. Smoke and mirrors. Fuck this and fuck you. People like you are exactly why this is all so fucked.
And keep calm
The girl Ive been seeing since December tried to break up with me in February
I told her ok and that I still want to be friends
That we can still see eachother at the friends house where we met and that its cool and I wont hold it against her and that Ive had fun
The next day I messaged her and said that I wanted her to know I meant what I said and that I was disappointed because I was enjoying myself with her
She said she was sorry and that she was just worried I was only interested in sleeping with her and shes been hurt a lot and asked if we could forget it and weve been dating since
If Id got upset or defensive she probably wouldnt have seen me again
In a way she way probably testing me
Mate Im 31 I have two kids currently seeing a girl for 6 months after a year of crappy dating and before that a 10 year relationship with someone I wanted to marry
Ive been in committed relationships for around 13 years of my life all up and Im a really average guy
Im giving honest advice thats worked for me because being unable to get a woman sucks we all want companionship
Heres another piece of advice
Never go out trying to pick up meet girls by being social and at places like work school or through friends do night classes in stuff girls like just to have something to do
After losing loads in my split Im back at uni doing law at night and have 4x as many women in my class than guys