Why are virtually all philosophers and great thinkers white men?
Why are virtually all philosophers and great thinkers white men?
Other urls found in this thread:
Why are virtually all mass shooters white men?
Whites have many talents. Niggers, for example, shoot each other all the time, but their achievements in the field of philosophy leave much to be desired.
Because we live in a western, Eurocentric society so we only learn about white people. Ask a Chinese person about great philosophers and thinkers and they'll name 100 Asians before a white person.
You think that because you consume Western education which, surprise, has a Western bias. Bhuddism is based and has nothing to do with stinky whites but I bet you didn't learn about Bhuddist schools of thought in high school, did you?
gee, I wonder
could it be something about caucasians having the greatest range of IQ, with the highest high and some pretty low ones?
now, I will refrain from mentioning which white races are which
also, whites are much more aggressive than the chinkoids, who are just insects in tandem, with flat 100 or below IQ for all and very small and weak (low test)
jews have high IQs, but their gene pool is so polluted that they are today the most genetically diseased of races
just google it, they havea number of racial diseases (ashkenazis this is...sephardic jews and others do not have as high iq or as warped genetic lineage)
i.e. racemixing is actually bad, and even literal incest is better
because white men stole all their knowledge from the ancient wakandanz with flying space ship pyramids n shiet
Because you only look for white men.
This basically
Witnessed lucky 8s of Confucian values
>Ask a Chinese person about great philosophers
lol, chinese? china literally skipped actual philosophy in their history
confucianism made sure of that
you could have mentioned indians or something
china has produced less philosophers than africa
chinese don't even understand what philosophy is in the sense we do
besides, everything that happened before the cultural revolution in china is now burnt, dead and buried under state approved history
literally africa (norther africa produced a number of great minds, like augustine of hippo
They got philosophy correct the first time with Daoism, hence the lack of western "philosophy".
I live in Africa and can confirm... The niggs dont have the mind set to think about the bigger picture, they just cant grasp that basic logic of how something happening now might effect tomorrow... I dont know how to explain it but its like their brains are just wired differently... Its fucking tragic to see them struggling with their feet in their mouths not knowing why they are so damn stupid and then blaming white people for it
Because when a black dude shoots 20 people that's so normal it's not even newsworthy
Mass shooings make up very few of the murders in this country, percentage-wise.
>They got philosophy correct the first time with Daoism
again, taoism isn't even philosophy, it's more of a religion, a way of life
it uses no logic, no method of deduction or reasoning like the socratic way, nothing
it just expounds values, which is NOT philosophy in a true sense
again, what do you think would ever come from a society that embraced communism, burned all their history and books and culture, and gives so many fucks about life in general that their primary way of death today is being swallowed by escalators and elevators
Is India not part of Asia anymore or...?
lmao based
white people wall themselves off in their own countries and then want to ask why they don't know anything about non-white people
>stormnigger calls the insanity of white losers a "talent"
>Is India not part of Asia anymore or...?
yes, thats why I said YOU COULD HAVE MENTIONED INDIANS, which did produce actual philosophy
>kill all the other great thinkers and philosophers off
>hurr we da best now
"white men" are mongol-tier
Just face it, my negro, whites just outperform you in every field, including senseless mass murder. It's just the way it is in this world.
2016. 2016 was the year Jow Forums in general went to complete shit.
When I came here in 2010, it was:
>betas and alphas
>feels threads
r9k was comfiest place in the world, actually quite similar to wizardchan except girltalk was allowed. There was no racism and there were occasional blackbot threads. Robots liked these because most of them knew a black weeb or two. In 2016, Jow Forums witnessed an increase in traffic because of r/the_donald posters. Unfortunately, most of them are virgin losers so they ended up drifting into r9k, thinking that Jow Forums as a whole was a cesspool of outdated science. They didn't understand that poltards are supposed to remain in the containment board, the same way that literal retards are contained to /b/ and ponybros are contained in /mlp/. You fucking racists ruined my virgin board and I now spend most of time in a different suicide forum that I won't link to here (besides, you have to be manually approved to post there anyways).
sure bud I too am a persecuted farmer in South Africa who's facing genocide by black skinned people who can't even speak because they're too dumb.
over n out Jow Forumslads
Dass rite, whye bois came to Africa and killed all the philosophers and stole all our knowledge, WE WUZ KANGZ NIGGA
>r9k was comfiest place in the world, actually quite similar to wizardchan except girltalk was allowed. There was no racism and there were occasional blackbot threads. Robots liked these because most of them knew a black weeb or two. In 2016, Jow Forums witnessed an increase in traffic because of r/the_donald posters. Unfortunately, most of them are virgin losers so they ended up drifting into r9k, thinking that Jow Forums as a whole was a cesspool of outdated science. They didn't understand that poltards are supposed to remain in the containment board, the same way that literal retards are contained to /b/ and ponybros are contained in /mlp/. You fucking racists ruined my virgin board and I now spend most of time in a different suicide forum that I won't link to here (besides, you have to be manually approved to post there anyways).
yeah, blame Jow Forums for ruining your board
not posts like OP not being deleted or pruned and egging the truth out of us for lulz, or racism as you call
and ofc all the roasties and trannies have not ruined your board at all
no, it was Jow Forums all along
Well I wanted to encompass the entire continent of Asia, which is why I said that a Chinese person would bring up Asian (including Chinese, Indian, Japanese, Islamic, etc) philosophers before they bring up white philosophers.
is this pic even supposed to be demeaning or something?
like, how could you say 'black lives matter isn't a terrorist organization' or 'antifa isn't bad' or even say 'we should be afraid to discuss ideas'
I don't get it
You dont outperform anyone in anything except maybe times fapped to cuck porn in 24 hours
white people had the option to cooperate with the existing civilizations of the world in order to bring about a new golden age of peace and prosperity
instead you plunged it into a 500 year long tragedy and still claim western civilization is superior
petty selfishness and egotism on a massively destructive scale is not "great thinking"
Blacks don't do senseless mass murder though. The majority of murders that blacks commit have a very specific target or targets. Sometimes innocent people get caught in the crossfire but those are accidents. We don't feel the urge to walk into a random Walmart and start gunning people down. That's a uniquely Caucasian feel.
it's not intellectually honest to group the middle east as asian, even though it geographically is considered so
still, eurasia is the continent...asia is not a continent and including everything and everyone as asian gives you a massive weight to is
jesus and jews are asian then, you know
in fact a lot of western philosophers would be asian if you go down that route
This post reeks of newfaggotry, I'm guessing late 2017/early 2018
>white people had the option to cooperate with the existing civilizations of the world in order to bring about a new golden age of peace and prosperity
>instead you plunged it into a 500 year long tragedy and still claim western civilization is superior
>petty selfishness and egotism on a massively destructive scale is not "great thinking"
this is what sub 100 iq does
>Nigger mad because he was told the truth
None of those "civilizations" were worthy of existance anyway, the world would be a better place if Western civilization had wiped out all others.
>This post reeks of newfaggotry, I'm guessing late 2017/early 2018
lol whites in africa are wanking in public
and burning their own property
Society is racist and benefitted them from birth to make them more likely to be better thinkers genetically.
Society is also racist and you aren't woke because their parents stay together and raise them well, while black parents split up and neglect the child but that's whitey's fault.
Because historical Eurocentrism and patriarchy means that the works and ideas of white men are preserved over time while that of other people are disregarded, destroyed, or co-opted over time. Either way, the accomplishments of individuals should not be attributed to an overall class of people. A bunch of fat, ugly no-lifers don't deserve to feel superior to others because of traits that were handed down to them.
Ok user let's not play this retarded fucking game. The reason Asia and Europe are considered different continents is because of the stark cultural differences between the two. My point still stands. Ask a person who doesn't live in a Eurocentric society about philosophers and they'll give you a different answer than an American would.
>I don't get it
I don't expect you to.
>can't counter argue
why did you even reply?
then again of course only a brainlet would ever say or imply those things
Witnessed zeros of deduction
There is no logic or deduction required for the simple truth expounded by Daoism. It is only neurotic western thinkers who could over complicate philosophy so badly.
>Ok user let's not play this retarded fucking game. The reason Asia and Europe are considered different continents is because of the stark cultural differences between the two
yes, exactly
culturally the middle east and even india is MUCH MORE culturally related and similar to europe than china BY FAR
>My point still stands.
it really doesn't
>Ask a person who doesn't live in a Eurocentric society about philosophers and they'll give you a different answer than an American would.
actually, no
americans would name the great european philosophers just like everyone else
philosophers like plato, schopenhauer and nietzsche are unmatched by anyone
you could say socrates and plato and aristotle started philosophy, and schopenhauer and nietsche concluded it
schopenhauer in metaphysics and nietsche in the finding of objective and subjective truth (perspectivism...which is not a type of relativism btw)
>>white people had the option to cooperate with the existing civilizations of the world in order to bring about a new golden age of peace and prosperity
That's actually exactly what we did, on a long time scale.
Europeans never conquered China or Japan.
The Islamic civilization of the Middle East was occupied by Europeans for an incredibly brief time span following the collapse of the Ottomans at the end of the First World War. Persia was actually NEVER occupied. (The experience of the Islamic civilization of northwest Africa was different, but that area was always peripheral to that civilization as a whole.)
India was colonized, true. But the civilization of modern India can only reasonably be seen as a pastiche of Hindu, Muslim and British culture at this point. To say otherwise is to engage in the rankest parochialism.
The western hemisphere was occupied by Stone Age civilizations (yes, including the Aztec and Inca) and it's simply not reasonable to expect them to have been preserved. No matter who hit them first, they were going to fall. They were just too far behind. And a very strong case can be made that the Aztec civilization required destruction in any event.
There is no logic or deduction required for the simple truth expounded by Islam
I know this is supposed to be kind of smart-assed, but you're not wrong. Only muslims could over complicate their own simple religion and turn it into a conquest philosophy.
There is no logic or deduction required for the simple truth expounded by Jesus
>complicate a conquest philosophy by turning it into a conquest philosophy
What did he mean by this? If anything Muslims are notorious for killing those who interpret the religion's more aggressive tenets into something relating to spiritual struggle, because it's really is a conquest cult.
>it really doesn't
Yes, it does. Ask a Chinese person about philosophers and they'll give you a different list than an American would.
>americans would name the great european philosophers
That's my point you fucking retard. Americans live in a Eurocentric society, therefore they will name European philosophers. People who didn't go through a Eurocentric school system and learned about their own culture and surrounding cultures more than western cultures will give you a different answer.
You're arguing just to argue at this point, even if it makes no sense. You're going to purposely misunderstand my post again in order to seem smart and right even though you're just being difficult.
>Because historical Eurocentrism and patriarchy means that the works and ideas of white men are preserved over time while that of other people are disregarded, destroyed, or co-opted over time.
The only reason the literary culture of India is available to anyone today AT ALL is because a relative handful of British men demanded that they be recorded and written down.
India's history of poetry and philosophy was disappearing down the memory hole of time (and incompetent, primitive methods of recording and transmission) and a small number of British literal autists said "This is a culture as rich as that of ancient Greece - we better get this all written down in books before it's lost."
The Spanish may not have been the best custodians of the cultures they took over, but everywhere else the only reason there's a historical impulse or archaeological impulse AT ALL is because of the western academic mindset. The inhabitants of the Middle East forgot their history without any help from "white patriarchy" and the only reason that history is known today is because Europeans looked at the mounds that Arabs and Persians had lived among, without interest, for centuries and said "Hey, what's in that big pile of dirt over there?"
Original Islam is actually nice. There was a brief period where Muhammed was simply a messenger and the law was simply to live well and do good to one another.
Sure, man couldn't raid caravans by himself after all. Besides, they're remarkably fond of the concept of later revelations trumping old ones, which makes old Islam obsolote in the face of "new" Islam, and is also how they justify their fanfic plagiarising Judaism and its spinoff, Christianity.
You really, really don't get it.
>What did he mean by this? If anything Muslims are notorious for killing those who interpret the religion's more aggressive tenets into something relating to spiritual struggle, because it's really is a conquest cult.
I thought it somewhat weird too
mostly because a lot of philosophers and great minds did live in golden age islam territories, from spain to persia
>Yes, it does. Ask a Chinese person about philosophers and they'll give you a different list than an American would.
AGAIN you are saying this, lol
how retarded are you?
I already explained to you that not only do chinese not know these things because of the cultural revolution, but if they actually knew their history it wouldn't matter because China is notorious for being the least truly philosophical civilization in history
they, much like the japs, are too autistic, concerned about structure, order...whatever the cost
which is also the reason why china is pretty much the only communist country in the world (notable one at least, cubas and venezuelas don't count, as they are utter shite)
>That's my point you fucking retard
I concede that one. I misread you
>You're arguing just to argue at this point, even if it makes no sense. You're going to purposely misunderstand my post again in order to seem smart and right even though you're just being difficult.
not really, because you are not backing up anything with fact, really
the continued use of the words "chinese" and "philosophy" in the same sentence is proof of that
as well as the use of the buzzword "eurocentric"
persian, turkish and arab philosophers are considered part of western philosophy, not eastern or asian
>you could say socrates and plato and aristotle started philosophy, and schopenhauer and nietsche concluded it
This is how I know you know nothing about philosophy.
>The only reason the literary culture of India is available to anyone today AT ALL is because a relative handful of British men demanded that they be recorded and written down.
>India's history of poetry and philosophy was disappearing down the memory hole of time (and incompetent, primitive methods of recording and transmission) and a small number of British literal autists said "This is a culture as rich as that of ancient Greece - we better get this all written down in books before it's lost."
>The Spanish may not have been the best custodians of the cultures they took over, but everywhere else the only reason there's a historical impulse or archaeological impulse AT ALL is because of the western academic mindset. The inhabitants of the Middle East forgot their history without any help from "white patriarchy" and the only reason that history is known today is because Europeans looked at the mounds that Arabs and Persians had lived among, without interest, for centuries and said "Hey, what's in that big pile of dirt over there?"
yeah, this
this is really why the brownshits are so angry, because they hate western europeans for actually bringing civilization, law, order, history and education into their lives
they would all be living in the stone age still if not for europe
that includes your china or aztecs or all those other savage civilizations that flaky liberals value so much for no reason at all
they gave us NOTHING
we are sitting here using western pcs, western languages, arguing points from western history and philosophy
nazi scientists got us to the moon
just deal with it, you absolute worthless pieces of shit
You're only doing this to argue. I used Chinese people because they live in a non Eurocentric culture. Choose whatever non Eurocentric culture you like. That was my whole point. If eurocenctricity isn't in your culture then the philosophers you name probably won't be white. But even still, ask a Chinese person about a philosopher, they'll probably say Confucius before Socrates
>b-b-but Confucius was bad because of this!!
It doesn't matter. Point still stands that people who don't live in Eurocentric societies have a different view of history than westerners do just because the history of the west is not relevant to them.
>This is how I know you know nothing about philosophy.
that's some great points there
did you use chinese methodology to conclude that
oh wait, chinese "philosophy" only talks about what should be done, not why
I guess that fits perfectly with the answer you gave
>chinese "philosophy" only talks about what should be done, not why
Proving my point again.
>You're only doing this to argue. I used Chinese people because they live in a non Eurocentric culture. Choose whatever non Eurocentric culture you like. That was my whole point. If eurocenctricity isn't in your culture then the philosophers you name probably won't be white. But even still, ask a Chinese person about a philosopher, they'll probably say Confucius before Socrates
>>b-b-but Confucius was bad because of this!!
>It doesn't matter. Point still stands that people who don't live in Eurocentric societies have a different view of history than westerners do just because the history of the west is not relevant to them.
what are you on about?
I did mention st augustine
I could mention avicenna
I am from northern europe (we had none, we were shit, so please explain that then?)
but isn't the point here that you mention the greatest ones first?
and the persian would mention avicenna
is persian philosophy eurocentric or not?
I could also mention buddha
a lot of whites would mention the buddha
>Proving my point again.
if only you had some, then maybe
but saying "you are wrong, I am right" is not only retarded, but extremely infantile
infantile, just like your pathetic short replies because you have NOTHING to come back with
Don't bother. Whites are INCAPABLE of taking responsibility for anything. It's their greatest flaw.
>>It doesn't matter. Point still stands that people who don't live in Eurocentric societies have a different view of history than westerners do just because the history of the west is not relevant to them.
haha, western civilization not relevant to them
literally everything brownshits and gooks interact with daily in the modern world is from literal whites, most of which WE are descended
the only reason you have jobs is because of us
thank GOD trump is fixing YOUR free ride
helicopters and ovening for all of you kangz and wangz and poos
user, stop. You're really embarrassing yourself.
It's amazing how the same old formula can still have this result.
the butthurt from the pooskins in this thread is quite epic
imagine being a smelly brown person and everything you see and use was invented by whites
>but isn't the point here that you mention the greatest ones first?
No. The point here is that you mention the ones you know first. Greatness is subjective, especially when talking about how much of a big brain think man someone was. Ask a white person their opinion of the Beatles and they'll probably say that they were the best thing that happened to modern music. Ask a black person and they probably couldn't give a fuck less about them.
Why do white people get so offended when they find out that others don't care that much about them. You don't even have to say anything bad about them, all you have to do is say "I think about Sun Tzu before I think about Plato" and white people think you're attacking them.
I guess when you live in a culture that depicts whites to be the center of the universe, it can be pretty jarring to find out that people who come from a country with a 1% white population don't think about whites much.
Southern Europeans
Yes, white narcissism has been discussed to death already. We all know whites have a problem except them.
>Greatness is subjective
>especially when talking about how much of a big brain think man someone was
so to you philosophy is not a field of study like mathemathics where you can quantify how good a person is in maths?
>Ask a white person their opinion of the Beatles and they'll probably say that they were the best thing that happened to modern music. Ask a black person and they probably couldn't give a fuck less about them.
it seems to me you are conflating cultural influence and cultural/nationa/racial pride with subjectivity
most guitar players would rank jimi hendrix as the greatest guitar player in history
>Why do white people get so offended when they find out that others don't care that much about them.
lolwut? this whole thread has been about butthurt poos crying over not inventing 95% of everything in history
>You don't even have to say anything bad about them, all you have to do is say "I think about Sun Tzu before I think about Plato" and white people think you're attacking them.
again, military theory is a completely different field than philosophy
completely retarded trying to make any connection between plato and sun tzu
as for military theory, any military historian would ALWAYS mention sun tzu, and certainly put him in top three
>I guess when you live in a culture that depicts whites to be the center of the universe, it can be pretty jarring to find out that people who come from a country with a 1% white population don't think about whites much.
okay? again, what does this have to do with the discussion on great minds and thinkers?
you should know by know that trying such a simple tactic as straying from topic and hitting strawmen to make yourself have any point at all will not work
Because others were ostracized, so it was like this echo chamber of whiteys jerking off to each others thoughts and destroying the wisdom other cultures produced.
Thankfully we're leaving those white ages and are now starting to realize how basic and bland those supposedly great thoughts actually are
>Yes, white narcissism has been discussed to death already. We all know whites have a problem except them.
an athlete ranked number one would not be considered narcissistic if he said he was the best
a group that is best in something would not be considered narcissistic if they said they were the best
"arrogance" is the word you are looking for
and why wouldn't we be arrogant? we tried being humble and GIVING YOU EVERYTHING
we gave you jobs, money, technology, institutions, systems, values, morals, ethics
in africa they were washing themselves in buffalo piss and drinking it when we brought the light of civilization to them
we left them railroads, books, knowledge, tools...and they neglected it all and they still drink piss and shit for fun and good health
The op asks why all philosophers are white. My point is that they're not. Go to a country that isn't Eurocentric and they'll know philosophers that are not white. Why this upsets you, I have no idea.
>lolwut? this whole thread has been about butthurt poos crying over not inventing 95% of everything in history
You have an incredibly skewed view of the world. you don't understand anything. Zero as a concept was discovered by Indians. Without it you wouldn't have binary which means you wouldn't have computers. Stop thinking whites sat alone and invented everything. Most inventions are the cummulation of HUMAN knowledge.
Asians do it, as well. Shit, it happens in Africa too, groups just going in to villages and killing people. There are people within every race that have the capability of killing, and the desire to do so.
Maybe the way it's done in the first world by white people is more to do with societal expectations creating tension or pressure on an already unstable mind. I say this as a guy that is residing in a country where somebody recently stabbed schoolkids, so you never fucking know who is gonna snap and when.
Really? Funny how countries that weren't colonised e.g. Japan, China are the ones striving while the ones the whites supposedly 'gifted' are struggling. Big think.
Can't tell if you're trolling to prove him right or if American education is really this bad.
>again, what does this have to do with the discussion on great minds and thinkers?
In a place where European culture has little influence, they recognize different people. This half assed discussion with you is getting exhausting because you're so intent on not understanding and trying to make a non point in order to feel right and superior.
If I ask you to name 5 actors, you'll probably name 5 white or black people. If I ask a Japanese person to name 5 actors, they will make 5 Japanese people. This isn't controversial. Stop being offended by such dumb shit.
>its not the people posting garbage that ruined the board its people not deleting it
its not criminals who kill people its people for not dodging their bullets.
kill yourself poltard
>>again, what does this have to do with the discussion on great minds and thinkers?
95% is virtually all
mentioning sun tzu, confucius and buddha doesn't even cover the great minds of the balkans or russia
even if you mentioned all the great minds of china and india, for that matter
>If I ask you to name 5 actors, you'll probably name 5 white or black people. If I ask a Japanese person to name 5 actors, they will make 5 Japanese people. This isn't controversial. Stop being offended by such dumb shit.
again, that is a completely different discussion than what OPs question is
which is answered in itself
and disputed by you and others with strawmen, completely ignoring the fact that almost all great inventions and ideologies were and are western
how about you tell about the great thoughts and minds of a culture, race, or nation and how it has influenced the west in any significant way
don't bother mentioning indian numerals and gunpowder, as it doesn't weigh up for the million things coming from the west
>its not criminals who kill people its people for not dodging their bullets.
I would say if you were white and walked into a black neighbourhood, I could use that analogy
literally your fault for not dodging bullets
besides, not the point, really
point was that the roasties and tranny/gay shit is MUCH worse than actual truth, which I know is hurtful, but still, as they said in the Chernobyl miniseries: what is the cost of lies?
Whats a great thinker? Also like the other guy said, white guys wrote the history you learned. Which is fine, but that doesnt make you better in any way. Do you value philosophers or do you just want to feel like youre in a special group? Because Jews and Asians completely shit on whites as a group of le thinkers
To Chinese people almost all inventions are Chinese. To British people almost all innovation is British and they will slit your throat if you think being white makes you British. To Arabs almost all invention throughout history is derived from Arab shit
>95% is virtually all
You don't get it. You think 95% of philosophers were white because YOU are white and you only care to learn about white philosophers. Name one philosopher from pre colonial America or Africa. You can't because you never bothered to search for them. Your Eurocentric upbringing only taught you about Europeans. When your culture focuses only on one group of people, it can make it seem like these people are the most important in the world.
>again, that is a completely different discussion than what OPs question is
No, it's not. OPs question is "why are all philosophers white". This is like saying "why are all actors white or black". Just because you don't know anything about Korean cinema doesn't mean Korean actors exist. Just because you don't know anything about philosophy outside of Europe doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Eastern philosophy is more thought provoking and insightful than western philosophy. The core of western philosophy is corrupted in it's roots. There was a natural alliance between philosophers of the time and Christians against paganism. Using philosophy as a means to convert. Which led to the holy roman empire, which inevitably collapsed in due time.
>absolute worthless pieces of shit
So you?
Just show me one thing you achieved in your life. Its absolutely nothing. You are so worthless that you need to identify with the achievements of other people to compensate for your inferiority complex. Why do you think you are so obsessed with the concept of inferiority and worthlessness in the first place? Man finds himself in the world, thats why.
No matter how much you identify with everyone but yourself, no matter how many things you find to criticize, you will never stop being inferior. Thats your reality, and you will have to deal with that forever. Too bad for you you arent doing too good of a job at it.
The stupefying politicization of more than half of the items on that list is one of the primary reasons I would happily beat every last "psychiatric" "thinker" in the world to death with a baseball bat.
Nearly half of them are naively truisms, that are completely unremarkable and are logically implicit in having any thought at all or holding any moral position at all.
>Ancient Greek philosophers were Christian
Implicit? Yikes try again
>To Chinese people almost all inventions are Chinese.
oh, really? please mention 3 of them without googling it first
I mean, all those chinese inventions, shouldn't be hard to mention just a handful
hey, let's play "I spy"
you find a thing in your house, then google it and who invented it
do this for everything
make a list
add them all up
or are you saying that all history is falsified and that the computer was invented in china for chinese?
because that is not how the western world works
but please, go down that route, say that all of western history are lies
>Name one philosopher from pre colonial America or Africa.
I already did: st augustine
as for philosophers from pre-colonial america, are you high on pcp?
>Just show me one thing you achieved in your life. Its absolutely nothing. You are so worthless that you need to identify with the achievements of other people to compensate for your inferiority complex. Why do you think you are so obsessed with the concept of inferiority and worthlessness in the first place? Man finds himself in the world, thats why.
oh boo hoo
I have written books, have you?
>No matter how much you identify with everyone but yourself, no matter how many things you find to criticize, you will never stop being inferior. Thats your reality, and you will have to deal with that forever. Too bad for you you arent doing too good of a job at it.
I don't, I take pride in myself, which just so happen to be descended from other greats
>Just show me one thing you achieved in your life.
it's funny, because other times you guys turn relativist and start philosophizing about what is considered great and not and what is worthwhile and not
in the great western tradition, not eastern, lol
What this guy saidIts just because people with an inferiority complex cope by identifying with the achievements of their group, so any perceived slight towards their group is treated the same way a personal sleight would be treated. When you couple that with narcissism which interprets anything short of high praise as a slight, simply not worshipping their group is treated as an attack.
>>Ancient Greek philosophers were Christian
well, what else would you expect from these type of brainwashed lefties?
the stupidity is just mind-numbing
in fact, it's like a black hole
they know so little, and are so indoctrinated with small, worthless facts that they cannot compare because they know nothing else that it just drains down itself like a tornado of shit
these are the same people who would espouse the marvels of the soviet union from propaganda posters while knowing nothing about the actual soviet union or russian history for that matter
>Really? Funny how countries that weren't colonised e.g. Japan, China are the ones striving while the ones the whites supposedly 'gifted' are struggling. Big think.
One could also easily argue that areas that are successful today are successful to the degree that they have adopted large swathes of European civilization. And that Japan and China's adoptions of that civilization were voluntary, and thus more thorough - while areas that stubbornly resisted adopting some aspects of European civilization for cultural or political or religious reasons (India, the Middle East, Africa) lag behind as a result of their failure to thoroughly become "white enough".
>as for philosophers from pre-colonial america, are you high on pcp?
They existed. We just don't know them because they're not relevant to our culture. So to say that all philosophers are white is just pure ignorance. There were philosophers from everywhere in the world, we just don't study them.
>Its just because people with an inferiority complex cope by identifying with the achievements of their group
ah, yes, ofc, it's white people who have an inferiority complex
that makes sense
>three replies in one post
You sound like you just had a mental breakdown over this lol.
>I take pride in myself, which just so happen to be descended from other greats
>i take pride in myself, and myself is defined by the greatness of other people
Thanks for proving the point
No matter how many people you argue with or how much self deception you engage in or how many great people you identify with, you will never actually be great yourself. You will always remain irrelevant, untalented and worthless. No matter how great your group may be, it will never change what you are. These words will be etched in your soul and you will carry that burden forever, because you know its true. You simply cannot escape reality.
It's not an inferiority complex, it's the opposite. White people are narcissists who feel their perceived superiority must be recognized at all times and if one fails to acknowledge what they see as their own superiority, it's an attack.
Not white people, just losers like yourself. Normal well adjusted people, white or otherwise, do not base their self esteem and identity based on what other people do.
>They existed.
yet no proof was posted, lol
a pink teddybear with fangs exists under my bed too, prove me wrong!
oh, btw, also tell me why we don't know them today, but we know the others, even the non-whites
who made that possible?
and those evil whites are real assholes, writing down things about avicenna and teaching him alongside plato and others
how racist and narcissistic! imagine the arrogance and spite whites have
if only whites had regard things like truth and scientific evidence instead
>>I take pride in myself, which just so happen to be descended from other greats
>>i take pride in myself, and myself is defined by the greatness of other people
>Thanks for proving the point
nice strawman
I take pride from myself and what I have achieved and being capable of
and being descended from other greats, I recognise them and take pride in them and their genetic material they left me, enabling me to be person I am today
>>I take pride in myself, which just so happen to be descended from other greats
You descended from peasants who had to flee Europe because the king was cucking them nonstop. Stop it.