I'm super lonely infp loser neet, how do I get friends and a cute girlfriend before I kill myself? I'd like to experience at least that
I'm super lonely infp loser neet, how do I get friends and a cute girlfriend before I kill myself...
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its probably not worth the effort, just die
why? To me it would be enough to have one close friend, I don't even need a girlfriend that much, people with close friends are so lucky
no matter how many times I see her, she really looks just like my sister
just a bit more cute, and my sis might have bigger tattas, but it's really, really weird otherwise
I'd rather not think of those things, so why don't you stop posting that whore, k thanks bye
I'd fuck my sister if she looked like that desu
you wouldn't say that if you grew up with her
If you want friendly interaction and do not really need people to be THERE in front of you, deviantArt has a huge amount of people that will take in anybody calling for help.
Just follow the pocket bible (dont be a cunt) and respect boundaries like timezones, the fact that many topics should stay on Jow Forums and get talking to randos.
Take whatever talent in whatever and try to show that there. One advantage of the infamous "deviantArt kiddo artstyle" is that even if it is bad, you have to actually TRY to be below expectations, and if you start finding things there interesting, you can easily find pockets in the community, dedicated to helping others improve.
A good starting point would be looking at the "new" submissions, as the people there are the most open to conversation.
I'm just getting into drawing, good suggestion
Are you comfortable with sharing something? You got me curious now.
lmao I drew some thot yesterday out of boredom so I'm a complete beginner
Looks good. Certainly above the average for deviantart. If you keep the "thot" part out of it, that could be a neat first submission. I know many great artists on there, that have a similar pencil sketch at the very beginning of their submission history.
that's good to hear, I'll try getting better, good knowing this thread was useful for something
Always glad to help.
Also, I am 99% sure you were memeing about the suicide, but keep in mind, you have no fucking clue what happens after, and have basically no control over it. Contrast that to living, which is something you will most likely not get to try again, and while you are at it, you may as well go the full route, ok? No rush, we all die in the end anyways. May as well stay on the ride.
it's not a meme, I got history of selfharm and a lot of shit happened but I'm not melodramatic about it anymore, kind of apathetic now, well thanks I'll try what comes out of this artistic venue of mine
Every artist has some grand problem. Look it up, incest, madness, suicide, being a woman in the middle ages... Art is basically putting your blood on show. The question is, is it fresh blood or old blood?
I forgot to mention this, but try to use a carton that is white and as flat as possible on the inside, as a makeshift scanner if you cannot use a real one. There are instructions for that stuff online, but the basics are,
get the perfect height for your paper size
cut the carton to be that high when lying down
place the camera with flash above your drawing
take that picture with delay, to prevent shaking
you mean use a carton as a pad for the paper? I didn't use any, the camera with flash doesn't work that well with my pencil, too reflective but I'll see about that lol
No, to reflect the flash off the sides and get even illumination. Maybe use a secondary light source from the side, or a glass table with a flashlight or a big tablet from below. (with a big enough tablet, you would not need the table though)
Here is an example: makeuseof.com
oh I see, that's pretty useful, you dont't really think about scanning the drawing the right way this early but I'll take it
btw, if you wanna keep in touch, my name on there is feelinghealing, for the Jow Forums side of things.
I dont post my stuff on that account, but I can still give advice and so on.
sure, sent you message
have luck
t. infp that had luck
My man, if you're an infp then you're never a loser. You're a fucking legend. Unironic advice: be yourself for yourself.
Is it "infps post their attempts at art" hour?
looks interesting, have you drawn before?
ENTP here
>MFW no Mommy gf
A few times yeah. I'm working on keys to drawing