Are there any good comebacks to "have secks"?
Are there any good comebacks to "have secks"?
Unironically no u.
"make me" is a good one for irl, not that anyone would dare try the "have sex" move in a real life argument
Sometimes the only way to avoid an insult is to not do the thing that would provoke an insult
irl "let's go"
on interwebs, not really
Nope. That's the end of the conversation.
nope, not if it actually bothers you. imagine some tranny making a thread about comebacks to being called a tranny...same small dick energy
>small dick energy
I'm afraid to ask what big dick energy is
Actually going out and having sex.
I wonder why it bothers robots so much
Anyone saying that implies that they've had sex which means they're a filthy normgroid and their opinion here means jack shit
"lmao you have a vagina"
"i did and it wasn't good"
"spread that pussy if you beleive that's the solution and you care that much"
"i identify as a drone , my dronsonality is asexual-45"
Literally say "no". It clashes with their normie programming and they won't know what to do
It's just bait, so ignore it. Simple as.
it's litterally a faggot saying "I can't think of a rebuttal" so all you have to do is ignore it, you won the argument
I literally felt my dick gush a little reading that.
humans are hard-wired to procreate. not being able to achieve that is a massive blow to self esteem for many many people. while the schizoid personality might not give a shit about getting his dick wet, a great many people who meet all the other criterias of being a robot cannot escape this fundamental undeniable biological truth. even if the society we live in is turbo fucked and possibly irrevocably pozzed, people still feel that need and it weighs down heavy on them.
bend over.
"Bend over, sissy boy"
do a line you virgin
This. It is a taunt. It tells people do something that most normal people are cabable of doing, while reminding them of their failure to do so. It is two insults in one. Have sex, we know you want to, but you cant you are broken, and anything you use to counter this taunt means is just a poor attempt at nursing your wounded ego. It is a highly loaded remark. It even implies that taking offense to it denotes a further problem
I would have used quotation marks, but I cannot post non-ascii text.
That still doesn't deny the fact that a normgroid's opinion on r9k means jack shit
Also this guy is right, "have sex" is usually a variation of ad hom used by normgroids when they can't think of a comeback
"I just did" bang, no comeback
Cure herpes
Well, I'm a frequent visitor of reddit, and this is what I have to say
I frequent the women's subreddits, and many misogynistic pigs call the women whores, sluts, and that their thoughts and feelings don't deserve validation
I doubt these f***ing losers have even seen a real vagina besides what they masturbate to with their tiny whale dicks on Pornhub, and I know this triggers them:
"Go get laid", "Shut up, virgn", "incel"... you know where I'm going with this
It's so obvious these numb-skulls have no idea how to treat a lady in their presence
It's easy to hide behind the mask of anonymity and pretend like you are this "ALPHA MALE DUDE" who drinks a gallon of protein mix every day
You haven't made a single women wet in this room. Nothing makes a women more turned-off than pretending to be someone you're not
In my experience, I have made dozens of female friends (and "close" female friends, if you know what I mean) by just being nice, nonjerk and not being afraid to show my emotions
That's all I have to say
Yes and it's called ''Dilate.''
I am become bait, the destroyer of threads
Women are people, and people are repulsive. I will not treat them like women, I shall treat them like shittier men, which is what they are.
"suck my dick faggot"
"isnt it past your bed time"
"lol virgin"
"you first faggot"
"dont ever speak to me or my wifes son again"
"ask your mom when shes free lol"
"fight me irl"
"speak to me again and il smash your stupid fucking face in you fucking cunt"
"go tighten your braces kid"
all good choices
i think 99% percent of people who use it, use it ironicly becuase its funny to say and its hard to use a comback against