Someone invented a time machine, and gave it to you

The time machine has 4 settings:


Which decade would you travel to? It's a one way trip and you cannot go back to 2019.

Attached: download (22).jpg (251x201, 9K)

2000 because it was fun

No thank you. The past is awful

And then bitcoin I guess

will i be the same age or the age of that century?

Go back to 2000, make sure to write down and alsp memorize what stocks to invest in. Buy copious amounts of bitcoin when it first comes out, by copious amounts of etherium too, invest in AMD when they make themselves competent again wirh Zen, invest in all the other companies that took off, spend the money living comfortably in a stave church teaching people about the gods.

>get a time machine
>it sucks ass
fuck it, I'll got to 1990 and start amazon myself.

i'd just go to 2000

bring lottery numbers with me, become a millionaire. when the time is right, dump a million or so into bitcoins.

would be the shit

I want to kill all commies of my country who committed acts of terrorism before they were given an amnesty in the mid 80's. Fucking commie niggers.

My country is a shithole and it was even shittier the further you go in the past. I don't want to fucking die so I'll go to the 2000's and become a millionaire like the others said.