>havent showered in 3 months
>havent left my house in 4 months
>havent eaten in 24 hours
>havent drunk water in forever
>havent washed my teeth in 5 years
>wake up and stare at my ceiling for 5 hours
>room full of dust and dead insect corpses littered all over the floor
>matted hair
Havent showered in 3 months
Compared to other doomer problems you seem to have listed a lot of things you could change easily.
>dishes piled in sink, now use entirely paper plates
>cat shit all over the floor because I haven't changed the litter box in a month
>pop cans on every surface, only throw one away when I need a spot for a new one.
>clothes in a big pile, haven't done laundry in over 2 months. Cat has pissed on them several times but I don't care and wear them anyway.
>trash piled up as well, sometimes I forget to take out the cans or I just don't feel like it put it off a week.
depression is no joke friends.
Get a job, meth head.
Jesus christ man, isn't there anyone there to help you? Call someone, call a friend, call family, hell, call a distant relative. Go to the library or the local college and find a shelter. Don't die like this.
I have no family since my mom died a few months ago. Basically just working the up the balls to end things.
I'm suicidal too but at least I keep shit clean.
think of the cat you filthy scum
how can you afford pop cans
take a picture of your surroundings user, I'm intrigued
by using up the money she left me, I got 200k sitting in the bank and in CDs. Probably won't kms until its all gone.
actually though. the least you could do is get that cat a more comfortable home before you eventually off yourself
>>havent washed my teeth in 5 years
You shouldn't have a pet. If you can shitpost here, you can call a shelter to fetch your cat. At least do one morally correct thing in your life.
Why are women such fucking THRASH? I want to murder this disgusting gender.
how about we play a game together and asses if we could be friends from there
Hahaha, you said "asses".
I never had a friend my entire life, why would I have one now?
I;m not giving you any money so fuck off.
its the cat we had before mom died, I know I'm horrible to it but its the only thing that gives me comfort (it still loves and snuggles with me)
Jesus dude that sounds fucking awful. I know it's super hard when you're depressed but surely you must hate living like that? It's probably making things much worse living in shit like that.
You could fix all of that in 3 hours. Sorry, I don't mean to be an asshole but just do it. You'll feel a lot better.
You should buy stocks/bonds dummy, that should be enough to survive indefinitely if your living conditions are that shit.
I'm not the OP but am the second guy who posted his shit hole conditions. I've always been lazy and lived neet off my mother until her death (20 years, am 39 almost 40) She did everything around the house, even into her 70s. I just can't find to motivation to clean or do anything to lift myself up.
you should probably call an ambulance and then move back in with parents if possible or opt for some kind of group living situation where you can be monitored by other people
you might be a schizo
any delusions/hallucinations?
>>havent eaten in 24 hours
Believe it or not but that's actually very healthy.
user, your tumblr shows
Do you think a meth head would lie around all day doing nothing? Get real you retard