Why haven't you taken the christpill? I absolutely promise you, if you don't repent and believe on the Lord you and your immortal soul will be punished alive in everlasting destruction. This stuff is REAL, and there's a spiritual warfare going on for your soul.
Other urls found in this thread:
I already did though.
I should have known this was unoriginal
>this stuff is real I promise guys
Look man I'm not anti religion or anything but this is a weak ass way to convince people
what is this, blackmail?
It's truth, no matter how painful it is
Christ did similar. He would say "I am telling you the truth" or "Truly, truly"
so blackmail.
I bet he wasnt banking on credibility on an anonymous image board
This is for your benefit, not mine. I don't gain anything from saving your soul. Pick up the New Testament and get reading, my man.
>worship me or suffer eternally
no thx
Don't let your ego get in the way of your eternal salvation.
at least i know my ego is real
>you and your immortal soul will be punished alive in everlasting destruction.
W-what did I do?!?
All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. You are redeemed by believing in the Lord's work on the cross and repenting of your sins.
>you are redeemed IF you start listening to what we say
>Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me (John 14:6)
accept the truth, Romans 10:9-13
accept you're a sinner and Jesus Christ, God in flesh form, died on the cross, was buried, resurrected three days later for you, user, you will be saved. Call out to him with your voice.
Ephesians 2:8-9 saved by faith not by works
im not interested in the Father.
Fuck christians, your religion was full of holws from the start.
You came into the land of my ancestors telling them to betray the gods for your false god, and even stole our holidays.
If jesus really was ressurected on easter and born on christmas then why did these holidays only show up in christianity after christians came to scandinavia? Seeslms very weird that Easter and Eostre sound very similair, and happen at the same time, and also that christmas happens at the same time as Yule. Also even more funny that "hell" became a concept at the same time, definitely not stealing Helheim or anything
You can believe in your false religion that filled in its wholes as it went and spend your life afraid of what not to do, i will spend my life worshipping the true gods, as they dont tell me what not to do, but instead tell me to live and die in glory, leaving a legacy on midgard. No god truly loves his children if he were to cast them to hell, the true gods love all their children, believers or not.
Here he is again with his paganism.
hes pretty cool. he only talks about Norse paganism, and not the Gaelic pantheon. im sure they are related.
But how would I know that?
I have to take your word for it?
You tell me I did bad but you don't tell me how or why, I find that very bothersome.
i acknowledge the wisdom of my Norse brothers and their Gods. But my God is the Great Dangun Wanggeom, Grandson of Heaven.
Have you ever stolen? Lied? Cheated? Then you've sinned. Sinning is ungodly and worthy of infinite punishment from an infinite God.
I am here with the true gods. If you proselytize, steal holidays, and talk about how an all loving god would cast his children to hell, it is ruling by fear. No true god would do such a thing. My ancestors did not proselytize, did not force their religion, yet the belief was within everyone. How come abrahamic religions had to spread it as much as possible, forcing it even, yet everyone truly believed in the gods? You may believe whatever you want in life, i do not make any attempts to convert, only inform and tell, the allfather accepts and loves all his children, so i atleast hope you live honorably in life to have a chance to meet the allfather
I am not familiar with the gaelic pantheon much, but i do not doubt some ideas of gods are similair, i believe the romans equated their mars with Tyr, and believed the 2 to be one in the same, and with romans much further away than gaelics, i dont doubt some influence existed, i may soon look and learn of the gaelic pantheon.
Everyone always claims its a larp, and i guess it is understandable due to the small amount of norse pagans today, but my ancestors truly are scandinavian. Fully swedish on my mothers side, swedish and danish on my fathers side, my family line all comes from scandinavia. Even for people who are not, they are still ancestors, blood relations are nothing compared to the fact we are all sons and daughters of odin. You are free to believe im larping, but i assure you i am not.
I am grateful for the acknowledgement, i acknowledge your wisdom too, and hope the allfather gives you his blessings.
>religion about war and shit
>gets beaten by religion all about turning the other cheek
history is weeeiird
I did, I wish people around me did it too.
Tuatha De Danann is the Gaelic pantheon
>Sinning is ungodly and worthy of infinite punishment from an infinite God.
Calm down user, not everyone here is or wants to be a criminal who justifies his crimes with prayers.
do you see the lake behind him? its a real lake in North Korea, on top of a dormant volcano.
How do your morals and values apply to your everyday life, Paganon? While I enjoy the stories of Nordic pantheon as folklore, I couldn't see how such wrathful, close-to-human deities could be idealized any more than a modern human hero could. What separates Tyr from a conquerer like Alexander the Great?
The only justification is believing on the Lord and repenting of your sins.
t. our desert brethern
our Gods are free and make rest in the mountains that reach Heaven
pretty much this "Good people" don't go to heaven simply by doing good works, they have sins too. Even most christians who go to church never had faith, and solely trust in their works. It's all about faith, the one time to accept the Lord Jesus Christ means you're saved from sins past present and future. Repentance comes after, its just a change of mind.
The religion was not about war at all, much of it was about wisdom and law, odin and tyr being two aesir showing this, i understand the association though, as at the time, law and war were quite synonymous. From what we know at the time, they did not even attempt to fight the christians. The christians went straight to those in power and forced it that way, but the sons and daughters of the gods knew that fighting would not be the answer. Eyvind Kinriffi was killed by king olaf for refusing to betray the gods and his ancestors. They also refused to fight as they knew death is not the end, dying with honor and with your heart truly to the gods meant the gods would see your honor and faith in them.
I use the acts of the gods as lessons of how i should live, which can be much like humans too. I try to live much by the lessons of Tyr, but not because of him being a god of war, but his sacrifice. Tyr willingly sacrificing a hand during the Binding of Fenrir, showing how one should put what is right and lawful above all else, even if that involves a sacrifice. I am but human, so i still have biases, but i still try my hardest to live by this lesson, and others from other gods. I also honor the gods in many other ways. Whenever i hunt, being mostly deer, i use as much of the animal as i can, and give it the honor it deserved. The deer had as much a claim to life as i do, but his sacrifice waa necessary, so i should do him honor by using as much as i can of him, making sure that his death was not a waste. This is something i do to honor the vanir. There are lessons to be learned from mortal men too though, so i do learn from men as well as gods, but the gods show us exemplary examples of how to live.
But why should heaven be my end goal?
Because you only go to one of two places soon after death: heaven or hell
heaven has big titty goth gfs
Friendly reminder that the gods imprisoned us in this universe and Christ came to set us free; no matter how good some of them may seem, they harvest our energy
>t. Gnostic
I did, but then I relapsed. I just do not want to go to confession again.
t. desert child
Did god tell you or one of those natural born sinners?
Says the same guy who believes in magic ravens and other shit like that.
The celts has a better form of paganism, the Japanese has a better form of paganism, even the sumerians had a cooler religion. Norse paganism is African-tier religion
You can always come back to Christ, fren.
Actually a convincing argument to take the christpill.
No titties in heaven.
There are thugs I would rather not tell my local priest.
You don't have to confess to your priest, God already knows what you've done. Just be sorry and don't do it again.
>No titties in heaven.
But an eternal love orgasm
Im guessing you're referring to huginn and muninn and they are definitely not magical, so please dont call things you dont understand or know about weird.
You are free to believe such a thing, just as you are free to be wrong.
>believe on the Lord
how do u know theres a lord?
>your immortal soul
how do u know this exists?
>This stuff is REAL
why? how do u know?
Faith, general knowledge and biblical wisdom my fren
There's no way to stop suffering and attain complete and total liberation from pai-
tell the Lord, close your door and tell him. He will help you. You don't need a priest.
what's general knowledge?
and biblical wisdom I can't trust unless I a priori accept the lord and immortal soul and all that exists, which is what I'm asking in the first place
it seems as a bottom line it boils down to faith/revelation. but I haven't experienced revelation so what then?
Nirvana is still inside this fallen universe, they end up reincarnating again. Buddhism is good for stopping sin but you need Christ to get to heaven.
>Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me (John 14:6)
Read moar, then it will become obvious that the soul is real. Start with NDEs and OBEs
Lmao and what is was the religion before that? Some meaningless shit. Religion is just an idea retard. What will it make you stronger or some shit lol. Retard.
>Start with NDEs and OBEs
Are those some kind of drug?
Even if you wete right and the gods werent real (although everything we know points to the gods being worshipped as far back as anything has been recorded there) what would it do? What would living with honor, making sure you die having left your mark on this world do? I guess nothing, i guess living as a strong honorable person isnt something at all
Near-death and out-of-body experiences
>What would living with honor, making sure you die having left your mark on this world do? I guess nothing, i guess living as a strong honorable person isnt something at all
You could live with honor using some other religion. Why do you have this attachment to this religion that is incomplete and recorded by monks. What about the religion before that? You can't believe that there wasn't another religion before it, right? That's absolutely brain dead. Being attached to a religion racially is stupid. You should only judge a religion on its beliefs, not origins. That's totally intellectually bankrupt.
it's so interesting to read that some AnonRobot is not interested in something.
Well your points are less convincing due to your hostility but ill play for a bit i guess.
Im not attached to the religion racially, as i said earlier, ancestors are not always by blood, we all are sons and daughters of odin, so a black man or an irish woman share the same religious ancestors as me.
Calling it incomplete also shows how ignorant you are. Theres much missing because christians stole and proselytized, much was lost due to them. If you attempt to make an argument, knowing anything about the argument itself is important, along with not throwing insults around like necklaces at mardi gras
>demotivational posting
havent seen that in a while
>Easter and Eostre sound very similair,
>similair Eastre
>airsimil Estore
>smallair Esther
>hurr durr reeee plz dont exist plz plz plz
Yeah you didn't address anything. If you're not a racial pagan then what is the point. What is the evidence that the gods exist? That the world was born from a cow
This video explains more
Racial pagans are scum of the earth to me, acting like only some children of odin are allowed to worship the gods is a foolish notion. There is much evidence that gods exist and even can be tied into our understanding of science
Also the world was not born of a cow, but the cow did play a role. It would take very long to explain gylfaginning, but the world was made from the parts of ymir after odin vili and ve killed him.
I guess strawmen and ad hominem are in season. Those are swedaboos, none of true faith, i dislike them greatly as they use it as an aesthetic and cloak to replace a personality.
you can promise whatever you want that doesn't mean I'll take your word or the word of whoever wrote the bible.
why haven't you taken the Brahman pill yet? or the Buddha pill? or the
>1 Timothy 6:7
>For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out.
Did you god cucks ever figure this out it doesnt mean just material goods. Think about it you were born from nothing then you collected a bunch of material (food) to build your body, you collected memories and patterns to build your mind. These will also go when you leave. If there is a heaven the body and the mind are not going there so why would it matter what your deeds were while you existed? Well it does matter as far as how pleasant your time here is going to be but nothing more than that.
>Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God's one and only Son (John 3:18)
Christianity has loads of holes, goofy shit and oversights in it that make it hard for me to take it as anything but a rag-tag collection of stories by many different people that many other different people edited the shit out of to control the populace. It has good messages scattered throughout, of course, but taking its conclusion as absolute fact seems kinda goofy when most Christians, and everyone else, already shit on literalists.
>you were born from nothing
Go to fucking sex ed, you god damn mong.
i'm already punished
will be nice to have somethign familiar when im dead
Because I know who yahweh is and I know too much about abrahamic religion to be bought by your entry level shilling.
i want to so badly but theres just something holding me back. it means i have to get rid of all the awful fetishes, i cant do drugs for trips, i have to stop hating everyone etc. so many others but it just makes me feel even worse that i want to hold onto those things so badly when theyre so bad.
I have no compelling reason or indisputable evidence proving God's existence. Why would I praise a guy if I don't even know he exists? Why would he punish me when I don't even know he exists? Why would I praise him if he'd punish me for not praising him when I don't even know he exists?
Any god that would condemn me to eternal damnation simply for not following his orders doesn't deserve my worship, and, in fact, should be opposed just on principle. A god without compassion should be reviled and cursed, not worshipped.
Oh my you are so intelligent! Did mommy and daddy gather material to make the baby? Indeed. Was it gathered by eating food? Indeed.
>Yeah, I said something totally retarded, but, now that you pointed it out, I ACTUALLY meant something not retarded. Here's some passive aggression so you don't notice.
The levels of based are too high
He was a necromancer.
You're some random anonymous retard on the internet.
See the difference?
sauce on image? origin