Idfk, just any Chad in general is enough. I just thought I remembered him being asian, and I thought he was in more than one video Pls no bully
Ryan Russell
Indigo White came out of fucking NOWHERE and took over. I like to think I was one of the first to see her. I love her, she makes such good videos. I would leave my hypothetical bf for her, not the other way around.
Zachary Bell
Not a fembot, but, I can't have sex with the camgirl so why would it matter if my gf has her body? Just because you're too autistic to accept anything less than perfection doesn't mean the rest of us are.
Jaxon Evans
This video? That guy isn't Asian. You see his face at the start. He also has hairy legs. Asians can't grow beards, let alone have hairy legs.