What does r9k think of white men? What has your experience been interacting with one?

What does r9k think of white men? What has your experience been interacting with one?

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Im white. Its ok I guess.

Obviously, they're all racists. I mean, just look at them, right?

why do shitskins even exist

i wish they would fuck our women

Like men of other races, you have you're autistic kinds, edgy kinds and good ones
guess what I'm trying to say is, I don't think about them at all

Straight white males are 1000% more likely to be racist bigoted assholes.

White people are often boring, oblivious, assholes. Some of them are cool though.

spread your legs you brown whore

Whats your race?
Yeah im pretty boring honestly

The only good thing about white people is that they aren't niggers