Fuck my wagecuck life
Fuck my wagecuck life
My condolences user. I've worked wagecuck jobs but never cleaning shit
tfw my shits look like this
how much do you make being a janny and where do you do it?
Lol I remember bein security at a welfare office and the janitor girl was like a mid 20s lightskinned tall blackgirl who fuckin HATED her job. Was angry at the old people who shit themselves n stuff
atleast you are paid , no coworkers , free to wear headphones and music.
take the positive stuff too, I would like to work in your place and stop being neet.
just wear a mask, those cough masks so you dont breathe in poop fumes
>he does it for MONEY
made myself laugh
Being a janitor was the worst job I ever had. And I've had some shitty jobs.
Just join the army. Original
Highly recommended for robots with negligible social skills?
I make 18.5 nzd so whatever that is in burger coins
Yeh I've had worse jobs (customer service) the shitty toilets are the only downside
I'm actually doing that next year
This is top tier robot job
I want those toilets so clean the virgin Mary herself would be proud to walk in there and take a dump
It's a indeed shitty job
But it's already more respectable than most people here, don't let the neets fool you, it's better than leeching your parents or something similar
(Not the government tho, if you can leech the government do it)
Sorry I took a shit in their
Army or military is based
Joined the navy they payed for my education and I got a comfy desk job for the government doing nothing while i browse Jow Forums
I'm at work too faggot you just have a shit job just find an easy one and deal with low pay
How do you actually get a job out of navy/AF enlistment?
Where are you from?
And what's your job title?
maybe thats a girls poop OP
Days getting better, pic related
>see ya later virgins
jesus Christ. why dont you just work a small mom and pop shop or something wtf
if you had to clean a toilet there it wouldn't even be bad. probably just sweep around do the cash register a few hours not see a shit load of people
start applying get the fuck out of there