I love wearing diapers, especially the ones with the little princess prints on them! They make me feel safe and happy! =^w^=
I love wearing diapers...
Origolly fuck off autist.
>especially the ones with the little princess prints on them!
Where do you get them, OP? Or are you small enough to fit into diapers made for toddlers?
Me too op :) rears princess or mydiaper?
oh fuck, people here are really freaks
But are you a princess, OP, or just a faggot pretending to be a girl?
>tfw no mommydom gf to put me in diapers and refuse to let me use the potty until i can no longer control my potty movements and rely on the diapers
Spiro taking trannies: GTFO! We know why
Because you're a big boy, user. You can buy your own diapers and decide for yourself that you're not going to use the potty anymore.
> water is wet
I still want a mommydom gf
Can we just have a normal diaper thread that isn't opened by deliberately being as autistic as possible to piss off everyone else on the board? At this point you're on par with the tranny-spam.
reminder that diapers are based and kappu-pilled
this thread was created by a tranny uwu
trannies need diapers because douche juice comes out unexpectedly
Diapers are all fun and games until you have to clean literal shit off of someone's ass.
diapers cure my dysphoria for a moment they are a dysphoria shield because I just feel like a cozy child and I don't feel my peni I just feel like I'm being hugged in my waist also I wish I had a daddy to treat my like a little princess cuz that's what I am
That was pretty cute up until the part where you called yourself a princess
>using diapers
Pfft, shit your pants like a real man.
diapers are so adorable and cute! i really hope my gf gets me some soon so i can wear them and attain maximum comfy status
Kappu likes diapers too? How based
based diaper posting user. for me, its abu space tonight since abu is out of lavender uwu
>tfw wearing a diaper right now
do you diaper anons ahve discord? i could make a server for us all so we can diaper post i want to see you lewdies
Me too
To be fair how normal can it really be. In terms of cringe i really fucking hate pretty much all of the art for this shit
is this now a discord thread?
become my girlfriend now please
fuck off retard
thyme, pepper, ____.
here just made it b5KA9EB
shameless diaper bump
big if true
kappu is an original girl
Based if true. In an original way.
theres more of you diaper loving anons, right?
smugposting intensifies
Diaper wetting intensifies
>tfw no wet diaper
shameless diaper girl bump
>That tape placement
Shamful display
You're all degenerates. I hope your parents disown you and you get hit by a bus.
Well until that happens i have diapers to wet
too late my mom already knows I wear diapers she's cool with it
>To be fair how normal can it really be. In terms of cringe i really fucking hate pretty much all of the art for this shit
We actually used to have regular diaper threads on here a while back. Believe it or not but they were some of the least autistic threads on the board. Maybe just because everyone was accepting of how odd it was and acted chill so by comparison faggots who came into the thread trying to stir shit looked far more autistic and immature.
Now actual trannies and discordfags seem to be using it for attention (whether they're trolling or not) because they know they can irritate people. Which is why I'll be saging these threads until they fuck off- and they will, just like the last faggot who tried using our threads to get attention, they're ultimately less dedicated than us and will get bored eventually.
i hope for your sake you are a 5`3 cute skinny girl which only wears an onesize and a diaper to bed, otherwise this is kind of gross
Same. Not a tranny tho (thank god), but diapers have to be cute and the more feminine prints are more cute.
I'm still mad as shit at the fag throwing tantrums causing r9krinkle to get banned
My favourites are the ABU Preschools, they're so cute and soft and babyish
every time i try to buy the preschool cloth theyre sold out in my size(medium)
I have the same thing with the Lavenders, never been able to buy them, always sold out. I want to try them so bad, oh well.
Yes i was part of those and they were never as successfull or as normal as being made out here. This is a weird as shit thing to be into regardless.
Fun fact:
when trying to monetize porn videos, Jews found that bizarre fetishes were attracting more money than straight porn. That's why even if you never searched/googled/clicked on some shitty thing (like diapers porn), porn industry (starting from Mindgeek) tempt you with this pathethic diaper thing.
Just like any other '''hurr durr muh fetish''', it's all about the opposite of your worst fear. You know you're childish and dependent, you go for diapers fetish. You know you can't land a decent gf, you go for traps/trannies fetish. You know your crush always ignored you, you go for interracial & abuse, because you want to see a scenario where you feel some revenge. And so on.
Diaper '''fetish''' also includes your cringe about wasting your best years on random shit and never getting true love. For two reasons:
1) diapers are for babies - babies get constant attention and love
2) diapers are for old farts - your fear is becoming one of them, shitting and peeing yourself, thus needing a diaper everytime you're more than a couple steps away from the bathroom. Showering yourself with diaper porn means you are screaming to yourself '''herp derp I am not yet an old fart'''
jesus christ you guys are fucking weird
They weren't perfect, it was hard to keep them bumped, but they were perfectly fine. Just relaxed discussion with most angry tards being deflected if they came into the thread all like "WHY DO YOU LIKE WHAT I DONT LIKE?!"
Oooooh so is that why diaper porn has some of the fewest results on porns sites and are least promoted on their front page? Because they're so successful at getting clicks? Makes perfect sense
You guys really shit yourselves huh?
Some do, some don't. It depends. Get it? Little diaper humor for you there
this boys kinda cute
>normal diaper thread
it's true, as a child I was a bedwetter with occasional accidents in the day as well and I was terrified of (being put back in) diapers. Then bedwetting stopped and puberty hit and suddenly I wanted them
I would be your daddy... I need lots of love though
Holy shit the state of newfags
Fuck off this board.
Fuck off AGP faggots
Really diaper trannies who up?
Your best bet is probably erp with some discord tranny, or just someone who shares the fetish.
Try your luck on Omegle
AGP diaperfag reporting in
So, is the discord server happening
Good newfags fuck off to some shitty (pun intended) diaper discord and we can have a real thread
>acting like diaperfags havent been here for a long time
Get off the board newfag
No, I mean a real diaper thread. Discord is for fucking newfags, and any retard in here diapered or not who uses it instead of imageboards doesn't belong here
>tfw been incon my entire life
>was bullied for it
>used to hate it immensely
>discovered the diaper lover community and started talking with people in it
>it's still a struggle but I can enjoy it now
It still sucks but I get you
Cool well angry retards got made jannies ban the regular diaper thread that happened. Dont blame us.
You post this in every diaper thread
Why wouldn't I? Helps me feel at home and with people who sorta understand me
how are you incon? birth defect? freak accident? It seems like a very rare condition and I haven't done a lot of research into it
well I don't spend any money on porn in any fashion but I guess I owe the jews a thanks for helping me find my fetish
Just assimilate instead of telling us your life story every time, this isn't AA