what do you do once you've dug down to bedrock?. DIG UP AGAIN
minecraft edition, get yer ores our for da lads
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Update me on the cola drama lads
first for i spelleded our in stead of out
Don't like it when I get no (you)s. Makes me really depressed. Probably a sign I'm a big old loser.
How did your disciplinary go lad?
loads of cans got knocked over and people opened them and got covered in it. all cleaned up now though, drama's over
failed my driving test for honking at the lolipop lady on a zebra crossing
On day whatever of NEETdom as we speak
i knew i was getting fired
so did poley actually get arrested or what?
Arrested for the ribena piss shake?
The last confirmed sighting of Richey Edwards was February 7, the last confirmed day he was alive was February 13.
During the interim period, hundreds if not thousands of people must have seen him, yet surprisingly a famous musician went undetected by anyone for 6 days, that alone is bizarre, and gives credibility to the notion that he may have just disappeared later
>he thinks aberdeen is expensive
Turning 24 this year and I can't be arsed to get my driver's license
>he thinks his posts are funny
one of the great unsolved mysteries of our age
didn't he present on T4?
I, too, turn 24 in less than a month. Feel like I'm getting too old. The Inbetweeners ended 9 bloody years ago.
>a-aberdeen is the 3rd most expensive country in the world
waterhead is on damage control mode
if you ran the bitch over they would have passed you
This new Fedoraposter from Glasgow is a right spastic, I preferred the says when we Fedoraposter about seasonal affective disorder
Read it again, daft cunt.
Ive set myself some personal goals to achieve in the foreseeable future. Stuck them up on a post-its on a 3x4 grid. Colour coded by category.
Hope theres gonna be an empty wall soon and/or they get replaced with new ones. Any of you interested in them, just state the grid reference.
>driver's license
Excuse me lad, but this is a yank-free zone
B2 let's see these goals user
He doesn't even understand fedora posting
>he doesn't realise I'm just provoking him
typical low IQ norferner. when I move into my 250k castle I'm going to rule the whole city.
Have I carved enough my lord? Child, you are a bone.
A1 please lad
What's this picture from? I want to go to the video and abuse them in the comments
*drives family into the britfeel canal*
c4 pls
lost 4lb today somehow
still a bit fat desu
Finish reading 5 data/stats books
Bring 1 packed lunch per week to work for the next 12 weeks.
Both sound fucking dull but first one Im mostly there and its to improve my skills and second one is to help me save some money rather than eating out every lunch. Keeping things grounded and realistic so its achievable.
>What's this picture from? I want to go to the video and abuse them in the comments
More like "hey, where do I buy those fedora's guys?"
Lift 5,4,3,2. i,e;
500lbs deadlift
400lbs squat
300lbs bench
200lbs press
This is my fave one lad.
I don't think that line is about weight loss but I'm proud of you user.
You know what that actually sounds like a cool idea for completing goals desu. Gonna do it for myself. Reckon I'll enjoy peeling off the notes as I achieve things. Cheers user
/mtfg/ told me to show you my dick so uh here
thanks i might give that a go
divided by 10 ofc
i guessed
just having a bit of a laugh
i think not eating anything and drinking rum helped with the weight lost
Yeah, do it man. Thats the idea. Stick them up on the wall infront of my desk so I see them whenever I sit down at the laptop. Then make it my aim to peel them off.
Keep it grounded and realistic. Things you can have direct influence over, and within next 6 to 12 months.
you might want to get that lump on your nut sack checked out
Feeling so lonely tonight lads, not sure what to do about it either
are you the fag who's dating cola?
*manly hugs*
no that's just another who wishes he was dating cola
Thanks lad, appreciate it originally
I'm also going to do it lad. You influential bastard haha.
fucking kek
>tfw 27 year old NEET and still living at home
Can't even entertain the idea of dating in this sad scenario
No but we're chums
I have no current STDs
>Tfw no gf
Alri me haha
just like to say fuck you all(except some nice lads) and hope you have a shite day tomorrow. I'm off to bed now.
probably just cancer then
god I wish I had cancer
I have no work ethic
tell me something interesting about cola/her bf
Have you tried being less shit?
collection of op images from the archives for (You) lads
i'll try to find the psds the links are somewhere in the archive
sweet dreams sugar
You could only feel lonely if you've had somebody for company in the past
so are you a normalfag scum or not?
na night paIs
Yes, it's hard to stop
My parents?
*tucks you in and turns off the light*
That would be great lad.
Moni...I was lonely!
*farts and starts snoring incredibly loudly*
I bought this eye mask recently and it's helped with my sleep. Just need to be going to bed a couple hours earlier
song for (You) based lad
one more stone to lose
i need to get to bed myself desu
meant to be phoning the std clinic in the morning to make appointment for my vaccine booster
>get into bed
>feel hungry again
>std clinic
you got aids?
Any lasses on your mind lads or any you want to post?
I'm finally realising if I wasn't an autist I could have had a gf a long while ago turns out there's been a few women who've actually liked me.
no you spaz
going there is why i don't have aids or warts or hep
or any of a whole of bunch of stuff they tested me for and gave me vaccines against
just wrap your willy, don't be silly!
What kind of a prostitute only works Mon-Fri, people have jobs woman. I guess evenings are an option but I'd have to travel, doesn't leave much time. Why are there no decent prozzies in my area
as much as that is good advice it not really fool proof
especially after a few drinks
one time i somehow got a condom half way down my dick when it was on inside out
I cant stop thinking of her
Office qt, she's too perfect. Face, body, personality. Worst part is she sits opposite me so I have to deal with that every day, knowing I can't have her.
A new low for the Banbury chubster.
Amer is a billionth of the man Shippy is
Condoms, how do they work eh? I think I put it on the wrong way too, girl had to do it for me
>3 minutes ago
Poley why are you now shitting on him anonymously? What did the poor bastard do this time
Can't get this weird Christian girl I know out of my mind. I really like talking to her.
>Poley talking shit about someone's personality
>his personality leaves much to be desired
Why not just get tinder lad? or hell even Discord, two lads at my work got properly lucky, one got flown out to Ireland for the week at the woman's expense and the other the woman came from Wales to drive him over the English border and shag him for the weekend. Oddly whilst at work the first one who got flown out was a gigantic autist who only talked about Hitler and the Nazis but apparently around women he's apparently dead different which I wasn't at all expecting, as in zero confidence and here he is getting women to fly him out the fucking nutter.
they're only meant to go on one way because of how they're rolled up
fuck knows how i got it to cover so much of my dick but needless the say it ripped after a few seconds
I laughed altogether too much at this
Go home, nonvirgin scum.
Incels envy you.
Volcels feel disgust at you.
>Incels envy you
it's something to aspire to
i'm not very good looking desu
you've just got to put yourself out there and not set your standards unrealistically high
Just this person I accidentally got infatuated with despite knowing I wasn't compatible with anyone in the world romantically. Realised my feelings definitely weren't reciprocated a few days ago and feeling ago bit shit for letting my self get caught up in thinking I could be normie and happy for a while.
Looking forward to a few days time when I can surround myself with vidya and purge all the left over feels from my head and go back to comfortable solitude once more. Not going to make it lads.
We're all gonna make it lad, just takes a lot of time for some of us
Just woke up wahey laddos
Im gonna spend all me money on designer brands
Found some of the psd
/britfeel/ 2018
From A different link is dead
From >half a gb
It's the same as the above /britfeel/ 2018 psd
I'll mirror them to github compressed in a 7zip archive so it's a quicker download for any lads with a slow connection
Thanks lad it's a nice song
>Can't scan the file before downloading
sorry but I don't trust it
I hope you do m8, but I doubt I will. I'll be ok though, I'll just keep on distracting myself with things I like until I eventually die
It's a photoshop psd mate what's not to trust
Stop using chrome