Is being a farmer, living off the land, the ultimate FUCK YOU to all normal fags?
>tfw qt farmer wife
Is being a farmer, living off the land, the ultimate FUCK YOU to all normal fags?
>tfw qt farmer wife
I've been doing this meme for about a month now and it's not how you expect. Normies are still rampant here for some reason
Implying a bunch of sperger outcasts are capable of being self sufficient
It's pretty simple as long you have low living standards.
Most people get sad because they don't have access to a pc.
being a real farmer still requires too much social interaction because you still have to make tons of purchases, run your business, manage your equipment, probably hire workers, and then sell your excess yield. and if u have a qt farmer wife and a big family then u still gotta be a normalfag because theyre going to drag you back into society. only way to escape and truly live off only the land is to go innawoods and make a small but efficient garden in your backyard and only grow food for yourself with no business intent and never have a family
There's a difference between being a comercial farmer and a subsistence farmer.
Self sufficiency is the jews greatest fear
I inherited my uncle's farm, and my normie family basically disowned me because I refused to sell the farm and split up the profits among them and to just go to the city and college.
I'm living on my own little farm now living the farm life while they're seething.
fucking based farm user
No. In fact it's quite the opposite, as you're providing food and there for life to the normal fags. Farming is basically the ultimate aid one can give to society. That being said, thank you to all farmer bros here, I really enjoyed my veggies that I had with dinner tonight.
They are unlike normies who litterally need people around them to survive
Farm cunts ranked
Pony mare > Regular mare > Dog > Goat > Sheep > Human
>Try to fall for the farmer meme
>go to county farmers and ranchers meeting
>80% men all the women are taken by Billy Chad
Desu at least the farm bureau pays for a lot of food and beer
I'm an asian manlet code monkey saving up to live in a rural area, you have what I am working towards.
>tfw no chubby black farmer wife
Fuck everything. She's literally perfect.
Good for you, it is a pretty great life. Just me alone with my land and my animals. Eventually I want a big family too so will have to find a man but I want to become self-sufficient entirely before that rather than how I am now by relying on cash crop for income.
No. There are no days off when you're farming. Seeing how lazy you fuckers are, it would be pure hell for you and you would starve.
Hello, calling dibs on you, hope I'm not too late.
Do you have any experience with farm life?
farming is pretty much the ultimate normalfag activity despite Jow Forums going full aspie and deciding normalfag stuff is the new radicalism or something
yes, believe it or not, most Americans are still Christian, that's also normalfag, sorry
No, my general plan was to design, build, repair and install things. I can't into butchering chickens and such, that's disgusting. I want to do the coop-designing/building part, chopping wood, fixing the irrigation system, installing solar panels, that sort of thing.
That's pretty useful sure. I was hoping for extra hands but that's what kids are for.
I'm a farmer and I gotta say, farm girls are usually ass ugly whores. Also it doesn't say "fuck you" at all. It's boring work and half of your income is from the government. You don't "live off the land" either. You grow whatever shit crop the government pays you to grow.