reminder that your dog is going to die some day
Reminder that your dog is going to die some day
Dog can go to hell but mom u.u
I don't have a dog tho.
i have two dogs and I hate them so much
what dog are you mentioning off?
My family owned 2 different dogs and I never gave a single shit about either. From young age I understood that animals are nothing but organic automatons who shit. When the second doge died I hugged my mom and pretended to be sad, but deep down I was simply happy to be relieved from the duty of taking this annoying barking cunt on walks every day.
Wish i had a fucking dog. FUCK TOU TROLL FACE MAN
Better go fuck dogs then.
reminder that your """""meme""""" died 10 years ago
problem officer?
Found the redditor who came to Jow Forums to get some Meeemz
>trollface is relevant if you don't like it you are a reddit poster
memes and images macros do not die if they still have a use for it.
>>>trollface is relevant if you don't like it you are a reddit poster
oh boy
u mad bruh?? trololololol
So will everything
The point is for it to have a good life
>>trollface is relevant if you don't like it you are a reddit poster
big yikes if i do say so myself
shut the fuck up you retarded wojak piece of shit
reminder that everyone is going to die some day
My dog lays down to eat now cause she can't stand for a long time.
Not me. I am immortal.
Haha jokes on you, he did last month
>big yikes if i do say so myself
>wojak edit
biggest yikes if i do say so myself
already happened a couple weeks ago
wrong again fag, I own a wolf