What terrible decisions have you made recently?
>bought a newer model car with high monthly payments with no solid well paying job secured
What terrible decisions have you made recently?
>bought a newer model car with high monthly payments with no solid well paying job secured
Moved in with my girlfriend. Now we're breaking up and it's hell.
Started watching anime. My life will certainly amount to nothing now.
I mean it wasn't going anywhere before, but now I am truly lost.
>take PCP analogue over weekend
>black out completely, no memory
>apparently went outside on patio (2nd story) to smoke some tobacco after taking all of my clothes off
>some bitch neighbor was yelling at me and took a video
>she told police who came and took my drugs, and i got sent to hospital because i was so obviously fucked up
>first thing i remember was being in the ambulance, but i thought i was being kidnapped and then i went apeshit trying to break free and smash everything
>apparently they had to restrain and sedate me, my arms are all bruised now and shoulder hurts to move (will be fine in a few days i'm sure)
>called parents when i was at hospital, who were mad as fuck obviously
>tell them i took it because i read online that it helps with depression, but overdosed
>police came next day and arrested me, charged with indecent exposure, misdemeanor
>bond was $15,000 because they confused me with some black guy with a bunch of prior arrests (drugs, theft, resisting arrest, etc) who has the same 1st and last name
>parents now making me go to counseling / therapy for depression
>gonna have a high as fuck hospital bill
>missed 3 days of work but that's fine, i told them i had family issues
>case will probably just go on for a few months then get hidden from employers, unless i want to work in CIA, FBI or military
bright side:
parents came up and bought me a fuck ton of stuff to make me feel better
to not advance my life until i can physically, mentally, and emotionally cope with existence/myself
when i got back from the hospital, i came back with just shorts and some hospital shirt they gave me (basically scrubs)
it was raining and everything, it was like 2am
my door was locked
eventually when the sun came up i walked around the apartment complex and found a ladder, climbed up the ladder and got in through the balcony door which wasn't locked.
people saw me do it
i was in jail for about a day, that shit sucked. they really serve you total slop. i didn't really even eat. all you do is just sleep in your cell, honestly
shit was totally fucking gay i wish i didn't snort that 2nd dose just because i didn't feel the first.
but really those people should have just left me alone lol wtf. damn normies
Recently quit my previous job Ive had for a year to go to another one where I have a better position (manager).
So one day when I was off I went in to my previous store and beat the fuck out if this one cunt that worked there
They were a total cunt to me whenever u worked there. Felt good
Can't help but feel I'm going to prison though
I broke up with mine after 3 years of living together. It's okay we can do better. Will you make this mistake again?
I blew all of my money on a deadly snake collection now nana and papa pay the bills
Not recently, but I am on the verge of committing one, which is blowing 1k on one of those overpriced gaming laptops because I literally have more time to play at night shift than at home
What are the payments and what is your monthly income (if you have one) if you don't mind me asking?
got contact lenses and I don't like them
Also hate glasses so there's that
at least your life is interesting
I stuffed 12 niggers into a 4x4x4 cube now I'm posting from a toilet paper roll in prison
continued living
they financed you a car without a solid/well paying income?
>I blew all of my money on a deadly snake collection
What's the appeal? I had a ratsnake for over a decade, can't fathom wanting to own snakes that can easily kill you. Good taste tho, I love seeing those chubby guys at the zoo. What else you got?
not op but they'll finance basically anyone as long as you got a job
had terrible sex with a fat girl :(
it always sounds like a great idea until it actually happens. why do fat girls have to smell
pic is a monocle cobra
I have many spitters and a couple 6 ft egyptians also
$273 a month, then I also have to worry about car insurance which is almost $300 a month because I am a new driver. I did not lease it.
Income right now is about $630 a week once I get a second job which I was recently fired from. $330 weekly as of today.
And I am about to go back to school and will not have time for two jobs, maybe not even one full time.
Why the FUCK did I want to drive so badly bros? And why the FUCK did I make this decision alone?
>1 year from graduation
>haven't applied for a single job
Applying for jobs is for one year after graduation
You'll learn
I would say never but it was actually great while it lasted. It will definitely take me a while to get back in a decent enough mood to move in with anybody though, the relationship was much better when we were living appart.
I do it because Jesus wants me to
>ex gets in contact with me
>best friend I ever had and the only person I've ever felt that strongly for
>brain is screaming at me to just drop contact
>end up in her bed that night
>flood of emotions
>years of progress in trying to move on and be happy again gone
>feel like I'm coming apart at the seams emotionally
>win $210k after lawyer fees in mvc settlement
>immediately spent $7k on new battlestation and $4k on a fursuit
pic not me but i wish it was
cheated on gf 6 months ago. Insane regret everyday. Hell is other people, and seeing someone I love go through sustained agony has been worse than any agony I've visited on myself
I went full autism on a girl I was talking to and probably had a chance with because i'm an insecure paranoid faggot. completely burnt that bridge and all the other i made from the server we share simultaneously.
I paid for nudes just so i can talk to a girl for an extended period of time. Spent a good 15 bucks
This just happened. I was with her for 9 months when we moved in. Immediately made my studies and work take a nosedive as she turned abusive.
I broke up with her two weeks ago today. This week was the first week I could say that I don't love her anymore and don't care about what happens to her.
It'll get better.
Please tell me you're going to set aside a chunk of it to invest and counterbalance those two shitty decisions.
Spent $20 on Kratom, took the whole bag and it had absolute no effect on me. Total meme drug. Erowid lied to me.
wtf am i looking at here bod?
Superpowerful PC is a good money spending, turd.
273 is not bad. In my city a car is an absolute necessity too. That warranty and free maintenance should help you a fuck ton user so make good use of it.
Had a really bad benzo addiction a couple years and quit it. Found an old bottle and have been slowly taking them and drinking whiskey. It's only been a couple weeks and I feel awful when not on them already.
you did something wrong or got scammed retard
I'm spending an increasing amount of money for the lottery. Subconsciously, I hope of winning it or something.
dubs and you win it
why are you people here
Careful my dude...
Just went through alcohol withdrawal, not fucking fun.
Been there. Wouldn't wish it on anyone.
The past is done for, try to be a better person now. Take some time off and work on yourself. Now that you know that pain you associate with yourself and others, remember it in the future should an opportunity arise.
Cliche advice but yeah, I've been through that terrible decision when I was an alcoholic. Lose-lose for everyone involved.
I've done it before (benzo wd). I am just a GABA addict.... drinking whiskey right now. I'm only a couple weeks in so I should be fine just going to be even more miserable for a couple weeks. Glad you kicked your habit.
Became a wallet to an effeminate neet guy I met on /v/
>meet cute girl at work
>we're into the same shit
>talk a bit every so often
>she puts in her two weeks
>fast forward to last day
>tells me to add her on facebook
>try to set up a date
>get rejected but wants to stay friends
>no problem, always cool to have new people around
She eventually deleted me off facebook two to three weeks after. Probably made myself look like an idiot but whatever. Women are confusing.
Same, shame the withdrawals are life-threatening (unless that's your cup of tea).
Thanks user, enjoy but stay safe.
Congrats on taking the shot user, at least you took the chance - that's more than many of us could say.
Did you just get straight ghosted then? No word at all?
I took the hint she wasn't interested. i backed off so I didn't want to look or seem desperate. Thought she come back around to just hang out. then I was deleted. That kinda sucked. On to the next one I guess.
Thanks. It's been 9 months since and things are better now, but for a solid 6 months in the aftermath a lot of lies I'd been holding onto my whole life crumbled and i was in hell for a while. She's been a saint.
Bought a laptop so I could move in with family, I don't trust removalist's with a desktop(I'm down about a grand, msi is ok).
Eh, you did about as good as anyone could do. That's probably the advice I would have given you.
Well, good luck on the next one user. Keep trying, you seem to at least have a basic understanding on how to handle these things based on the amount you shared.
Good to hear, sounds like the worst of it is over. I feel your pain; I was in suicidal anguish for months after I did it. I hope you learned something useful from it happening - no doubt I did...
Ruh roh, whats the plan now?
Because they don't got them anymore
Are you still together? What steps did you take in the aftermath? Was the cheating a one night stand or a long affair?
Suicidal anguish is a good way to describe it. I think I learnt, but it remains to be seen because my life is still not great. I know 100% I will never put myself through that again though. Still gives me nightmares.
>had the opportunity to buy a corvette for 8k
>going to buy a mustang instead for 4k
im sad it'll be slower but i just don't care. it's a v8, its rear wheel drive. i'm fulling diving into the mentality that driving a slow far fast is more fun than fast car half throttle.
Invested too much time and effort into people that don't reciprocate, now I basically don't exist to them and I've been hating myself for caring in the first place
Discord trany confirmed
>take PCP
Does a story that starts like this EVER have a happy ending ?
What's a good laptop under $800? Something that can play old game like mirror's edge and will allow me to have twenty tabs open without slowing down.
T. poorfag
someone explain what that image is trying to say.
summer is a movie?
>More than a year ago.
>With a friend we had, and had a three-way with a few times.
>Did solo stuff with the friend twice without telling, then I eventually revealed the truth several months after.
We were having some relationships troubles (mostly my fault), and I thought I'd try to *restart* the relationship by telling everything. She noped out of there and shortly ghosted me - rightfully so, I was a really selfish person at that time.
After that, I stopped drinking and did my own thing - mostly working on things I cared about like art and music. More than anything, I was trying to keep my distance from her so I couldn't hurt her anymore.
On the upside, I really feel like I got to know myself all over again, and really feel like a stronger and better person after going throught he experience. I hope she's doing better as well.
But yeah, most of that year was...hell. Utter and complete hell, especially after finding out she found a new boyfriend.
Abject suicidal anguish is really the only way I can describe the experience. By far, probably the worst experience of my life. I will never hurt someone like that again.
>I know 100% I will never put myself through that again though. Still gives me nightmares.
Glad you learned friend - the nightmares are still here even a year later. Its rough, but it gets better.
For normies, summer is when pool parties, teen sex and drinking happens. Literally like what you see in teen summer break movies.
It could also be a reference to th rise in gun crime during summer (it's a movie becuase there's a lot of 'shooting')
>I think I learnt, but it remains to be seen because my life is still not great.
I'm skeptical if life for anyone is really great. Honestly, being a human-being is kind of a nightmare honestly.
Sure, that major event happened and its more or less done with now, but life is far from even ever being "okay".
Well, thats my two cents - I'm a philosophical pessimist of sorts.
Same thing happened to me, friend of 18 years who would've been homeless, probably dead. Literally have him the shirt of my back and fed / sheltered, the second I call him out for being a dick for breaking shit in the house, leaving a mess and talking down to me he secretly moves out leaving dirty sheets (period blood from his fat retarded girlfriend) and everything I gave him as a gift in a pile on the floor. Refuses to answer messages if they're critical in any way. Moved in with the girlfriend who he constantly used to bitch about and said he was only really with to get a lift to work. There were several cuntish things over the years but me and my family helped him because he had a really rough childhood and clearly had mental illness, I wish I'd realised this sooner but even if you waved a magic wand and made the mental illness go away he'd still be a massive dickhead
>Abject suicidal anguish is really the only way I can describe the experience. By far, probably the worst experience of my life. I will never hurt someone like that again.
So much this. I've been through tough times alone, but this was somehow worse because I saw how it was tearing her up and I knew it was because she put her love and trust in me.
I was forced to reevaluate everything I believed about myself. I stopped drinking too, and want to be a stronger, better person. Such hubris.
We're still together, but it's often distant after the initial stage of fucking, fighting and hysterical bonding passed. We are much less close now.
She is off running her own business and basically demoted me down her priority list. I'm happy she's doing well and just waiting to see what happens while I work on myself. I will never hurt someone like that again either.
Thanks for the talk, user.
I'm kind of in that same boat mentally. Now that the storm has kind of passed, life is pretty much the same but a few shades worse and I sometimes struggle to eradicate the same mindset or habits that led to me cheating.
The solution in my mind is to transform. I picked up rock climbing and started skating on the regular, dropped some friends. Life goes on, I guess, but you're right that it's far from ever being okay...
I have a few close friends who share our philosophical pessimism and I find it's just going in circles. Interacting with people who can't help but to have an opposing optimism to my nature helped me a lot.
No problem user.
> I've been through tough times alone, but this was somehow worse because I saw how it was tearing her up and I knew it was because she put her love and trust in me.
Yep, after I did it, I've had to take an honest level of self-reflection before I try to commit to girls - Have I learned to be compassionate and committed enough, or am I still busy pursuing myself? The latter isn't necessarily bad, but I'm not going to work in a relationship if I want to mainly pursue my own selfish passions instead of committing to another person in such an intimate way. Basically, take the time to reflect, reflect hard.
>I was forced to reevaluate everything I believed about myself. I stopped drinking too, and want to be a stronger, better person. Such hubris.
I imagine you've done much more than what many people would have done after such an experience. Congrats user. I really do feel that - if anything - than there is a clear way to walk away a better person from this; not just for yourself, but for everyone else too.
Best of luck, whatever is in your future.
Also, yep.
We can find ways to mitigate our suffering, but the suffering never truly goes away.
It wasn't always sunshine in rainbows when I was in the relationship anyway. I had instances of suicidal-depression there too.
IMO, its never going to be okay for an extended period of time, but we can learn a few tricks to ease the burden of having to live a life. Congrats on the hobbies, I imagine it helps more than you know.
>I have a few close friends who share our philosophical pessimism and I find it's just going in circles. Interacting with people who can't help but to have an opposing optimism to my nature helped me a lot.
Tragically, the catharsis from similar worldviews only gets us so far. Sometimes I guess we need the support from those with a blind optimism - if not to gain their life-affirmation vicariously.
wasted 2 years of college pursuing a meme degree and failed, now $10k in debt and no degree
Only 5 more years of college to go! :)
>It wasn't always sunshine in rainbows when I was in the relationship anyway. I had instances of suicidal-depression there too.
Same. We both had to take a long hard look at the relationship and wonder if we both still wanted it, and accept the probability that as we changed moving forward, we might have to end it. She seems to be seeing me with clear eyes for the first time, which is a mixed blessing. However, she accepted all my horrible secrets and is the first and only person to do so so to me, it's like being given a gift of a home I never had.
>Best of luck, whatever is in your future.
You too. Who knew polite, wholesome solidarity and sound advice could be found on r9k. Thank you.
how long are you paying it off for and what kind of car is it?
Went to a massage parlor and got jacked off by a gross Asian lady. My yellow fever needs to be put on a leash.
Hope you know most of those women don't want to be there.
this without any doubt
I choose to study culinary art 2 years before
And neither did I after I came. Sex trafficking is an issue. Maybe I should stop supporting it. Then again I do like Asian coochie. Decisions, decisions.
This reply was for you.
I did this. It was surprisingly easy to end it, the hardest part was moving back home because I couldn't afford rent. Now I have my own place again and it's sick
I work out by myself in the garage in the hope that I'll one day look good enough for someone to love me again
>failed all my classes this semester
>have to pay for 12 credits before i can get back on financial aid
>dont currently have money for fall semester
>failed classes because severely abusive home
>need money to move out but if i cant get enough to move out by august i'll have to take one class and hope i dont fail while still living in household
please hold me im scared
What shit hole do you live in? In my shit hole the government will pay you to move out if your house is abusive.
I already made a thread about it, but I accidentally rejected a girl who asked for my number
It's an abstract feel, because on the one hand I certainly feel validated and attractive and yet on the other hand I'm going to be 22 in a few months and I'm still spilling mom's spaghetti like a highschooler.
The spaghetti spillage will never stop, you'll just get better at hiding it.
Return it right now than retard. I did this. Got a job that paid me 30 hrly got fired from it. Went 6 months unemployed before next job which have me 40 hr. Than moved to another job and got 55 hr. Can
Took 2 yrs to pay that car off because I had to pay rent and utilities. 2 years of doing nothing but work and go home. Fucking could have an extra 34 grand if I had just bought a 4000 used car.
Not mentioning that 2 yrs of my life will never come back.
You really need to be euthanized.
Nothing wrong with a nice PC / battlestation.
Invested most of my money in stock market without proper study
>started posting on Jow Forums
I quit my job 6 weeks ago with nothing to go to. I didn't save enough money to do anything cool and fun over the summer. I have something promising lined up for this September though and hopefully will be a better job than the last place
You need to go to hell, silly motherfucker. Worthless cunt. You want to tell others to kill themselves. Well, let's hear your accomplishments and positivity you add to the world. List seven (7) achievements that anyone should give a shit about.
>told myself earlier this month i was going to stop buying shit I didn't need and try to save as much of my meager income as possible
>spent half of my paycheck on fast food, new electronics and clothes
>ended up forgetting I had to pay my eletric bill
>also had to pay phone bill
>don't have enough money for rent
>spent half of my paycheck on fast food, new electronics and clothes
You deserve it. Use this as a lesson to plan better.
Why should anyone have anything to prove to a worthless subhuman like you?
I will.
I felt really shitty the month prior and thought I could get away with splurging.
Silly me, that's not how life of a serf works. I have to be bored and miserable until I have atleast 2k saved up.
Just stole a computer and made an account to post this : what the fucl is this shit ?
>dog is due for vet check
>has some rash on its ear
>get fired in the middle of saving up
>figure $300 wont be enough
>so just buy a switch
im not insured and you know how much vets want you to come in every week. shit will easily add up to a grand. hey its not my fault boomers got each others backs and us youngsters dont
I haven't made any terrible decisions recently, I've been on the right track for more than a year. Still, I'm haunted by bad choices I made long ago
Why else would you buy tickets? No one fucking buys a ticket hoping to lose do they
>quit my job because anxiety
I'd never been so retarded in my entire life. I should've stayed while looking for another job, but I just had to ragequit because of my pussy feelings. If I had just not stayed up until 4am playing vidya I might've had the energy to get through that day.
I haven't had a job in months now and all my savings are gone. My life has degraded back to being NEET and depressed.
>he thinks his application with 0 references wont be sent straight to the shredder