Is the meme of "men dating younger women" real of do normies actually do it?

is the meme of "men dating younger women" real of do normies actually do it?

because if makes no sense, if you want sex why not seek an experienced woman?

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Normies aren't cradle robbers, they date people their own age.
An experienced woman makes sense sure but there might be irreconciliable differences

Because experienced women aren't physically attractive. To many men, experience isn't particularly attractive in a woman either.

18-25 year olds are experienced enough and have more energy. I like young women because they are more often physically fit. But Ive smashed a few cuties who are in their late 30s. Just rarer and most of them have families

>knew a girl that only dated guys 5 years older than her
>the only girl I've ever dated was 5 years younger than me (different girl than the first)

I dont get it. I'd much rather date someone older than me but they arent interested. Seems like theres never any on dating sites

experienced is a nice way of saying bitter and used up. older women are insufferable. that tweet there very much related.
.t 35 year old with a pleasant to be around no persecution complex 21 year old gf

I just want a virgin, can't i even have one without some roastie sperging?

Getting virgin girls is easy bro. Have you tried bookstores?

>calling younger women whores out of jealousy

>maybe it's their bodies
Of course it's their bodies. It's also that naivete / lack of cynicism in relationships is attractive, as is youthful energy and passion. Those are mental things.