Even Chads like fat poon. What excuse do you incels to not lower your ridiculous standards?
Even Chads like fat poon. What excuse do you incels to not lower your ridiculous standards?
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>what excuse do you incels have to not lower your ridiculous standards
i don't like landwhale poon.
personally i like the idea of being part of something that's bigger than myself
I'd rather be a virgin than fuck her. What's the point if she's disgusting
Holy fucking kek
Original comment
that's not chad, that's some balding autistic fitizen with a busted face
>even chad gets fat girls
Obvious troll... that's the proof of hypergamy that pushes out lower men
>lower your ridiculous standards
normie misconception
Tried dating fat women, they're so fucking entitled, and their obesity means they can't do as much as someone that's even just chubby. I'm perfectly happy with paying for a date, but picking an expensive place for a first date and not even offering to chip in is bullshit. Meanwhile, women that aren't fucking obese are offering to pay the whole thing themselves and throwing out cheap options for dates
You guys think tiny little girls are fat cus they had a cheeseburger it's so stupid real woman have handles
Thing about dating a fat girl is that the sex is boring. Most of the time she just laid there, probably did the odd circle movement, but it was entirely up to me to get us off, which is fine. But I would have appreciated more feedback than breathing "oh, fuck!", every couple of minutes...
But she was very supportive as a person. She bought us pizzas, beers and made us homebaked cookies. She even gave a bag of weed, which to this day is best gift a girl could give me. It was a nice experience.
It's not the end of the world dating a fat girl. You can enjoy the benefits of the relationship like you would in any other.
I dont deny this is possible, but my experience with the entitlement seriously fucked up my perception of them. At least the ones on dating sites
In my experience, girls may be entitled regardless of how much they weigh. For the talk here of "biological destinies" this shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.
>degenerate normies doing degenerate normie shit
am I supposed to be surprised?
low quality post
Because you're the pinnacle of human perfection amirite
Why lower your standards ?
Unless it's a fetish (like probably is in OP pic), or you're literally desperate for free pussy and are hideous, otherwise there's no excuse to date one.
>Sex is boring but very supportive as a person, give food, beers and give me weed.
The focus in dates today is to fuck, if you date someone to her act as your mother then you need to pass some days in your mother's house.
Don't get me wrong, I'm bit fat (always have been), all the females of my family are fat (even my cousin that was a legit 10/10 is now a disgusting fat), I don't hate these people or nothing, but big talk, fat women are the lowest tier.
>Why lower your standards ?
Some context. My last relationship was three years ago, my friend died this year in February and I was feeling raw. I wanted to enjoy myself, that's when I met fat girl.
I didn't see it as "lowering my standards". I saw it as getting my dick wet to take the edge off my bitterness. Intimacy has been severely lacking in my life, and for a while fat girl provided that intimacy. She damn near stopped me from killing myself, and I'm thankful to her.
I'm not hideous. Far from. I'm just socially inept when it comes to women.
>The focus in dates today is to fuck
True, but that doesn't mean a meaningful relationship can't blossom from it. You can discover things about yourself that you can't on your own. For instance, the girl I'm dating right now doesn't really like when I'm stoned. I had a feeling fat girl didn't approve of it either. So I intend not to smoke while she's around, hopefully cutting it out altogether. This way, when I do go for the girl I really love and like, I can be the best possible version of myself for her.
>fat women are the lowest tier
Nah, drug addicts and alcoholics are the lowest tier.
>lowering your standards
sure pal, fat girls are where it's at.
Sorry for your loss man. I hope time makes the pain more tolerable.
Thank you.
I've been doing alright. Passed my modules this year with flying colors, got myself a sexy russian chick now, got a part-time job and learning to drive. This summer is all about the year of "me". I'm gonna enjoy it while it lasts.
so you wanna be "mazza' to yer fat women and make her scream OOOOH MAZZA YU GON MAEK ME SQUIRT
okay then mr massa
but okay you know what i don't want to be "massa" to some fat women fuck that shit seriously fuck no id rather jerk off to a skinny women
i can't get hard for things i don't find attractive and i don't find fat women attractive
it's not a matter of "lowering my standards," it's literally impossible
if you can get hard for fat chicks you must have been at least a little into fat chicks to begin with
The price of pussy is undergoing a period of hyperinflation similar to what happened to Germany's currency post World War I
Social media, mainstream of pornographic fetishes and decay of traditional values have all contributed to this reality.
So I got it right...?
Being more general, a man date a fat women for fetish or a second option, by the lack of sentimental stability, despair, social skills, by his looks, it's like the fats are the leftover.
A very large part of them are pretty funny as a person like you said...
Sometimes I asked myself if they think they're the leftover, because some of them (at least who I know) are emotionally unstable, but also some of them just try to always look positive, always trying to be funny, but you can see that is forced, and you think "oh, what a strong woman", but on a date specifically, is just try to "win" you in a personality.
Differently from "top models" girls (or just 7+/10 tier women), who always look beautiful, the fat women knows they can't compete anyway with looks, so they appeal to have a decent/good personality (that sometimes is a fake persona) to have at least one positive thing to attract the man and don't be leaved totally behind.
When I said the date part was precisely about "tinder dates" (that probably incorporate a very high part), and yes it may have some emotions and feelings that can grow out of it, but date a tinder woman these days is almost like date a prostitute (unless you hit the lottery).
Why date a fat woman with good personality when you can date a thin/normal woman with a good personality ?
Anyway, be happy fren.
>What excuse do you incels to not lower your ridiculous standards?
Bitch is fucking Chad too anyway, I might as well go after the good looking leftovers.