>all men are trash period
>you go girl, you don't need no man in your life!
>I hate women
>what a pathetic incel loser hahaha
Why the double standard? I don't understand.
All men are trash period
Socially men are valued less than women. Not complicated
Women have historically been called less than women. Now, we've taken steps to correct and equalize that, but we've gone a bit too far, and now the general public values women's feelings and opinions more. I'm sure it'll bounce back and forth slowly for as long as Western hegemony lasts.
When a woman says all men are trash, it's because she gave men an opportunity or multiple opportunities, yet all they do is ruin her life instead of cherishing and pleasing her like a proper man should.
When a man says he hates women, it's because he feels entitled to sex and gets pissed off reality doesn't work that way
But I wouldn't eat a hot dog off the ground. That's gross.
You would if you were starving.
roastie spotted shoot on my command boys
It says hungry though. Which is much different. And still, even starving, it would depend on the ground. If it's got stuff all over it like a hair or something its game over for me bro.
But are they not both saying the same thing? Who's to say the guy gave multiple women chances and all they did was ruin his life instead?
The woman could very well just be lusting over some dude with a six pack and is reeing over the fact that the dude isn't interested in her which you know then leads into the whole argument of "man puts in work to look good while woman doesn't but still feels entitled to fuck said man just because of fat acceptance".
>Like a proper man should
Why is she entitled to have a man cherish her, pleasure her and why is it wrong for a man to want the same from her?
>I'm sure it'll bounce back
Narrator: It didn't.
>women date up
>guy she's dating has his pick of the liter
>waah, why didn't he commit?
You're not entitled to Chad, sweetie.
You're not wrong but that's just not consistent with reality and you know it, so it's kinda pointless to go over that route
She's not? she doesn't reject the men who make advances on her, she gives them a chance and gets hurt in the process. And keeps doing it because she's hopeful to find something that works.
And that's the difference, hopeful, not entitled, like the guy in OP's joke and how it implies if you have a bit of hunger the first thing you should do is eat the hotdog on the floor instead of looking for something that won't make you sick.
>Why is she entitled to have a man cherish her, pleasure her and why is it wrong for a man to want the same from her?
Did you not read the part where user said "she gave men an opportunity or multiple opportunities." Meaning she gave them multiple chances? Imagine giving someone multiple chances to improve themselves, not only to continue fucking up but be told why does she feel entitled for anyone to cherish her? Jesus Christ...
i think that most of the people are actually antisocial. even normies (and they probably understand social interactions less than spergs). nobody can cooperate and communicate properly. its almost impossible to build a healthy family or a good friendship. this is sad.
>she doesn't reject the men who make advances on her, she gives them a chance and gets hurt in the process
>doesn't see in the slightest how this is entitled thinking just like any incel that thinks he's entitled to have sex from a girl he likes fall out of the sky for him without him javing to chase it
This is your brain on double X
>Implying misogynists and misandrists are socially accepted anywhere in civilized society
You've been in front of a computer screen too long.
Get off twitter, go outside. You'll find out everyone has their kink.
More than often, the guy is taking the majority of pain and risk to get a relationship. The girl only has to say yes or no. Isn't it more understandable that guy can feel hurt and broken? He's never told he's entitled to be cherished. He's must just told he must man up and "earn " love and endure all the work ,pain and failure to get it.
I wholeheartedly agree with this post. Society as a whole is getting more and more antisocial. If you don't have a close group of friends or didn't make friends during grade school or highschool, you're fucked and have no way of making friends or getting a girlfriend because of those connections you don't have and never will have because no one likes talking to strangers.
>You're not wrong but that's just not consistent with reality and you know it, so it's kinda pointless to go over that route
so why do anything at all with that logic when he made a pretty valid point
>he's comparing himself to cat ladies who hate men
it's too late for you to ever grow a brain or learn free will
>And still, even starving, it would depend on the ground. If it's got stuff all over it like a hair or something its game over for me bro.
You would eat undigested corn out of cow shit if you were starving
You disgusting bastard, wtf
I haven't seen the first girl actively pissed off because chad doesn't date her, they just fangirl around. Men? every single day here, I don't care if "ironically" (makes it worse actually)
He's not wrong. The soviets printed posters telling people not to eat their kids when they were starving to death. Never forget that the animal driven by the will to live is ultimately at the helm when shit hits the fan.
And of fucking course I forgot the picture.
thats the joke retard ray emmiter.
that account posts left leaning stuff and this a way of saying men who are having trouble getting romance in their lives are not getting it because they are garbage worthless and should feel garbage worthless.
That poster says nothing about eating kids
they keep it discrete. women fuck and date chad cause its their business and then they go home and have their cry sessions that they talk so much about on social media.
>Being upset that retards support other retards
This happens with men too, just look at this circlejerk of a board with it's 10 daily women hate threads.
If you got off the internet for a while, I think you'd find that most people don't hate the opposite gender, regardless of their own gender
they dont hate because our ideas dont even come to their minds. I go to college, gym, recreational places and I still hate women with a fury. As a matter of fact, what I read online only manifests itself irl.
Misogyny is an extremely mainstream and normal belief, it just doesnt come to people's minds anymore.
>I go to
No you dont
I think those ideas are way more universal than you think they are. It just doesn't really make sense for you to hate an entire gender solely based upon a couple of bad experiences with them.
is that a NEET joke? if it was it wasn't funny.
Most people on this board do things with their lives all the time. The more time I spend outside, the more women and girls I meet the more the redpill predicts their behavior and the more the blackpill solidifies itself in my mind.
The true red pill is having a wife to raise your kids and a girlfriend to do dirty stuff with. It would be simply pathetic to think so much about a billion random women, creeplord
my misogyny isn't as simple as that.
I don't hate individual women. There are numerous women I admire and look up to.
What I hate is the female essence and it shows itself best in irresponsible and stupid women aka young western women.
However the more you read the more you realize it isnt just young stupid women, its literally every woman. Even the eskimo and hunter-gatherer women. I hate every woman for being a woman not being that person that she is.
Do you jerk off your guy friends to show your love for their essence?
I'm replying to say how much OP's pic made me laugh, and either it's MASTER BOSS INCEL or a man of genuine humor.
you played the wrongest fucking card in your deck you mong.
No one can think so much about a billion people that's impossible. I have a perspective on women because they are fundamentally similar as men are but they are much much more rotten.
The redpill has be redefined by leddit, go see for yourself.
>create a double standard
>ascribe it to others
Why the double standard?
Incels are so fucking braindead.
>weird creep from reddit talking about how hes the expert on rotten things and prefers masculinity over femininity
Plenty of girls (male) out there for you. Are you gonna be alright, mr I GO TO COLLEGE TRUST ME
Not really, the male "essence" is quite harmless, nothing that noticable but I guess if it was dramatically good, then some circlejerking would go down between even the best of men.
When a woman says all men are trash, it's because she allows assholes inside her and believes that she, despite being a dumb sex toy, should be entitled to a devoted loving man, while simultaneously ignoring those very men.
When a man says he hates women, it's because he notices this behavior that women exhibit, and it drives him mad, as it would and should drive any sane person. Unfortunately women aren't quite sane.
Sounds like youve been getting drunk on make essence for years bro
She gave Chad multiple chances
Chad objectively is the representation of men
creep, again? that type of rhetoric doesn't work online you hole. you gotta work on talking less like a fag and actually get at me with some points.
you hardly even make fucking sense at this point retard.
Looks like youre losing control
let me know when you wanna get back on topic. retard.
Yeah that's not biased at all.
Tell me how another perspective would make it any different?
If anything does that mean women condone being an idiot?