Why does Jow Forums either like traps, or absolutely hate them? Should there not be more middle ground?
I like them as sexual objects, very fun to dominate inferior cocks compared to your own, like a primal thing I think
listen, all im saying is that traps, no matter how much they LOOK like a girl, still have a penis. if you are a man, and like dicks, you are a little gay. i like traps, and ive come to accept this. this is the middle ground.
I reverse image searched this on Google and Google told me it was a girl. So that's a girl, not a trap.
Either you are a faggot or you arent. That simple
People that are unsure or have mixed feelings will either not say anything about it or just resort to joining the haters. It's the same phenomenon that creates the 'lol wut? u hate gays? I guess you must just wanna B one and ur jelly lul XD' response. People that are unsure but eventually fall into that type of desire create the illusion that all haters are secretly queers themselves. People that are unsure and stay unsure either dont say anything about it or parrot whichever side their immediate social circle approves of.
Google is not very good at recognizing cocks.
>a little gay
>a little
no such thing, you either are or arent gay so youre 100 percent gay if you like traps even a little. gayness is not a spectrum, being effeminate is though
Because r9k has some complicated feelings about traps.
Gayness is a spectrum, though. Otherwise bisexuals would not exist.
t. skinny manlet soiboy
you are the inferior one
A trap is no different than any other duplicitous tranny, and if you don't hate them you've simply yet to substantially interact with one.
>hy does Jow Forums either like traps,
That isnt r9k, those are samefagging trap posters
>or absolutely hate them
Thats r9k
So the answer to your question is that the type of people who talk about traps here are either the invaders that come here to post traps, who obviously like them, and the robots who are annoyed by this telling them to fuck off. The rest just doesnt care
>gay is like a lightswitch
>i like girls, but i also like men who look like girls
I usually like traps. I have been talking to one I met on this cursed site for a year and they are pretty awesome desu. I think the fact that they have men's personalities but women's looks is a winning combo.
I give zero fucks. Traps make my cuck hard and that is all that matters to me. No concern for what anyone else labels it.
>they have men's personalities but women's looks
Its actually the exact opposite. They have womens personalities and mens bodies. Thats why traps are trash, its the worst of both worlds.
I don't know why. I would venture to guess those who like them are turned on by them (like me), and those who don't probably dislike them for one of 3 reasons:
A, they take traditionalism a bit too seriously or fear the gay.
B, they see traps as part of the predatory pandemic on feminizing or otherwise fucking up robots and/or their sexuality, see tranny spam.
or C, they see it in the same light as roastie attention-whoring.
I think traps are great personally even though tranny or pink pill shit can die in a fire.
>degenerate trapfag
>has a cuck bf as well in addition to it
Jesus fucking christ homosexuals have gone completely off the rails
In the words of Diogenes: "lmao who cares it's not like you'll ever fuck either a real woman or a trap so just fap to w/e"
I get that many will have masculine frames, but how do they have female personalities?
If it wasnt for the constant pink pill/attention whoring I feel most people wouldnt give a fuck.
However as is now, tannys seem to be more in your face about being a (women) and converting people to become trans then flamboyant gays are about being gay which has made them an easy target to be hate.
People don't write posts about things they're neutral on, user.
I want to love them tenderly, but I'm not a chaser, and I'm not gonna go looking for one specifically. I just wouldn't mind if a girl I was dating ended up being trans. I'm not 100% straight and dicks are fun. Too bad most of them have dysphoria and don't want it touched.
I am utterly indifferent towards traps and other so-called "gender queer" types. If they're chill people then cool, but if they're obnoxious attention whores then I avoid them like the plague.
there is no middle ground. either you're a delusional fag who wants to fuck/be a trap, or you're a straight man living in reality who is disgusted by the former category. guessing that's where you fall OP, so go chug some Clorox
>the breeder thinks he's better than fags because he fucks gross roast beef pussy
the only person who should be chugging bleach here is you, lad.
honestly, I have no problem with gays who are honest about who they are and what they do. I have a problem with delusional fags who think they're women and demand that anyone who points out their delusion and their disgusting artificial hormone ravaged bodies be censored, and the equally insane degenerates who orbit them
Traps don't say they are nor think they are women. The trans movement actually hurts trappy boys by trying to turn something they do for kicks to something concerning an "identity" and as if there is something wrong with themselves that needs fixing. trans does not equal trap, and if anything pink pill fuckers are pressuring cute boys who just like to dress up (and may or may not be gay) into fucking their bodies and minds up.
Here is what people do not understand about trapping....you either can do it or you can't, there is no forcing it (save for weight loss and obvious things). And if you can do it, there is no need to go further than however far you wish to go no matter what any moron tells you. Don't have to transition.
>Should there not be more middle ground?
there is plenty of middle ground. The problem is, the middle ground is not noticeable, the people are not vocal. This goes for... basically everything ever, politics or whatever. Basically, people in the middle ground just seem not to care very much since they don't hold an extreme opinion about it.
trans-trap unity when
Traps go back to your containtment board. Stop trying to recruit r9k
again, crossdressers aren't a problem. hell, everyone likes to put on a costume sometimes. the problem is degenerate delusional fucks like who think they are their costume, encourage others to be equally insane, and want anyone who challenges their warped perception of themselves to be silenced
stay mad, cissie.
your degeneracy is causing the decline of the society that protects it. kill yourself now before fascists/mudslimes/the apocalypse kill you in a far more brutal way
>Traps don't say they are nor think they are women
>trans-trap unity
how can you contradict yourself so hard in a single digit amount of words
no thanks, i'm already a fashy tranny and i'm facilitating a trans ethnostate as we speak.
Never because traps actually like their dick. It wouldn't be a "trap" otherwise, kek. Like, why DO you have to go beyond just dressing up? Even pills are SOMEWHAT arguable as afaik they are reversible, and being called "she" is part of the fun for some too.
But why cut off the dick? No matter how you look at it, the desire for mutilation is not healthy, nor is demanding people call you female if they aren't on board with it when you aren't. Is it not enough to just make yourself cute?
Ah, well I can agree with everything there basically. Truthfully beyond all else nothing bothers me at all save for the dick slicing, idc if you wanna be called she or crossdress or w/e but just why the dick chopping and for the love of all that is holy don't encourage cute boys on the road to dick chopping either.
ok cissie :^)
They make great content here though
yes. my favorite part is that you don't need to worry about getting them pregnant
>normie talking shit in the most cringe way possible
Check your blood pressure
im a tranny and i like my cock too lmao. the majority of my trans frens are also cool with their cocks too, and dont want to cut them off either. most trannies (that aren't agp hons) dont want to cut off their dick,. quit strawmanning.
btw is cissie an insult or something? why would anyone be ashamed to be cis? actually curious
idk dude, but whenever i use it, it seems to make transphobes seethe like motherfuckers
Weve come full circle because I remember in 2009 this board had a lot of arguments about cis privilege lol
I'm attracted to traps because I just want my benis to feel good and if I have to stick in a submissive boy slut to achieve that then so be it. However I also acknowledge that these people aren't mentally sane, and are only useful to pump-and-dump on a whim.
What makes you trans then if not the gender dysphoria? Which is badly named anyways since sex does not correlate to gender roles and that belief is what causes a lot of the issues in the first place. If you are just guys who want to be called girls and dress up cutely then why say trans and not traps?
Being trans is being uncomfortable with your body, meaning you hate the dick and such. If you don't have gender dysphoria, you aren't trans.
lmfao well whatever works i guess
i can actually imagine the day where you are looked down upon because you are for having low iq because you have not reconsidering your identity because why wouldn't you want to
i do have gender dysphoria, but i don't have dick dysphoria. im uncomfy with the thought of having a male body, but not with having a female body + dick. not to mention most SRS procedures are axewound tier shit.
also zoomer trannies literally trap for fun, i used to do that shit back in the day bc i had peak cuteboy aesthetics beforei even started hrt
no wonder people don't like trannies.
honestly if you have a dick you yourself are gay
Eh....I can understand that actually. I used to trap if you couldn't tell, but stopped basically after I chose to workout for muscles instead.
The male body, but not dick, used to disgust me too until I found out I rather enjoyed lifting and martial arts. Never took hrt though even when I was passable.
At least you do recognize the awfulness of those procedures then, they are life ruining and look nothing like the real thing. But still, since I been there myself, why call it trans at all? I was fine with just trap, or whatever someone felt like calling me (hoping it would be assuming female). Can feel good being called a girl and being lithe/cute, but is there really a need to make it into a movement or to attach it to a term that almost ubiquitously has negative connotations to it?
this is pretty much why i like dicklet traps
my identity is pretty fluid to be fair. i alternate between calling myself trans/trap/cuteboy. it's also fun to be more concrete about my trans identity on here sometimes because transphobic fags ( like the ones in this thread ) get super pissy about it.
SRS right now is shit. i dont want so gross fuckhole with hairballs growing in it when i already have a perfectly fine boypussy. maybe if the procedures advance in the future (to the point of stem cell vaginas and uterus transplants) i would be inclined to get one, as it would actually serve it's purpose as a reproductive organ. also, i'm planning to have kids with my gf(bf) through IVF, so cutting off my dick and balls is a total no-no.
Based. One of my own conditions for if I end up with a gf(male) instead of a woman would be we would have to have kids through IVF or some other means since I want my bloodline to continue.
Well shit, I misjudged you fren. Nothing wrong with any of that, and neither would be having the surgery if it gave legit reproductive genuine organs. I do ask to maybe be a bit aware of any harm your voicing might cause...confused individuals, as I have seen cuteboys pressured into things they didn't want, but I understand fluidity personally and triggering anons, kek.
No one is "triggered" by the fact that you take dick, we just dont like you coming to our board and shoving it in our faces. Its like if you dont like the flavor pineapple, youre not gonna care at all if other people eat it, but if they started literally forcing it down your throat you are obviously not gonna like that.
Just go away and trust me you will never hear from any so called "trans/trap haters" or whatever ever again.
it's ok user. a lot of people have generalisations about me because they think all trans girls adhere to reddit agp hon bulllshit. it's been nice actually getting to talk about this shit with someone who's rational about it. good on ya for wanting to continue your bloodline too. not a lot of people want too have kids these days, so im glad you're breaking away from that narrative.
thank you for giving me a chance user, I'm actually a pretty sane person despite all of the mentall illnesses i have.
i agree, preying on and trying to coax cuteboys and fem gays into being trans is fucked, and i'm completely against that pinkpilling shit.
do you have a discord, fren? you seem pretty cool plus im kinda lonely rn
Originally wrong poster you replied to?
Thanks to you too for being serious enough to actually talk about these things. I have just seen people hurt so I wanted to say something from what I thought was shilling/fetishization of pink pilling.
Thanks for the compliments too, you are sane for sure and definitely chill too so I will drop my discord. Nero#5948
It doesnt matter. they have their OWN FUCKING BOARD. i bet they're hated over there too because they can't shut the fuck up about themselves.
God who is that? I want to fuck them
No faggot, i replied to you. Lay off the cum
Its called being amish you fag
Met a mother who calls her 18 month old son they/them and makes him wear dresses.
I have a friend who bashes others for looking at traps while fapping to them himself and saying he's straight