They just caught the tranny killer in Dallas. He's killed 3+ black trannies in Dallas and has been dumping their bodies in rivers. One of the trannies was connected to a friend of my family's. Apparently she was a huge asshole.
They just caught the tranny killer in Dallas...
Other urls found in this thread:
>Huge asshole
Basically every tranny. Either by being needy / approval seeking or over compensating butt cavern
What is this? Tranny Today?
>They just caught the tranny killer in Dallas. He's killed 3+ black trannies in Dallas and has been dumping their bodies in rivers.
He based
She used to get into fights with men. Weeks before she died, she got beat up by some black guy outside of a club.
That gentleman was doing God's work.
If reading about serial killers has taught me anything this nigga is gay and wants to fuck trannies subconsciously. So he attempted to supress those feelings by killing them. His father figure probably used to make him wear dresses or emasculated him in some way
LOL. Back to Tumblr.
in an ideal world, this man would be given a medal and royalties from the books/movies made about him instead of a prison sentence
>If you hate gays, you are gay!!!!!
I've noticed only libshits say this kind of bullcrap. Must be projection.
I can't bring myself to wish for someone to murder your family, friend or anybody else close to you but good god would it not be fucking poetic justice if they did.
>thinks back to all of the majorly outspoken anti-gay republicans that were caught in gay sex scandals
I'm guessing you wouldn't hate eating shit, seeing how hating that would mean you actually enjoy it.
Do you just reduce every argument you have to american politics. There is a difference between hating gays and specifically seeking them out and murdering them
dont even bother replying to me until you read a few books you double digit iq mongoloid
Well I guess the media is going to drop this story like it's hot.
I would usually agree with you but when you're a serial killer who targets a certain type of person, you usually have an obsession with them. And if that obsession is surrounding their sexuality, then that's probably a sign that you identify with them in some way and hate yourself for it.
Eating shit affects you negatively. Other people fucking each other in the ass or scissoring doesn't. False equivalence brainlet.
if it's my eldest brother or my mum's current bf, I'd be celebrating. anyone else, I don't give a shit. personally, I can bring myself to wish death on people, so I hope you get to see all your tranny "friends" kill themselves, scumfuck
Its not even worth replying to Jow Forumstards user. They are barely human they just go thread to thread across multiple boards attempting to start asinine arguments
>has been dumping their bodies in rivers.
Good. Polluter are awful.
>mum's current bf
Oh how sad. Do you have rage issues caused by a string of abusive ex-bf's that fucked you on the side? Go drown in tea britfag.
No, he's just jealous because he wants his mummy cummies
nah, he's just a vegan manlet cuck and I know even a used up old whore like my mum can do better. shouldn't you be out catching AIDS from tranny cock like the little fag you are?
So was Brenton Tarrant a closet Muslim? lmfao
Jeffrey Dahmer would eat you for breakfast.
Then fuck your corpse.
So at what point in your life did you realize you had sexual feelings for your mother?
Wrong. Those fucking themselves in the ass promote degeneracy with stds, weird pronouns, child abuse, unisex bathrooms and support refugees. Reddit shit.
No but he had an obsession with Muslims. Just hating gays isn't proof of closeted homosexuality but being obsessed with gays to the point of killing them probably means you're struggling with your sexuality.
Cope harder faggot
when I got tired of fucking yours, obviously
So you don't deny having sexual feelings for your mom
damn hotch u smart af
Free my nigga yo
Holy fucking kek. The best thing about BTFOing a tripfag is that shit like this is associated with their name forever.
Brenton was clearly struggling with his religion, I guess?
lel, you didn't BTFO shit, you fucking newfag. go suck off a shotgun
No. Reread what I said. When your obsession is with a certain sexuality, it probably means you're struggling with your sexuality.
They might be a newfag, but you're a real motherfucker
There was nothing sexual about Brenton's crime.
um, can you say BASED?
No more false equivalence reddit pseudointellectual cuck? But yeah, no point in arguing further since what I exemplified you don't see as bad since you actually support them no matter how much you'll play around saying that you never stated you do, cuckold.
I have no clue what you're even talking about you're talking about weirdo
Good choice redditurd, good choice. Next time stop trying to use argumentative tools trying to look smart when you don't know for certain that you'll be right, shithead.
Ok senpai. Whatever you say. I wish Dallas guy would've killed your faggot ass.
Based and redpilled. Get rid of whites and trannies from this board.
>killing trannies when they only have 30 years to live anyway.
Rivers in Dallas!
that's definitely not an original joke I'm making but fuck it
classic jewry.
So the nazis secretly had jew/gypsy/retard fetishes for (((allegedly))) murdering them all?
just lmao
Yikes the edge in this post
meme science
Oh, wow, all two of them. I'm so shocked and surprised that I am in fact gay, as labeled by some faggot on 4chins. Literally a handful of people were caught being gay and also hating gays in public, so it must be true for 100% of cases without a single fail. I just cored out my penis with a drill and I'm a tranny now, my pronouns are "have" and "sex"
Calm down gaylord
Have sex, gay incel