ok so. religion is a joke right? true reality is a lot more crazy/complicated/requires skill to navigate, so you Freemasons created religion as a structure for normies to live within and have functional lives right? Then sometimes religions and other social systems fail people, which is why or part of why freemasonry exists, to be a final buffer between a person and total chaos, right? But then Freemasonry is also unfortunately, because of swearing yourself to secrecy, an organization that can hide criminals and criminal organizations right? Like Freemasonry itself isn't bad, but people can abuse it's structure, the secrecy, privacy, and the hierarchy it has inherent to Freemasonry itself to smuggle in their own bullshit, and even use people lower down in the hierarchy to unwittingly prop up criminal activity?
I guess what I'm getting at is that fucking everyone in my life has failed and betrayed me. I am almost functionally completely alone except for my parents and my $10 an hour part time job. I am both afraid to petition to become a mason because of the spooky rumors, afraid of ending up completely alone, possibly homeless, and afraid of rejection if I petition.
So freemasons on r9k, wat do...
(also posting the enochian angels because it's a random semi-related image ... an occultist I've encountered online, who claims to be a freemason, convinced me to do the enochian calls ... and he somewhat claims the enochian magick system to be the true origin of freemasonry ... a claim i find dubious but whatever. doing the calls was interesting and caused some /x/ tier stuff in my life)
Yo Freemasons
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It's literally a social club for old men. There's a lot "secret societies", freemasons are just the most high profile. My dad is a forrester, one of the heirs of Robin Hood's band of merry outlaws. It's a joke, retard.
i get that it's a joke (or somewhat of a joke ... i think there's something interesting going on in freemasonry particularly), i just need people in my life because like ... i've lost all my friends. i don't have a social support system. honestly for the last 5 years or more my social life has been one friend of mine and like online "friend" groups and all of my online interactions i've basically been bullied out of, and my one friend has just recenlty done something very federal prison level stupid.
should i even bother petitioning, is what i'm trying to figure out. or am i clearly not mason material. i frankly cant handle fucking rejection anymore i'm too ... not to be a meme ... damaged to deal with that ... fuck ... i dont know man there's just no hope in my life. i don't want to say i'm suicidal, because i'm not, but i don't know how i'm going to go on and i've sort of spiritually given up
>just an old boys club nothing to see here, goyim :')
Yeah sure bro, keep worshiping the demiurge and serving the zionists while they sacrifice children to moloch
op here. i went on like a rabbit hole a few years back of binging on conspiracy theory shit. while i have a problem with child sacrifice ... if that even goes on ... i kind of like a lot of masonic philosophy. the only thing that concerns me is what i posted in the OP ... that because of the secrecy and the hierarchy, people get away with criminal shit. otherwise i'm really impressed with masonry and what little i know of it's symbols. at the very least it's beautiful, and connected to history
That sounds dope i wish I was part of it
>The schizo wants to argue with people
Oh sweety
>freemasons created religion
what kind of fucking retardation am I reading here OP? are you serious with this shit?
you spelt sweaty wrong
>are you serious
not entirely. I mean more that there was a pretty clear masonic influence on the protestant culture i grew up in. all the big christian music I listened to, when you follow it, basically came from hollywood.
jews have the influence in hollywood but anyways what is your point?
Get trolled, schizofag
look you might not be picking up what I am putting down, but what I am trying to say is I think Freemasonry has a massive influence on American Christianity. In addition to this, the relationships between the Catholic Church, the actual literal masons who made the cathedrals, and the mystery schools are interesting.
>Freemasonry has a massive influence on American Christianity.
that is not even a question it is more or less a fact. but American Christianity is splintered every which way so how much does that influence really account for in 2019? the Mormons in Utah will all vote one way if Paul Ryan or Romney say so.
>catholicism, cathedrals, mystery schools
who cares about any of this? except for me I guess, a catholic and appreciator of architecture
I mean, I care ... I'm interested in becoming a mason for the social aspect. i like their quietly masculine but optimistic shit about hope, faith, brotherhood, and so on ... i like how they talk about God and freedom ... and i too appreciate fine architecture
two run ins I have had with masons in the past seven days alone. One was when my buddies and I went to the local bowling alley bar (a shithole) to play on the pool table. when we walked in I overheard the bartender (picture the bald guy from pawnstars) explaining to another guy sitting at the bar that he would have to fill out some paperwork, pay regular dues, have an interview, do the "rituals" and then he would be allowed to join up.
the second run in I had was at the gym when I walked into the sauna room I saw an asian american man with a bunch of tattoos and a large "G" freemason compass and level tattooed on his heart.
do you want to know the think that both of these men had in common?
yea sure. tell me
they were both scrubs, and so will be you if you intend to join the masons
>will be a scrub
user did you not read my fucking op? i am already fucked. i'm depending on my parents to pay rent and am making barely enough to feed myself two meals a day. i'm already a fucking "scrub" and i want to improve my situation. freemasonry piques my interest. i want to hear from freemasons if i should bother submitting a petition or not or if i shouldn't bother because i'll get blackballed or something. i just want a social group, preferably non-religious, and with a a structure where i'll be respected and treated fairly despite my autism
>social group, preferably non-religious, and with a a structure where i'll be respected and treated fairly despite my autism
what you described here doesn't exist in any reality let alone the one we currently inhabit, sorry to be the bearer of news
how is freemasonry not that .. at least in theory
all religions are fake and made to hide the truth of reincarnation from you.
religion is advanced science encoded in stories that any moron can internalize and recall.
ah ok. here's the real nigger hours then. i kind of believe in reincarnation myself ... but i have kind of a personal gnostic take on it cobbled together from what little i've studied of eastern shit and personal experience. i think you have a degree of control over your reincarnation
agreed i guess. i'm mildly familiar with various religious stories being metaphors for astrological events, or things that happen in the human body and so on
>i think you have a degree of control over your reincarnation
you absolutely do, with enough intention when you know you're dying(this unironically works better with suicide) you can influence your reincarnation
astrology is another view/approach of same science. sort of like there is as batman reboot from many different directors. All of them talk about body and inner working of it. 4 rivers of Eden are Saliva, Blood, Urine, Sperm. Moses with his Acr is in your head Amigdala that's responsible for morals and fears and so on and on and on. God created men in his own image thus everything is the study of god aka us. All this mumbo jumbo really shines in the saying; As Above so Below. which means know your body and you will know the universe and vice versa.
i uh ... i kind of decided not to commit suicide a while ago ... or at least to experience as much pain/learn as much (about suffering) as i can in this life to take that as information/fuel for my intention/will ... so like learn as much as i can to improve my next incarnation. i kind of considered doing the whole "never reincarnate again" bullshit but something kept me from doing that. probably orgasms.
but yea i basically mentally snapped and decided to look at the slow deterioration of my physical body as an intentional and long term suicide
So the Freemasons do what exactly that causes you personal distress? Ah, That's right nothing.
It's a club that helps benefit the local community.
If they were all powerful and all knowing do you honestly think they'd openly admit to existing or having local community events?
I don't think it's a very good idea to wait, you'll only be weakening your mind due to age and deterioration from mental health. This is why a lot of celebrities kill themselves when they are young and have a strong mind to reincarnate with their fullest intent.
um. i never said they do anything that causes me personal distress. sorry if you interpreted it that way, but my personal distress and the freemasons are largely unrelated. I've had some odd run-ins with people claiming to be freemasons online, who managed to con me out of a few dollars, but otherwise my personal experiences with freemasons have been fine. i've been to a local lodge and had like two dinners.
you could argue that if some freemasons are responsible for the military industrial complex and some of the shitty corporate practices in america then those particular freemasons might have had an indirect negative effect on me, but that doesn't mean anything about freemasonry on the whole
you underestimate my will
Is this like a weird reverse psychology thing? I get bizzare vibes from this post.