Hi, there seems to be a lot of tension between the trans people and cis people here. I just wanted to say, as a trans person, that I love and respect everyone and want them all to be happy and hopefully they'll love and respect others as well. I love my cis brothers and sisters on this board we are all one
Trans-cis diplomacy
Fuck off degenerate faggot. We dont want you here or any of you mentally ill dgenerates.
>mentally ill
Read DSM 5. Sorry, but facts dont care about your feelings, so keep seething.
Speak for yourself, you fucking chimp. Your retarded opinions don't represent everybody on this board.
Why do you feel that say? I'm curious.
I want you to know that I hope you can change your mindset and I wish you the best of luck in life
>Sorry, but facts dont care about your feelings,
Thats rich coming from a tranny lmao. The fact is you are are mentally ill faggot.
Do you think ide speak for you faggots? Ofcourse they dont repesent everyone, they only re3psent those who matter ie the robots. You fags are a cancer here, an un welcome one. You came here we didnt come to you.
So fuck off.
Because this isnt your board. There is a fag board, go there. Being a robot has nothing to do with wearing dresses and taking cock in the ass. We are a Jow Forums board.
shouldn't you guys be dialing 8?
I don't get mtf trans people. Being female kinda sucks. But I don't really hate you either. Just thinking you might be better off giving it all a second thought.
What the fuck is a cis? It's called a normal person. Trannies shouldn't call themselves "women" or "men". They should be call themselves "tranny [""gender""] (originally [real sex])"
Theres only 2 genders bucko
Oh. I can see from your picture that you are going through your edgy phase. Well, I hope by the time you are 18 you can expand your mind a little bit and accept those who are different from you! I'm rooting for you!
I don't get it either I just know I have something in my head that makes me feel this way so I'm gonna be myself for my long-term happiness ^^
cis=same side
That's all it means! You are on the same side of gender you are born!
>responding to a bait thread
no matter the board, no matter the type of bait, someone will always respond.
based and redpilled
aids-ridden trannies see yourselves out
I know, I didn't say there were more than 2. I'm just saying "trans" ""people"" should specify their real gender/sex (the one they were born with)
Nothing edgy about accepting your birth gender and not sucking cock.
I was on this board before you could cum.
>calling someone edgy unironically
Mentally ill get off my board and throw yourselves in the ditch and die, please.
Yours nothing but attention whoring out of boredom. Go out and work on a farm for a few months, you will be so tired to even think about such things. Faggot
bruh why would you cut off your own dick wtf stop
Reminder that hating on someone based on their personal lifestyle choices that do not affect you at all is extremely cringe and bluepilled
trannies are low energy shitposters
gtfo normalfags
I hope you can grow out of your phase!!!! ^_^
I don't speak for the faggots but that was pretty edgy bro
also get the fuck off my board you faggot I can't make you but I can call you mean names on the internet
Reminder that there sonly two genders and just because you think a lifestyle choice is ok doesnt mean it is and shouldnt be called out.
This isnt /lgbt/ so fuck off and go be gay somewhere
Yes you are 100% not a faggot larping as a robot.
Its not a phase faggot. I hope you die. Now get off my board.
UwU I accepted all of you cute tranners!!! >.<
I changed my mind I'm not a nazi anymore now I want boicummies too ^_^
I don't know why more trannies don't try reincarnating as the gender they want.
I don't respond to hate with hate!
I hope you can learn and grow as a person! and accept those who are different!
You unironically sound like me when I was 16, if you're actually an adult that is extremely pathetic, anonymous.
>We are a Jow Forums board
Mate, can you shut the fuck up and go back to pol and stop seething?
Us robots have nothing to do with your ideologies, faggot. Tranny threads should go because they're nothing but porn threads, not because trans people are fucked up in the head. May I remind you how ro ots also are socialy inept and just as retarded? Your superiority comolex and lack of self awareness is but a joke to, I think, everyone in this board.
You are a joke. And a very bad one.
i'll have you know I don't suck dicks for a living, unlike your mom
Nobody wants you here you fucking faggot.
>hurr duur you sound (insert age)
Something an underage would say.
Can you stop being a faggot and get off my board?
>us robots
you are not one of us faggot.
>Tranny threads should go because they're nothing but porn threads, not because trans people are fucked up in the head.
/pol agrees
>May I remind you how ro ots also are socialy inept and just as retarded
We dont suck cock and wear dresses. Only straight males can be robots. Everyone else is an unwelcome normie.
Go infest another tight knit group you dont belong in or make your own. Jow Forums will never change.
At least I have a mum.
>I love and respect everyone
If you loved and respected us you'd stay in /lgbt/ and leave everyone else alone
why the fuck do you care so much retard? Who gives a shit? This board is gonna be filled to the brim with virgins like you everyday so its never gonna fucking change, just like how random is gonna be filled to the brim with porn no matter what the hell is going on over there.
trans can be robots too.
Because /lgbt/ exists retard
/a/ exists too doesn't mean all anime should go there
well why the hell aren't they on /lgbt/ then?
anime is more acceptable than trannies
>you disagree with me so you must be a tranny
Absolute brainlets
I'm not the one asking for changes.
Projecting something, user? Hm?
Keep seething, sissy brat.
Because I'm not a tranny or gay lmao
Because you are a tranny.
Yes you are. Your existence here is asking for change. Faggot
I do, why should I care?
>just do nothing you cant change it
Something a subversive faggot would say.
Long as you aren't cutting your dick off or encouraging susceptible people to taking pills or chop their own dick off then it is fine. There is a lot of tension because the movement encourages people to fuck their bodies up and taint their minds with confusion as to who they really are.
do nothing because its not gonna fucking change the board you fucking faggot its a single fucking thread
>we are a Jow Forums board
>Claiming an oldfag from 2011's existance is = asking for changes.
Jesus christ, how desperate, mate. How many times you sissy and spoiled fat ass ever picked up the bible? You might aswell take your own life, cause you'll probably end up in hell at this rate.
Theres multiple active threads regarding this issuew right now that Im active on. Ive been (you)s like running water which goes to show how mad and threatened you faggots are. The unwanted presence of trannies, fags and females clearly is an issue.
tranny headass
>Admits to being here after 2011
>implies hes an oldfag
If you were a robot you would simply present yourself as a robot and nothing else, but instead your kind centers their identity on being a transsexual. The transsexuals that have invaded r9k have actively been seeking to change the board to either convince native robots to "transition", or by demanding acceptance. If you transsexuals were genuinely robots then you would be able to adjust perfectly to this board rather than acting as an invasive species.
I've been on Jow Forums since 2005
But migrated to r9k back in 2011.
>Once again admits he only started here after 2011
Damage control harder new fag.
Kill yourself already you dirty piece of shit
I hope you can grow past your hateful mindset and love those who are different to you!
You just have to do an hero and i will accept you
Boys, I have been humiliated online and I am desperate for validation and for that I shall an hero and stream it on YouTube.
Mate, I couldn't give less of a fuck.
This is what all of you look like.
Fuck your disgusting tranny "culture." I hope it burns in hell along with all of you.
>tell me to leave my own board
Fuck off nigger.
>Mate, I couldn't give less of a fuck.
Yeah thats why youve been replying to me all this time. Stay mad tranny.
pic related
The fact is you were born with a penis and you will never be a girl, faggot.
I cant accept the mentally ill like you brainwashing young innocent kids, grooming them to become your cock sleeves or top bfs. Go fuck yourself, demon.
>The DSM
I wish more people were sweet, friendly, and wholesome like OP! :'(
I'm hoping that if I just ignore the negativity and only respond with kindness that it'll be a net increase in the amount of kindness and wholesomeness on this board. That's the best I can hope for!
All you actually want is for others to support your degenerate lifestyle. Keep your fake kindness to yourself and let true wholesome posters *help* each other out instead of enabling mutilating their bodies.
You're a faggot
If you chose to be a faggot then we have every right to call you a faggot.
user here said it wonderfully
drop this gay "we can all be frens" act and go back to spamming your bait and porn threads and circlejerking in your discords until you inevitably off your self like the rest of your deevolutioned brain parasite infected kind
you niggers are all uppity because of pride month well I DON'T WANNA HEAR IT