letter thread. write a letter, okay?
Letter thread. write a letter, okay?
you said you didnt ever want me in your life again, that i was an awful human being. i wont argue against it. those words are probably the truest ive ever received, and... well. i have treated you awful. and i wish to respect not involving myself in your life again, but i also feel like i owe you more of an explanation? words? i dont know.
it was a horrible decision i had to make, and i tried to weasel out of either option. i had never been more pathetic in my life than that night when i tried to fight to keep you. the idea of reestablishing contact with you only to shut you out again tore me apart, and i sobbed like a bitch. but its not like i couldnt understand her perspective. you were someone i obsessed over in my past and that bothered her, and i felt that i did not want to undermine my relationship.
well, it didnt matter anyway. in the end, i lost both. she could never forgive me for reconnecting with you, and you... well, you probably hate me, now. if that's the case, hearing this should probably be happy to hear in a sort of sense of schadenfreude. i dont. even know if you want to hear any of this. i dont even know if i should be writing it. this letter will probably join my several other regrets i carry.
i hope you are well. i really, truly do. maybe i dont have the right anymore to worry about you, but i hope youre continuing to carve a path and succeed, and keep savin for poland, and keep paintin, and listening to good music (like clara luciani) and everything else that matters to you.
you dont have to reply to this or recognize it in anyway. i dont expect you to. i far more expect a slew of replies to this from other anons calling me a faggot. but i felt i needed to write this, and i have now done so. goodnight
you look like a monkey and you smell like one too.
The black and yellow psyop is being pushed by antifa
Hello, user.
I love you. Thank you for staying with me for the last few years. We both did shitty things like cheating or fighting. We both are mentally unstable pieces of shit. I love you so much. I truly believe we belong together and I'll never be able to love someone as much I love you. Our relationship is toxic. I love it. You make me feel alive. You are the reason I'm still living. I'm yours. Thank you
Sincerely yours
How are you? I'm doing fine. Weather is nice, but it's raining more than usual. Which is good for all them plants I guess. Do you like rain?
dear user,
i'm sorry. but In fact... i have deep affection to you.
I'm gonna take your fucking virginity, you cute little innocent incel. I hope you last 5 pumps.
I'm so excited I can barely stand it.
Who on earth are these for? What drives someone to write such vague letters? Have you considered your intended recipiet may not even know its for them?
>letter thread. write a letter, okay?
That's what drives me