>report pedo after finding out the kid (teenage) is absolutely deluded
>on one hand, saved the kid from own stupidity
>on the other, made it hard on the kid and the family having to find that out
>also feel a bit bad because the kid trusted me with that sort of information and they'll think I "betrayed" them (though I don't plan on keeping in touch anymore)
I know r9k isn't beyond defending a pedo, but is there any possibility the kid would've had an epiphany themselves and backed out before it was too late? My view was that the delusion had gone past the point of no return.
You did the right thing. Any negative outcome is drawfed by the potential trauma you protected the kid from.
T. Pedo survivor
This is your opportunity to sweep the kid off their feet and be their new older bf.
only in america
After seeing this absolute display of retardation, I wouldn't even go for her if she was legal.
you're the deluded one. society has brainwashed you into thinking that adolescent/ adult male relationships haven't been the norm in humanity since the dawn of time
I suppose society has also brainwashed you into things like keeping check of your hygiene and health that are only the result of recent developments.
if this was a 16+ year old, then you're just a jealous bitter cunt. Fuck off and mind your own business retard.
>i am not a pedophile, i am in fact an ephebophile
Stop trying to defend yourself, pedo.
We all know naive underages fuck anything older than them that moves, only reason a man in his 30s would go for one is if he failed to attract anyone in his age group. You should just accept the wizard achievement at that stage.
dumb normalfag rhetoric. got anything original to say or do you just think and believe every societal idiom?
Do you have any rebuttal to that other than "normalfag rhetoric" or is everything just the normalfag boogeyman?
the fact you consider attraction to teenage girls pedophilia already proves that you'll be unwilling to reason with.
They'll come to realize their mistake. No one appreciates the truth during the moment.
>I have no argument so I'm just going to say I can't reason with you to wash my hands clean of it
seriously, I think this is the worst thing ive heard on Jow Forums
you are the worst piece of shit and dont complain when you get your cumuppings
Would you be able to admit that you are an ephebophile in public?
>prevented someone who previously admitted to molesting a 13 year old from seeing another adolescent
>worst piece of shit
I dunno mate, sounds to me like you need to start looking at more appropriate age groups.
Yes. The word itself is synonymous with what teenagers are. Not to mention they are still experiencing a lot of development.
I dont think kids often realize it by themselves how fucked up that situation is until its way too late. Ive seen some girls go down the drug addiction path or like completely hid from society for years.
The only argument I could see for letting that pedo asshole continue is that the kid might be too retarded either way to save. Like if this was a grooming thing then its an easy slam dunk, death penalty recommendation. If its just taking advantage of a confused kid in puberty or right after just for easy sex, it gets gray a little bit. Like is it a crime when people on r9k tell naive losers to try going gay?
there is nothing inherently demonstrably bad about a teenage girl having a relationship with an older man. you are going to cause more trauma by inflicting getting the law into these people's lives than the relationship ever would have. you have a delusional case of white knight syndrome. you've taken all these little relative societal titbits and created your own fantasy about what is happening and believe it to be 100% true. the fact that you consider this unironic pedophilia has also skewed your perception. you didn't save anyone from anything. all you did was act as one of the slow moving dull cogs of society. that exists purely to keep the status quo in check. up until around 30 years ago a female was generally considered a woman when she became pubescent.
this kind of hyper policing of everyone's behaviour and thinking that you can immediately understand the nuance of a situation because you saw some segment on NBC about it. things like this should be allowed to play out. girls in situations like this develop the most serious mental problems when the law steps in and then they are put into counselling programs where they're told that what happened to them was the worst atrocity to ever grace mankind
I did homework on the guy and it does look like it's been a grooming thing for over a year.
Guy also uses some small circlejerk imageboard and is often a topic of ridicule for admitting to molesting and attempting to molest teens.
>I am reasonable, I would pimp out my teenage daughter to old men if I had the chance :^)
Are you the type that clams up and starts saying things like GENETICS! and DETERMINISM when you get confronted for being dumb?
So would you or would you not be willing to defend these points of yours in real life?
Yeah thats potentially some dark shit. Glad you had the courage bro
>if you can't defend something in front of a sea of foaming at the mouth normalfags with pitchforks, it's wrong
So the possibility of being confronted with that situation makes you uncomfortable? How come it elicits that reaction from you?
because there's one truth in life. the masses are always wrong
I can defend things I believe in that normalfags don't generally agree on in my liberal uni, like on immigration laws in the middle of a politics lecture. If you truly believe something and can articulate your points people will listen to you. If you're too scared, I suppose you're just a larping moron or have 0 backbone.
This. There are nuances to sexual abuse and manipulating a child. If society says something, we should always do the complete opposite because we are super duper smart like that. Age is just a number! Transsexualism is perfectly natural!
>up until around 30 years ago a female was generally considered a woman when she became pubescent.
My dude, in the past people kept slaves and didn't even recognise that a husband could rape their wife. You act as if that classification was based on the best interest of women. It was based on the dicks of men in power and was not based on ANY demonstrable facts.
How do you feel about abortion? There are two masses on two different sides of that debate. Gotcha!
Or is it because you are afraid of something that might spring up from such a situation occurring?
Would you still be able to argue your points given different circumstances other than being in the middle of a lecture?
Yes there is. The benefits of teenage romance with other teenagers is that their emotional development is on par, they are prone to the same/similar vulnerabilities and exploits, and they are development deeper emotional/mental intelligence in an environment where their influence on another is less rigid. This isn't the case when one of those involved has a stronger established emotional intelligence, manipulation and societal roles do hinder the quality of the relationship which in turn affects the minor in a more significant way.
Yes, the law being involved will add a level of difficulty and do harm, the parents should be well equipped enough to handle these situations. But an adult taking advantage of a minor during these key development periods should know better, and their ignorance nay be the reason they are unaware of the impact it has. If they are simply refusing to accept the truth, they should be punished.
Contrary to popular delusion, these laws do not exist to spite you. Trust me when I say almost any man would want to fuck a 16 year old, especially those in positions of power. We don't because we are aware of the problems it causes, and not just socially. It is not some government attempt at brainwashing you, we have documentations of its effect on societies.
>You act as if that classification was based on the best interest of women.
imagine being this guy
>kill the mood by preaching about politics/fucking someone under the age of consent when it's uncalled for
Do you know why everyone dislikes those religious preachers out in public? Even I dislike them despite agreeing with religious ideas and it's precisely because they're too preachy. Nobody going to the bank cares about the word of Christ at that exact moment.
You need the right platform to express your controversial views, like a debate or a lecture instead of screaming "YEAH I'M 34 AND WANT TO FUCK YOUR 16 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER! IT'S BEEN HAPPENING FOR CENTURIES!" like a Jow Forumstard screeches about immigrants and making yourself look bad.
If you truly wanted to express your views and weren't a larping moron on Jow Forums, you would have considered this, though.
If you need everything to be just right before you can provide your argument then you're a pussy. Would you, under different circumstances that may or may not be satisfactory in the moment, be able to defend your viewpoints? Or are you just one of those autists that likes to parade his views only when there is a placating authority around?
>Would you, under different circumstances that may or may not be satisfactory in the moment, be able to defend your viewpoints?
If there was no other option, absolutely, and I have done so before confidently because I can articulate my points in a respectable way.
Would you and/or have you defended your views in such a position, since you're the one calling me a "pussy" here? If you're the user I've been replying to, I recall you being scared of facing the normalfag boogeymen with your ephebophilia.
Teenagers are inexperienced and stupid. You did good. Anyone who defends a pedophile deserves to fuck off.
I don't think anyone has asked.
Exactly how old were both of them, and how was kid absolutely deluded?
Kid was 14/15 when the grooming started and turned 16 just recently.
Guy is in his 30s and is a pretty infamous user and subject of mockery on a small, circlejerk imageboard because he admitted to child molestation previously.
Not the epheb fag, but what I'm wondering is if these situations you were faced with were only subjectively unsatisfactory. There's a difference between arguing with a snowflake and a nigger that wants to beat your shit in.
You did a good job
>nigger that wants to beat your shit in.
I've been attacked before, but I didn't think it was was wise to intentionally provoke. Certainly bold, but not wise with relation to my own safety.
Again, have you defended your views in such a position and are thus looking to compare against me, or are you just looking for something to latch on to so you can call me out on being a hypocrite?
How old is the kid and the guy you reported?
You seem more eager to compare as you proposed the question in retaliation. But I have many times, albeit in vain as in most cases it would devolve into fighting but I grew up around niggers so it was different than arguing in a safe space. The main baseline I was trying to reach is that there are designated situations for debate but that doesn't mean that it wont happen elsewhere or that it wont come up unprovoked.
americans are truly strange
The kid is about go fuck yourself age. I don't know why you typed that dumb shit. It's obvious you're a insignificant motherfucker who should fuck off. Dipshit cuntboi, everybody hates you and you're ugly and pathetic.
>Pedophilia (alternatively spelt paedophilia) is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children
>prepubescent children
why is this so hard for normalfags to understand?
actual pedophile have zero interest in girls over about 11
16 is adolescent, not yet an adult. "Kid" refers to anything that is not yet an adult.
The same reason people use "less" when the correct word is "fewer". They don't care enough about the semantics, as long as it gets the general message across.
absolutely agree, it is fucking hilarious how far can normalfags go to defend adult-underage relations. They literally paint anyone who is 13-18 as some kind of infantile retards, who whither at the touch of an adult. Anti-pedo hysteria is the most braindead moralfaggotry there is out there
You did the right thing, user. Don't be ashamed.
Fuck off asshole, why the fuck do u even get so mad? Your life must be so pathetic that everybody humiliates you and to feel big you have to pretend to be a strong big man behind a keyboard
you did good user as pedos are just mentally regressed faggots who cant talk to anybody their age and whoever the kid was they would grow up and be abandoned by the pedo as the pedo looks for their next victim