Hi, wanna talk? tell me about your day or something
Hi, wanna talk? tell me about your day or something
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I've been working abroad as a chef for a month, I'm beginning to really miss my city. I wanna hug my parents, hang out with my brother and play some fighting games.
How's life treating you user?
I woke up at 5 pm and drank some beers with brother. I got really drunk really quickly because I haven't eaten in 2 days. we worked on cutting down a tree thats about to fall on his house, we got 1 branch before the batteries ran out on the pole saw.
I went to my ex-drug dealers house and hung out with him and his screaming children for a while. one of them was his but he was baby sitting the others. apparently against his will, his girl just dropped them off without saying anything to him about it and he was pissed. when she got off work the got into a fight and I just slipped out.
came home and jerked off and here I am.
i sleep all day i wake up play games eat food i got out of my room to do something in the house for the first time in the month, i played a chess game with my nephew and it was fun, i felt suicide again and got back to my room, i've been playing WOW and LOL all night, its 5am now, im thinking about playing bioshock infinite because im close to finish the game for the second time, then im going to sleep again and repeat the same fucking thing.
btw i really liked the picture, where is from?
Been grinding at night shift like usual, trying to work on getting a car but that's a grind. I really haven't talked to my family in awhile and this girl I had some chemistry with recently has been getting more distant. Right now I'm on break messaging a bud and looking at the midnight rain.
i'd rather you tell me about yours. what did you do today?
other than missing your family do you enjoy the job? you could always go visit them after a few months. life has not been great but it'll get better with time.
don't drink so much, it doesn't help with your problems. try to eat something soon okay? and keep trying to help your brother but stay away from your ex drug dealer if possible
not op but soul eater
I've been sleeping most days recently too, it's not very healthy and I hope you can break out of the cycle soon. I've never finished bioshock infinite but I'd like to someday, I don't remember where I got the picture I'm sorry I think a friend sent it to me once it's of crona from soul eater.
do you like the night shift? rain is ultra comfy, sorry about the girl maybe she just needs space or something idk
I slept until 3pm woke up ate a granola bar and then slept until 10pm, I've been in bed since I got up
That sucks, man. I felt the same when I was in that situation, and honestly the hours and work itself wasn't worth that feeling. It's a horrible type of loneliness to be in a place where their language is different, and there are so few familiar faces. It does get easier in the sense you get used to it, but I left too much at home to keep it up for long.
Where are you working?
the job is really tiring, but it could be worse. The pay is alright, working hours is alright (I'm working everyday though) and my room is alright too. It's a seasonal job, so I'll be home in the middle of September. Honestly though, I'm more lonely than anything, I don't really love the company here, so if you're up to tell me about your rough life I'm all for it user
Woke up a couple of hours ago, have a slight back ache and nothing to do today. Could probably draw or something but I'm not in the mood, too shit at watercolours to be motivated.
Are you a girl OP? origional
I know man. I went through an alcoholic phase so I don't buy the shit anymore. but if somebody wants to drink with me I'll oblige them any time.
I jokingly call him my ex-drug dealer but he's my only real friend in the world. I'm a good influence on him too, if it wasn't for me he would be dead or in jail. I don't think I can stop hanging out with him. sometimes I smoke weed with him but I don't do any hard drugs. he had a bunch of MDMA today and offered me some but I'd never get into that kind of shit.
its a little suck because everyone's up online at night, I moved not too long ago so I have no local friends. Maybe she didn't see me the same way I saw her, kinda sad I've been pretty lonely but I try to hide it.
anyways I got to get back to work, 2 hours till I'm off.
Oh don't get me wrong, I'm still in my country (Italy), everyone speaks a different dialect and almost every client is German but the staff speaks my language at least. Sorry for being an englishlet. But yeah I left my pc at home and I have no safe way to get it here without spending a ton of money. My brother lent me his Switch which is pretty cool, but I still miss my stuff. Thanks for the empathy
September isn't too far away, try to keep yourself busy so the time passes faster. do you have any online friends? as for my life I had a lot of abuse growing up and some of those memories have been coming back recently, other than that my life is very easy
you could do a draw thread, maybe anons could give you motivation I am not
I'm proud of you, it's nice to help people. be careful with weed too you could become reliant on it.
I wish I had some weed to be reliant on in the first place. I've been drug deprived for a long time. to be honest with you I actually thought about taking the MDMA today. my friend has pretty much told me he'll give me as much as I want for free. he feels like he's in debt to me or something. I just don't want to open that can of worms though. I feel like I'm too old to be getting addicted to new and different drugs.
No online friends. I have some from my city, but no "let's talk about our days and shit" kind of friends. The closest I had to an online friend was a guy I met here, his gf cheated on him with his best friend. He was super sad and he told me I basically saved his life when I comforted him. We talked for a couple of weeks and then we kinda lost contacts. Wonder if he remembers me.
Sorry about the abuse thing user. Do you wanna talk about it? Venting can be good, but I understand that such big things like this one are a really heavy burden.
sorry maybe I shouldn't have used that word, I dunno. seriously though don't get addicted to anything, it might help now but it'll hurt later
have you tried to make another friend on here? you could make a thread talking about your interests maybe, good job on helping him you seem like a kind person.
sorry but I'm not comfortable talking about it really, I'm working on it though.
No problem. I thought about making a thread, but it usually gets dumped. I guess it's kind of hard when you care about niche vidyas and the only thing you can offer is a somewhat-fatherly friendship, which on the outside probably sounds hella creepy. I like listening, tell advices and stuff, but it's hard to find someone unless I really dedicate myself to it, and sadly I don't always have the time.
Why you started this thread btw user? Boring day/night?
ty man
its on sale in steam and u can find on pirate bay i guess, its really good, one of my fav
and thanks for the pic, i will be using
Hello user, going ice-skating with a couple colleagues, I have no idea what to do nor do I have any interest in ice-skating whatsoever so rather worried. How've you been doing? Crona is cute by the way. Went to York yesterday for this special training thing and got loads of books on Sufi mysticism and Taoism. York is very comfortable (though honestly a little too much to live in if you know what I mean. What's the area where you live like? I know many tend to bash their whereabouts under the grass-is-greener mentality though its still always interesting too hear the good and bad.
you could make threads like mine yknow, as long as you're polite and try to reply to everyone you can usually talk for awhile and maybe even make some friends. I started this thread so if anyone wanted to talk they could, if it died I would've just went to sleep but here I am talking to everyone
I own the game I just haven't finished it is all. and no problem I'm glad you liked it
don't be worried I'm sure your colleagues can help you if you need it, do you visit York often? have you read any of your new books yet? I live in a not so great neighborhood but I don't mind it really, it rains a lot here so that's nice but the people aren't so great. and yes crona is very cute
Found out we almost pushed some code live that could get us sued because no one in my department does any work but me. Im overworked and underpaid and my depression is really starting to get to me at this point. I cant trust anyone else to actually do anything at work and I dont have the time or the motivation to keep doing everything. Ive been hinted at a big promotion and a raise soon, but I dont know how long I can go before I start my cycle of self destruction again
Sup OP, I had an ear infection all week and today was really painful. So after work I went to my local doctor and got prescribe some medication and they'd advise to only take it after sunday. So now I have to rely on painkillers that wear out after 2-4 hours and can't take for another 3-5 hours. Besides that today was alright. I've beaten dark souls 1 for the first time (I only got the game 3 weeks ago) it's now one of my favourite games to play. I also had some chicken soup for dinner made by my gf and her cooking was actually pretty good for once. Hope you're doing well user
I'm sorry that happened, have you tried talking to your boss about your coworkers? some of my friends with jobs have had issues similar to that and they've also been promised raises or better positions but they don't get them they just work harder for the same pay. can you find any other way to cope instead of self destruction?
Still, you're away from home. I never thought it would bother me as I would spend weeks away in different countries, but something about having to live away from everybody I knew was pretty lonely. As you have a deadline you at least know you are returning soon, I'm sure you appreciate the experience regardless.
I have a lot I could draw, want to do the tattoo designs of the main Yakuza characters in watercolour, but I also need to practice with them a lot more before I can do it any justice so I'm just feeling a general disinterest. I'm more more comfortable with just black ink.
made a little more progress on an electronics project im working on. i told myself id have finished it before lasts week ended but i just started yesterday. better than nothing i guess. i think i fucked again up and im gonna need to take a trip to the components shop yet again for the fifth time in the last week
also my left and right to a lesser extent lower sides just above the hip hurts a lot
You're right, thanks for the heads up user, I'll try
I already did. The problem coworkers were personally brought on by some C level execs so not much can really be done about it. As far as coping, Ive never been this depressed and not gone back to drugs and alcohol so I dont really know for sure.
sorry, ear problems are the worst. I've always had to put drops in my ear and usually just deal with the pain because I refuse to take pills. dark souls is a very fun series, I haven't played those games in awhile though. make sure you let your girlfriend know you appreciate her and give her a big hug
don't judge yourself too harshly, even if they aren't perfect you have to fail a few times so you can get the perfect picture right? even if you don't do a full drawing today you should at least try to practice the watercolors a bit.
that's okay, at least you're making some progress. do you think you need to take a trip to the hospital?
thank you
Chrona is a good person.
woke up at 3 am because i had a bad dream about my ex gf who left me 5 months ago was with her 6 years asked her to marry me got dumped because i was working at a grocery store no future there anyways up at 3 cant sleep so i played some vidya till 9 am took my doggo out to piss cause thats when she woke up went back to vidya till about noon got hungry ate some ramen too poor to afford anything else cause i quit my job after gf left was too depressed to come in and i cant cook anyway then took doggo for a walk its 100 degrees out so she couldn't get too far without getting to hot so only walked a mile get depressed because it just reminds me of ex gf seeing all the places we would walk with the dog come home and leave for liquor store around 1 got super drunk and watched youtube till i pass out around 8 then wake up in a cold sweat because same bad dream about ex. its now 2:30 where i am and i guess im just gonna repeat what i did yesterday thinking about killing myself soon
you could write down your feelings maybe? that's what I do when I'm really sad about something. if you have friends you could talk to them about it or you could pick up a small hobby to help you. don't use drugs or drink alcohol when you're sad it only makes it worse later
I give her kisses and hugs regardless if she does anything for me. I love this woman so much and she has done so much in 2 years for me it's nuts. thank you OP
thanks for your concern man, no need to visit the er but i should defs see a doctor soon
you're a good person too, user.
I've been having a lot of nightmares about one of my close friends who I stopped talking to recently also, try not to drink too much please. taking a break from your job is good but you need yo get a new job soon so you can sustain yourself yknow, I wouldn't recommend killing yourself at all if you aren't 100% serious about it the fear you experience before hand will hurt a lot and then knowing you failed will hurt even more plus if your family finds out they'll make your life worse and filled with more stress to get better I think
thank you too, friend
yes you definitely should, be careful and take care of yourself please
yeah id never share that with my family well the only person in my family who gives a damn about me is my sister dad was an alcoholic who beat me mom left me when i was 3 she's a drug addict. my sister is in law school she is going to be a real success unlike me. its hard not to drink it sounds pathetic but i just want to forget all the bullshit in my life. I've blown through most of my savings taking all this time off but i just cant go back to some dead end job knowing thats why my ex left. only thing keeping me here is my dog i have no friends and sister is across the country so she couldn't take her if something happened to me. everyday i feel more dead inside heartbreak is a real bitch user
Almost 2hours and i still have this thread open and reading about your days, good thread op really comfy
take good care of her bro
I've experienced it before too and I know how it feels to not have any family there for you, I also know how it feels to avoid the things your ex left you over. even if you don't like it you still need a job, once you can support yourself again you should look for a better job and go from there. proud of you for looking after your dog though, that makes me happy
thank you, you should talk about your day too or just talk to anons about theirs
thanks my dog is the only thing good in my life at this point ive basically been drinking everyday the last 5 months but i always take care of her. i just don't really have any skills and i dropped out of college so i could work and help my sis pay for school but now im even failing at that
user listen to me, you need to stop looking at yourself as a failure and you need to stop feeling like there's no hope. even if it isn't today or tomorrow eventually you'll need to get over this. I know how hard it is to stop self depreciating and I know how tempting it is to just give up but you really shouldn't let this girl end your life. you may feel like nothing without her but that just isn't true or she wouldn't have loved you in the first place. please try to work again even if you haven't been to school I'm sure you can find something, please try to be better for yourself
thanks user i know i need to do better it has just been so hard i met her when i was 18 so she kinda was my whole world in a way she was my rock and when i lost that it felt like part of me died. i know i need to get over it i just have no idea how to do that. i think ill put in some applications tomorrow thanks for that. anyways ive been rambling anything u wanna talk about? u have any plans for tomorrow
>chronicles of drunk me continue
>mom gives me money for ``food''
>have rule about not eating after 9pm
>drink 1/4 a handle of fresh whiskey
>somehow end up helping friend with her teenage drama
>shes literally sobbing as she explains eveything to me
>apologizes for dragging me into everything
>i almost start to cry because i already felt sorry for this girl
>cant remember exactly what i said but i remember being truthful and just trying to build her back up
>two hours later shes laughing and giggly and normal again
>ask if she feels better and can hear her smiling when she says yes
>i start blushing
>no filter and tell her i love her and for her to not take it weird
>says she loves me too
>tells me i should marry one of her sisters
shes like the little sister i never had
thank you, I understand exactly what you mean about losing her and I can't make those feelings go away you just have to learn to accept and deal with them yourself I think, I'll be rooting for you. I don't have anything to talk about right now honestly I'm just here to talk I guess
good job user, it seems like you had a really good day but be careful with drinking okay?
Didn't sleep much last night. I was hoping to fall back asleep after waking ~5am, but I can't. Too sick, coughing too much. Being sick is such a drag, and I have to work in 4 hours. I've been sick ever since getting back from a great vacation with my friends, which is frustrating. haven't been able to bounce back to my normal life. Trying to stay positive. I woke up with my parents divorce on my mind, the worry kept me uo. hard to know how to proceed sometimes. I worry I'm shutting people out again. I need to be healthy first before I start thinking of trying to make changes though. Hoping the little sleep I got can carry me through my shift
you seem like a really good person op
I'm sorry you're sick, even if you can't sleep you should try to get as much rest as you can before going to work, take a hot shower too. divorces are hard to deal with but it gets better with time, try not to worry about it too much and definitely don't blame yourself or anything. be careful about shutting people out try to let them know you just need time right now but you still value their friendship and you appreciate their patience, also don't be afraid to ask for help at work if you need it
thank you but I promise I'm no better than you or any other user in this thread
its ok this is my life now
it's not okay, you need to take care of yourself so you can take care of her too. I think you'll both be happier if you can do that
Thank you friend, I'll try to take it easy. Feeling fairly positive overall, illness just has a tendency to foster negativity. I appreciate your kind words to myself and others in this thread, I hope all is well with you
don't worry I am okay and I'm feeling even better after this thread, I'm afraid I might fall asleep soon though. thank you for your kind words too and I'm really hoping you'll feel better soon
im stressed out and it physically hurts
sorry, do you want to talk about why you're stressed? you should try to listen to some comfy music and relax a bit
okay link a comfy song pls
i just lie a lot to friends and then get really paranoid about my lies
its an impulse thing for me but the way it makes me feel is awful
not to mention im just a total fucking loser who cant get his shit together at all
not op but the fact that you feel bad about ur lies is a really good sign i used to lie to alot of people and i never felt bad about it. i don't lie any more only because it fucked me over alot as a kid not over a sense of feeling bad but more so just a sense of self preservation i guess. when i used to lie i would just think people were stupid for believing me it kinda scared me tho knowing i could just put on a smile and tell someone anything and they would go with it. the way i stopped was if i caught myself lying i would just politely say i was joking not to lose face and then i would try tell the truth.
that's the first song that came to mind, I don't know if you'll like it I'm not great with music I just know it usually helps people when they're upset.
you should try to think better of yourself, you might stop lying if you're comfortable with yourself and believe in yourself or whatever. try not to lie to your friends so much it'll hurt them a lot, you could try being honest with them about it now and let them know you're working on it
thank you friend, I think your post was better than mine
no u give good advice too i just don't want to see someone burn all their bridges like i did when i was younger. maybe thats part of why i miss my ex so damn bad as well i promise myself id never lie to her and i really tried to be better with her in my life im just so damn self destructive now but i did just update my resume first time ive worked on that in forever looking for places now in my area at least it will keep me from drinking during the day
yeah I like the song you posted
this song came to mind for me when I read comfy music youtube.com
I think you're right that I need more self confidence, I often lie about how things are going because I'm afraid of what people will think when I tell the truth
I gotta make my life better so the self confidence isn't made up
impulsive lying sucks, it's a hard habit to break
I catch myself a lot with stupid things, but I still lie about pretty major things
I need to take better control of it and just force myself to be honest
it wasn't impulsive for me i went out of my way to intentionally mislead people so ur already better off then me in my eyes. but i do regret the bridges i burned honestly places like this helps too u can tell the truth here and work on shit
yeah I have lots of online friends who I feel a lot more honest with, and posting here is the exact same way
I think it's important to have somewhere you can be honest, almost like practice so you can do it in real life
lying feels like a drug sometimes man, really destructive though
What the fuck do people do on dates?
I just started dating this girl I've been talking to for a while and even though the first date was awkward it went well and we're having a second date, but I'm completely out of ideas on what people even do. I'm trying to get her to come up with something since she's incredibly introverted and I know there are things she wants to do, but won't outright suggest, but I obviously have to have some backup ideas if and when she refuses to suggest anything.
I really don't want to fuck this up, bros. Just once I want things to go well.
Played a game with music in background, as usual
I'm without strenght.. I didn't leave home for 4 years, occasionally to the store or once a month with my only friend. I somehow love my loneliness but sometimes makes me sad.. how about you user?
I've become a serial cheater. Like, its getting out of control and at this point I don't know what to do.
I'm in a long distance relation with my current GF (about 3 hours away but will be moving there in a month). It started with just one side girl but I seem to gather another each weekend. I've got 4 right now and honestly it's hard enough fitting in time to meet one let alone stop them all from finding out about each other. Well, one knows shes a fuck buddy however. I don't even know why I started. I just guess I was so close to leaving town in a few months I let my guard down and before I knew it I'm fucking four girls on the regular and preparing to move in with my GF. I'm hoping moving puts and end to this but I'm worried I'm just going to take my shitty habits with me and ruin my life cause I can't keep my cock under control.
,,There is no greater agony than having an untold story inside you"
,,Have you ever been so sad that's physically hurts you inside"
I so deeply feel these quotes user
you should just become mormon
pretty sure they average 3 wives so it wouldn't even be an issue for you
>girls love food take her to a nice restaurant
>take her on a picnic
>take her bowling
>take her on a walk or a hike somewhere
>take her to a movie i hate hollywood but its bearable with ur girl
>take her swimming not on ur first date
>take her to a concert that u both would like
>take her to an arcade or like a fair if u have one in ur area my girl loved going to the fair
>take her to get something sexy to wear again not a first date thing
>take her to the beach
>take her to a bar and dance with her
>take her to volunteer somewhere
these were all things i used to do with my girl once u date long enough just doing normal things will turn into dates but always remember to take her to dinner at least once a week do stupid shit girls like write her a lame note give her a candy bar tell he u were thinking of her in line at the store just stupid shit like that makes them really appreciate u prob why i was with mine for so long she really over looked my bs up untill she decided she wouldn't marry a loser idk maybe my advice sucks on this front
I used to be a youtube fag until I just recently started not to enjoy them. Is it because of my personal life? I dont really know. I dont feel like I can enjoy much anything except porn.
Yeah but they can't drink or have fun. Also polygamy is not gucci here.
I've had an inspiring conversation with my friend this morning. Lately I've been thinking about how futile life is, how the only thing that could save me is creativity. I want to write up a backlog of creative activities and push myself to do them. I've been waiting for that inspiration to hit but I realise I can't always do it; some days I'll just have to start and channel the inspiration that way.
I'm doing freelance work in the music industry whilst studying, and I'm thinking I'll suck it up and ask my local record store if they could use a part-time worker. They don't have an ad out which is why I'm hesistant, but I know asking won't hurt. I probably have some anxiety issues to overcome. I shook badly yesterday when I saw a call incoming. Maybe I should see a therapist.