Water only fast. But how,. when your willpower is low? I say this; "Easier to eat nothing then small amount."
I literally fall over and get light headed after a few hours without eating
I try to just eat veggies and fruit but I feel like fucking garbage without pizza and cant function. have you tried caffeine pills? I take 2 or 3 of them sometimes 4 over a period of a few hours and drink some coffee or monster with them and just go into monster fap mode and dont eat for 2 days
Do you even lift sir?
do other drinks count?
i occasionally tried to do pushups all in vain
If you can't do normal push ups.
Do knee pushups
If you can't do knee push ups do negative pushups or inclined pushups.
Also fuck off to Jow Forums why the fuck are you asking for fitness advice on Jow Forums of all places.
can't you see im desperate nigger?
Yes, even milk. But honestly, if your on a food intake deficit, which requires eating very little or none, then you should be fine. Just plain water and multivites and protassium powder and yr gud. In a month you'll be fat free, or at least less fat.
If your desperate you go to Jow Forums and fucking read the resources they have there.
You stupid fucking muppet.
Drinking coffee every 2 hours or so keep me satiated. I only ate one small meal today (rice and lamb curry). The weights starting to shift.
Here's a basic example of a workout routine for a begineer. I'm not an expert but I do lift. But don't just take it from me. Check the Jow Forums wiki and the sticky.
>Three days a week, one day between workouts. Whatever days, doesn't matter. The day between is for your body to recover.
>Warm up (light stretch) BEFORE working out, full stretch AFTER.
>If you no water YOU DIE
>Here's a basic example of a workout plan.
>Workout A - Rest day - Workout B - Rest day - Workout C - Rest day - Rest day
>A = Arms (Bench, Pullups, Dips, OHP)
>B = Legs (Squat, Deadlift)
>C = Both (Mix)
Not too much, right? Feel free to add in, on any of the days, any other type of exersize you want. Cardio, isometrics, calistetics, machines, punching bags, running, whatever. HOWEVER to just do these exersizes without researching form would be a bad idea. My knee still hurts because of how I did squats. ALSO, simularly dangourus is to do these excersises without a food plan. I'd actually reccomend again a fast before startig a workout regime. A weight cut would lessen chance of knee injury.
If you're overweight, DO NOT DO RUNNING. Use an exersize bike. If you don't know the proper form DON'T DO THE EXERSISE. Until you learn the form. If you want to learn about foods to eat instead of bad foods DO NOT EAT ANYTHING THAT HAS INGREDIENTS, only eat whole foods. Maybe make an exception for oats or cereal.
>replace milk with almond milk
>get vegetables from the store
>stock up on canned vegetables
>just lightly salt them
>get frozen vegetables
>do shit to make vegetables taste good
>onions sauce, garlic sauce, etc
>drink black coffee
>get a bike
>biking is fun exercise for me
>like going around corners fast going fast etc
>pick up something you like I kick a soccer ball around my backyard or play basketball
>try and take half hour long walks
>I buy cbd hemp flower and take walks while I smoke it
>nice relaxing buzz doesnt get me super fucking high makes walking better
>DONT starve
>eat fruit or vegetables as soon as you get hungry dont starve and say youll eat it later
>every time i have a slight appetite i eat fruit or something but when i starve myself to the max i just cant think straight and i rape a full pizza you wont be able to eat healthy if you starve
>find cool recipes look cooking vegetables with some onions topped on them and a good sauce
>go vegan instead of dairy cheese and steak and shit
>get a good hobby like say gardening your own vegetables
>take up night walking
>buy a basketball hoop for your drive way
>push ups and sit ups are useless
>get really tight clothes and wear them and look at yourself
>get a dog to go on walks with
>take martial arts
>practice with swords, bows, throwing knives or something in your backyard
idk man this is the shit i do im still fat because of my appetite. my genetics makes me eat cookies and pizza
It's an addiction. Same as smoking or drinking. Your body demands fast food because that's what you're always putting in it. Fixing your eating habits is simple, stop eating junk food and focus on fruits and vegetables. Eventually they'll start tasting amazing, the only thing stopping you is your own addiction. It's not easy, but it's certainly not complicated.
You fatties are worse than normalfags. Weight loss is easy; fasting, cal deficit, exercising, going on fast walks when fasting. Only a truly pathetic man can allow himself get fat.
Get a hobby that costs a lot of money so you have less money to spend on junk "food".
>my genetics make me eat cookies and pizza
mate just buy some of this. u'll hate food
Activate your almonds and cultivate your coconuts, its literally that easy
Replace your diet with better foods by simply not buying crap.
>my genetics makes me eat cookies and pizza
dude im fat cause of my appetite. I didn't SIGN UP for oh hey just make it so I need 3750 calories to feel full
i starve. its so easy for me to starve. im fucking hungry all the time. i feel like im going to faint if i dont give it to my cravings. its not my fault
you're deluded fatty, I have a big appetite too but I drink coffee and eat healthy instead
Stop eating for a prolonged period. Drink only water. Eat a multivitamin. Get sun exposure. Maybe start smoking or taking amphetamines if you're a bitch. I've done all this (smoking and pills for funsies though) and it works. The hardest part is the first day and a half so once you're passed that you'll be fine. Remember: nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.
>knee push ups
>as a male
Don't do knee push ups as a male. Might as well start sucking dick at that point.
This is retarded. Why do you call an upper/lower split arms/legs lmao
You are always hungry and never satiated, despite being full, because you are most likely VERY malnourished.
Check out Frank Tufano or Bart Kay on YouTube.