If you could nuke only 1 continent, which would you choose and why?
If you could nuke only 1 continent, which would you choose and why?
America, they promise me their were no cats in america but those fuckers lied to me. Would Nuke 9/10 - IGN
obviously africa, they literally are just living off of our garbage, we keep supporting them for no reason, low iq, shithole continent.
Austral-asia. They're insufferable. Probably north America as a close second
OriginallyPic related
if israel, the uk, or the us were continents i'd nuke them though
Asia. I fall for the japanese qt meme, and all that, but China is unironically the dwelling place of the Devil. Losing cute jap girls is worth it, desu.
>America isn't a continent
Woah you're fucking stupid
Ironically this is the one continent you can't live without. No cobalt = no electronics. That's before we mention copper, gold, diamonds and other precious minerals that are mostly provided by Africa. And good luck fulfilling the world's oil needs without Nigeria.
Space mining will eventually be a thing so no need to worry there.
>OriginallyPic related
>american """education"""
How will you fuel the rockets to get there, you fucking worthless piece of shit?
Asia: China, India, Russia all dead, the world will be such a better place.
i have no idea what a continent means as i dropped out of high school.
but anyways, i would nuke brazil as i live in here. plus nothing good comes out of here anyway, this is just a extreme failed copy of the united states.
"America" is actually two continents and the middle in between them. It encompasses North, South, Middle i.e. Panama and the Caribbeans.
America isn't just the USA
you're like those faggots who whine about how gif is supposed to be pronounced with a soft g
Also no Middle East
You're like those faggots who fuck up everything they do. Fuck off you stupid motherfucker. You're a piece of shit and you're ABSOLUTELY worthless, you smalldicked nigger.
Youre like retarded zoomer who have never read a book in their short uneducated life
>fundamental knowledge of geometry is just like nitpicking over pronunciation of a file extension, they're literally the same
You really are fucking worthless.
America is a region composed of two massive continents. They both have "America" in their name.
Whatever country I'm in.
Is fundamental knowledge of vocabulary fucking worthless?
Maths and geography terms not my strong suit but at least I remember the facts they taught in both classes
imagine being old enough to post here with this level of education
>America is a region composed of two massive continents. They both have "America" in their name.
imagine thinking australia is a continent. God americans are so stupid
Honestly the only continent the world can spare is Europe and maybe America but if ressources weren't important i'd say probably Africa
South america.
I live here, that's why.
Antarctica, to prevent loss of life.