Has anyone else had to deal with someone they know being radicalized by the alt right? How did you deal with it? I mean if someone is looking at pepe the frogs then clearly they are well on their way to becoming a mass murdering, woman hating terrorist. Someone needs to step in.
Has anyone else had to deal with someone they know being radicalized by the alt right? How did you deal with it...
Its pretty obvious that this place has been flooded with poltards since 2016 so most replies are going to be alt right sympathisers. Just watch.
The OP of the thread is clearly a Jow Forumstard, this thread was designed for a circle jerk
I had a talk with him about it and now I agree with him.
>I am the minority and oppose the majority therefore anything they do is wrong.
Source? I have a hard time believing thats real
It's from ResetEra. You better believe it's real.
They used to be the minority, newfag.
>Rolling your eyes at the assembly when they announce international women's day
How the fuck did the teacher notice this? Regardless though, this kid sounds like a retarded edgelord.
Oh no this kid is looking at innocent internet memes, we better tell him how wrong he is and punish him for it! That'll surely have the desired effect!
Whoopie di doo, another stupid motherfucker on my board. What meaning do you expect your delusional self-important statement to have to us who think and reason? What fantasy do you hold that would have you believe that your shitty greentext would have more weight than that of a leprous desert rat, spinning rabidly in a circle, waiting for the bite of the snake? You are a waste of flesh. Fuck off, cunt.
>innocent internet memes
Y-yeah, totally innocent and not meant to be propaganda
>Women's day isn't a political issue
>This kid doesn't support it, he must be a political radical
And SJW used to not exist at all.
Those were good times.
If you want to remove poltards, please leave and they'll also leave.
>sjws didn't exist before 2016
2016 was already the time of the great flood and I'm talking on Jow Forums.
Like around 2011 for example.
fuck off you fucking 9th grade newfag
back to the_donald or whatever reddit maymays youvcame here for
I just listen. They usually tell me their reasoning, I think about how that ties into reality, and I give them my rebuttal based on how realistic it is in a practical application.
If all else fails, I just walk away and wish them well.
Why are you so mad lad?
I'm not a poltard, just a simple user who saw the downward spiral of this imageboard. I'm not involved in your tribal war, maggot.
So please kill yourself. Since you hate reddit go do some terrorist attack on their HQ, I wouldn't mind.
wojak is le poltard propaganda now I guess
How is the thing about international women's day not a political issue?
Wojak and pepe used to actually mean something before Jow Forums took it over.
>"Muh Jow Forums boogeyman"
Jow Forums didn't take anything over or "steal" the memes. Every board creates original content suited to their own culture. /sp/ makes pictures of feelsguy and pepe playing handegg. Does this mean /sp/ has "taken them over" or "stolen" them? Only newfags who cannot into imageboards think Jow Forums "stole" memes.
>Jow Forums has been used as a recruitment ground for Jow Forums and the jani's have a slow time catching on.
There used to be constant racebait threads just to antagonise this board, constantly posted, every fucking hour.
And like clockwork, a self proclaimed Jow Forums messiah claims to help be beating down the threads with their own threads, it's not hard to connect the dots and assume they were posting the threads originally.
I digress, alt-left, alt-right (and now alt-centre) have come about since people never bothered to learn politics/social sciences outside of blogs or YouTube videos. They never bothered to read the main works so they simply followed the main influencers, picking up both their personal habits and philosophies
>What do you do
People get involved in politics because they either lack a purpose or have a passion. Maybe they're entrenched in poverty so they managed to get an education, or maybe they felt their misfortune wasn't fair and refused to seek help. It gets more complex with age and income and even geographical location.
The only cure I can think of is making sure that person avoids echo chambers (YouTube is a really good way to me bombarded with propaganda), they be involved in discussion in contentious topics and, sad as it sounds, be able to make an informed and educated opinion. Democracy has always been argued against as a simple machine that can be bought if you bribe and lie enough since people have short memories
look it's another darkie who thinks his stern disapproval equates to a meaningful rebuttal
>I mean if someone is looking at pepe the frogs then clearly they are well on their way to becoming a mass murdering, woman hating terrorist. Someone needs to step in.
You kind of overdid the bait with this. Everything before it was perfect.
Glad someone else noticed the weird double-think going on here.
Fuck off OP, women's day IS a political statement, just like any other day dedicated to a particular group or cause. It's like saying memorial day isn't political. Your friend is probably just tired of the nonstop propaganda our society puts out that claims all women are universally oppressed by men, have no rights or agency, are better than men at everything yet somehow are wrongly excluded from all positions of authority. We live in a society built for the advancement and empowerment of women and yet it's still never going to be enough. """Women's day""" each year is just another obnoxious reminder at how much modern society bends over backwards to meet the desires of women often at the expense of men.
Unrelated to your comment, would you prefer sons or daughters?
HRT and forced transitioning. It's the only way.
we have an international men's day too retard
women are at a demonstrable systematic disadvantage in society, there have been numerous studies conducted upon workplace dynamics (debatably the biggest issue; where it shows the most) among other issues.
>we have an international men's day too retard
Which you aren't allowed to celebrate without people calling you a misogynist
Just because you had to Google the day doesn't mean the day doesn't exist
Why bother celebrating womens day? I am not a woman, and I rarely interact with women.
says who?
i've had no issue celebrating it in the past, not that i care for it all too much
you don't have to mate, it's just to raise awareness of the issues women face in today's society
The only holiday I look forward to is Independence Day. Fireworks make everything better
not an amerilard and i don't like loud noises so can't relate sorry user glad you find enjoyment in something though
Yeah but that dosen't give me an excuse to whine about women and insult them, so I choose to believe the version that involves me being oppressed.
My roomate is unironically alt right. Considering that Jow Forums is flooded with the shit, I'm pretty good at telling him what he wants to hear/not triggering him.
Not him but I'd never have kids.
The "nothing more cucked than having a daughter" hit home for me and made me realize I am too fucked in the head to ever be a good father.
>the issues women face in today's society
Like what? Being catcalled and not being able to kill babies? Kys.