I just borrowed these I'm not sure what to try out first

I just borrowed these I'm not sure what to try out first

Attached: 37463782161187.jpg (1440x1080, 557K)

Devil may cry is awesome. I recommend that.

Attached: yukinoshit.png (513x611, 475K)

Damn, the PS4 really doesn't have any good games. I'll stick with my PS2.

Sekiro is good as well.

Attached: smug Yukino.png (272x300, 144K)

>PCfag pretending to care about consoles

I don't even own a computer, my dude.

Also bloodborne is fun as well

Attached: Smug yukino 2.png (402x628, 342K)

Then you have no say in the current generation if you own neither an 8th gen console or PC. leave my thread.


take them back to whoever you stole them from, Tyrone.