Gamer girlfriends are cool only if they actually started to like them by themselves, ergo they are just as autistic as you are.
Modern thots unironically like video games only to have more attention and thirsty idiots around them.
Gamer girlfriends are cool only if they actually started to like them by themselves...
I don't think anyone who likes video games is ""cool"" user
It's weird that adults liking video games became a thing. It's like an entire generation of people who never grew up.
For me, it's escapism.
Adults have liked videogames since videogames became a thing.
It only seems that way because you remember a time when video games were a thing only kids liked, because they were new and adults didn't understand them. They're just a medium like any other.
More like an entire generation of people who grew up with games. Our parents never stopped watching TV when they grew up.
Obviously. That's what it is for everyone. That's literally what they're made for.
Not nearly to the modern degree.
I'm on the edge of being a zoomer.
Tv and vidya are incomparable.
>Not nearly to the modern degree.
not that user but you're really ill informed.
Yeah, I'm sure 80s Chads didn't relentlessly make fun of adults who went to arcades.
They used to have videogame cabinets in bars dumbo.
It was like having a pool table
You think that's comparable to modern businesses that are full blown arcade bars?
who cares, modern video games are all trash anyways
The older I get, the more classics I keep playing. Too bad some are impossible to play with other people, like Operation Flashpoint or the first Stronghold.
The plastic ridges along the sides of the Wiimote make this picture very painful to look at, what if it pinches/skins the inside of her pussy like when you bite your chapped lips?
Imagine thinking people waste time playing video games to have more attention
I have to say it sucked when my normie friends ended up being a lot better at games than me, but you just need to find something you're actually good at
I got called a fake gamer girl back on my anime chatroom days by a really ugly "real gamer girl" i guess im kinda ugly too, but she was a real shrek looking fillipino. i remember this clearly because for some reason the bitch literally googled my username and found my rarely used nintendo forums account. I never claimed to be a gamer. She went off at me about it for weeks. I just like some games sometimes and dont define myself by it. I dont know what her problem was desu
Its probably lubed up well. You get ridged sex toys after all. My issue is how hard it would be to sanitise
>I dont know what her problem was
She looked like shrek, that's her problem.
nintendo marketed video games as toys for kids only after the market crashed in 83. they've never been just for kids but you fell for decades old marketing.
Girls who identify as "gamer-girls" are the worst. There are plenty of normie girls who are both interesting and play vidya, and I love girls that I can play games with, but "gamers" are just the most awkward, self-absorbed people, and gamer-girls feel like they amplify those characteristics. I'm a nerd myself but I completely avoid gamer-girls completely nowadays.
can she play wii sports with the controller up her pussy?
Id understand if maybe i was a pretty girl and going around saying how nerdy i am or something. And she might have felt threatened by it being someone who took shit pathetically seriously. But im just a well below average shutin who grew up playing my older cousins snes and sega. And i still consider those some of my favourite game experiences.
her kids are old enough to have kids
>But im just a well below average shutin who grew up playing my older cousins snes and sega
Aren't we all
i'm a girl and i play video games and i've been told normie guys prefer a girl that can cook not play video games, i've been told countless times by my parents not to bring up video games when dating. i really want to find a guy who would buy me gaming stuff and i really want a VR headset. where can i find guys who don't mind me behavior?
It's almost like we grew up with them dumbass
>i'm a girl
>i can't cook
>buy me stuff
I grew up with them too. Then when I got older, I stopped playing them just like I stopped playing with all my other kid toys. Same thing with anime. I was a total weeb well into my teens, but then I just grew out of it. As a little kid, I saw older nerdy guys with vidya and comic collections as my eventual future and even liked the look of it. Now I don't understand how adults can be entertained by such drivel.
i'll do it if you bully me all the time
not even ironic
It's weird that adults liking sports became a thing. It's like an entire generation of people who never grew up.
what hole did she put the wiimote in
is that where the pusy is?
It's weird that you have a strange fixation with maturity. It's weird that you have an intense desire to do things seen as mature. It's weird that you have a narrow minded concept of if you stopped liking something, it's because you 'grew out of it' rather than just got bored of it, and therefore everybody else should do the same, otherwise they're children. It's weird that you think maturity is linked to 'what makes people feel good', when no culture actually values that as a sign of maturity. It's weird that you think maturity, whatever you mean by 'people not growing up', has any objective value past fitting in with the culture you live in. It's weird that you think whatever you do it's because you're mature, not because other people like it, or it makes you feel good. It's like you're a human being who will never grow up.
I dont even care if she likes them cause someone else showed them to her or whatever, as long as she plays more than just those shitty pvp games that are a dime a dozen nowadays. Too many people say they love video games and then play exclusively League or Overwatch
Sports are just as retarded. You know what's even dumber? There's fucking vidya sports and they're somehow among the most popular games.
>soiboi absolutely seething because someone said vidya is childish
Cope harder, faggot.
I suppose you're resorting to insults because you have nothing to say?
Yeah, I really don't have anything to say. This is a terrible conversation.
I agree with that. Talking to someone who can't provide reasons for his beliefs gets tiring quickly.