Why do we always talk about how evil INFJs are when ENTPs are scientifically proven to be psychopathic?
Why do we always talk about how evil INFJs are when ENTPs are scientifically proven to be psychopathic?
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Hello again! It is about time we have a new thread! ^_^
Why so mean OP? That implication hurt me, wounded even.
(pic related has been waiting for this)
ISFP here, am I too normie for this thread? I have a lot of deep feelings and stuff too
>always get INTP in every test
>get first gf
>now get INFP
Player class - autist
+3 int -4 charisma
Gf upgrade: +2 charisma -500gold per turn
Why do I never see fellow ISFPs in these threads? They're like the third most common type apparently but I never see one. Are they destined to become normals? I have a hard time seeing that. Could it be because ISFPs are mostly female, and this site has a majority male demographic.
Dude I just posted lmao... am I invisible? Nobody ever notices my posts...
>Are they destined to become normals?
Yeah I don't think many "common" people find themselves on r9k. Whenever there are polls these threads are always overwhelming INTP.
Thought I was an INTP, turns out I was an INFJ looping Ni and Ti furiously. Hello everyone.
Entp here and what
you've found someone obsessive
you've found someone that will most likely never ever leave you
dont break up, you dumb fuck.
hint: spend an unreasonable amount of time with her (to make her happy)
Ahh, I'm sorry. I completely missed your reply for some reason. Still, these threads seem to be dominated by INTJ, INFP, and INFJs even though these types are less common in the population.
Anyway, how's your day been ISFP friend?
Nah I know how girls work. Shower her with affection and you're alone.
Also all of my girlfriend's were obsessive like this. Gets boring later. This one is kinda childish/bratty so I'm having fun.
Just say "I broke up with you"
It's okay I guess. My date to the anime convention this Saturday canceled so now I don't know if I should go by myself.
Do you believe in the idea that everyone uses all eight functions, or the idea that you only use the four in your main function stack and that you don't use the Shadow functions? I hear both ideas proposed on these threads, and to me the former idea makes more sense.
I don't see any reason why people can't use all eight, and to be honest I don't see any way that can't be the case. It's not as though the function pairs are fully mutually exclusive. There's no reason a Fe user can never go against the grain or come up with their own moral convictions, or that a Se user can't frequently feel nostalgic towards the past during their slower moments.
I think it makes more sense that, rather than being fully an either/or thing, that people have strong preferences but intermittently do things the alternate way whenever it makes sense to do so. Someone with strong Fe can think Fi is good and healthy in certain contexts (mainly when going against a group that is plainly being malicious or cruel or insensitive), but look down on Fi when applied more broadly because it can seem selfish when utilized outside of those contexts where it feels necessary (to the Fe user) and makes sense. Likewise, Dom Si users might enjoy relaxing and indulging in Se here and there in amounts that they consider proportional, even if they think that Dom Se users are hedonistic pigs.
I dunno. I think that function theory falls apart whenever the rules are too rigid. I think it should be flexible - to the point where I think all 8 functions can be utilized to varying extents even without 'grips' coming into play.
>tfw ENTP
>tfw think I might unironically be a psycho
This isnt an edgelord thing, a place like this is the only place I can act normal because no one knows who I am, I have lots of friends, I always feel like I should hurt them for anything they do better than me.
I for example have been good friends with a guy for 2 years now, hes stronger than me, and I considered poisoning his cereal for this the other day.
I never feel like I fit in anywhere, therapist thinks that its autism, ive told her before that its social anxiety (This is mainly because I dont want to be associated with retarded aspies)
Sorry to hear that, are you kind of socially competent? You might be able to get to know new people at one of those conventions. On the other hand, that might be tough as most people come there as pre-established groups. Is there still time to find a new person to come with you? I hope it works out for you.
I'm a little shy but after a few drinks I'm Chad. Is that an ISFP thing? I can see asking my friends if any of them want to go, but I'd have to pay for their ticket probably. Thanks for the kind words! I hope you have a good weekend too
no, ISTPs and ENTJs are the only real psychopathic types. ENTPs clearly wish they were though.
I have a close ENTP friend and they are definitely not a psychopath. I've heard ESTPs are among the types most likely to be psychopaths due to their Chad fratboy date rapist stereotype, but again I've talked to some pretty nice ESTPs.
Most INTJs I've talked to gave off bigger psychopath vibes than any ExTx I know, and the fact that they're lowkey, crafty and secretive about stuff makes them even creepier.
the right side of that is exactly what a shitty ENTP will do though
>argue things for the sake, quickly forming non-opinions they dont actually have just to mess with anything they dont like, prominently authority (but authority is cool when they do it :^))
I'm a pretty clingy INFP but that shit would really annoy me. I enjoy clinginess and expressions of affection in the moment, but how can you miss them if they won't go away, at least for a little while?
INTP 51% T 49% F virginrace here
got a new test right here
based more on behavior though
Same but higher T. Does turbulent imply we're faggots?
Shit never mind thought it was T vs A.
original muted yes
Yeah everyone uses all functions, but lower functions and shadow functions are used minimally. I'd say the main functions are used 90% of the time while the shadow functions are seen 10% of time in a healthy person. Shadow functions will increase usage if the person is confronted with challenges or stress which their main stack can't handle.
ENTP are verbal bullies, but they won't go further than mean words. The worst they can do is wound your pride.
ENTP that has met many ENTPs here.
Met one that was like you, said he thought he was psycho, he believed it into his 20s until he met a girl and fell in love
That love was the first emotion he ever experienced and he started to feel more after that moment.
hHpe that info helps entpbro!
What's the difference between Entp and Intp, practically speaking?
Social extroversion for the ENTP
High systematizing for INTP
is there any link between MBTI and facial features? I reckon INTPs and ISTJs look fairly BETA. But i have no evidence for this claim.
Good post, user friend. I agree with this.
heres some photos of INTPs, they look like theyre smelly virgins
ISTJs are deadpan, think Nick Offerman. They have really burning yet cold stares
INTPs are beta though, because of their constant blank confused look
No, socionics is a seperate theory which does go into this subject, but it isn't part of MBTI, there is sme crossover but it's ultimately debatable.
They also have some drawn anime versions of each type which were pretty cool, sometimes got posted before the feelers started blogging all the time, and the actual theories were still discussed.
What a stupid test, did you make this? What were you thinking?
No I didn't
and what question triggered you to make you post this?
MBTI is garbage
I like that test
I usually give it to people since its one of the quickest
it's a funtest though. I don't take it as serious as key2 for example, because it's surface level. But general behaviour can give you a rough idea of what type you are still
Why do feelers always get emotional? It's objectively a terrible test, it uses MBTI typings without their system, again, what were you thinking?
just popping in to remind all of you that you are looking for reasons for your failures in life in MBTI instead of looking inwards at yourself and the way you've treated your parents and friends and family and the way they've treated you back
mfw always get INFJ on tests
literally said its behavior pattern based dumbass.
And your type can be roughly identified by your behaviour
if you couldn't see that, you are stupid
I'm not a psychopathic yet user wtf
STOP the ENTP hate
I wish I was a psycho, it would make things so much easier
well, afterall you're on r9k so just embrace it.
It's useless user. INTP and INTJ get along well and no amount of shitty memes is gonna change that. Only feelers would fall for this shit.
First reply for the third time in a row~! OwO
That's a hat-trick! \(^o^)/
I-I don't think INFJs are evil, especially -Ts! ^_^'
And I wouldn't be so sure about ENTPs either! Yeah, some have been mean, but I remember having a positive conversation with one recently! Sure, he made fun of me all the time, but there was something, charismatic?, about him, so I didn't mind! Instead, I found it cute! :3
>ESTJ Virgo block
I know, right? ^.^'
I'm not an expert, but it mi~ght work, if the Leo is an INFJ-A and the Virgo is an INFJ-T! UwU
Huh...? I thought loops were bad, at least in the long run! :O
I think it's possible to use Ti and Te in defining personal morals or ethics. :)
I didn't know we had MBTI threads back in 2012! :O
M-maybe I just didn't see or pay attention to them because I wasn't interested in the subject! ^_^;
Hello, INFJ who thought they were INTP! (>^_^)>
You're either mistyped or this is some kind of scheme to get something from us.
I ain't cute, I'm just a tsundere
(>^_^)> DAB
You saying something doesn't make it true retard, it doesn't use a behaviour based pattern at all, the questions were utterly pointless and your understanding of MBTI is extremely basic.
found this thing orignally
>extremely private
>keep blogposting about their lives
This graph confirms that pretty much all namefags and blogposters are actually xSFxs
(: ...continues
From , with love~! Is that an ISFP thing?
Eh... I'm pretty sure everyone gains confidence from drinking! I wouldn't exactly call my alcohol-influenced self a Chad, though! On the other hand, my experiences with these kinds of things are rather limited, so I cannot say for sure~! '^_^
The -T/-A axis is severely underrated~! :3
Thiiiiiis! \(^w^)/
I posted a little bit about it in the previous thread: !
The idea was that the uncompromisingness sometimes associated with my horoscope would beca result of shadow Fi-Te activation! So inner values and wanting to control the outer world would become an obsession of sorts! OwO
INFJ-T looks kawaii and younger than he is! ^o^
Repost the faces pls? :3c
>INTP and INTJ get along well
I wish all types were like that... (>^_^)>
>''INTPs aren't afraid of doing some mental gymnastics when life gets predictable. Puzzles, conundrums, riddles, and complex mathematical problems can all provide a fascinating escape from mundane daily life.''
I'm an INTP and I honestly hate most of this shit. While I DO enjoy some well thought out puzzle stuff like in video games, I find everything else like riddles, mathematical problems and all that completely boring and useless, it annoys me to even try and do anything with them because it feels like they waste my time.
Give me an original boyfriend please.
how is this test less valuable than for example 16p?
Even function theory often uses assumption of personality through behavior
but I didn't even claim it's that valuable. I guess you really are butthurt, for whatever reason
ISTJs are arrogant as hell. The only times they blame themselves, and right so, is when they fail at something.
ISFJs taking things personally is a feeler thing in general (same for ESFP being sensitive), Id say their fear of burning bridges makes a better flaw.
The second time I met this INTJ dude I off highhandedly mentioned he came across as arrogant when we met.
He proceeded to take his phone out and find the most positive description of arrogant he could find to show me.
He didn't understand why I was laughing so much the rest of the night.
only broken individuals and gays find tsunderes cute
though whether gays are broken individuals or not is up for debate
>worried about social standing
Just found this site that has lots of profiles of people, celebrities, video game characters, etc and people basically vote whatever personality type they feel like these people fit the best.
Take a loot at it, let me know what do you think, this seems reliable at all?
It's popular vote so it relies on the voter's knowledge about MBTI. Can be reliable at times, completely miss a character in some others.
>normies using surface level judgement , bias and stereotypes to type people
>democratic decision what kind of person someone is
My results:
79% INFJ
I didn't expect INFJ to be that high! OwO
By the way, was this test made by another INFJ?
So many great people and characters of my type~! :3c
>So many great people and characters of my type
Th-that's not what I meant... :'O
pls no bully
As an INFJ-A male, is there even any type that's passionate and honest enough for me to get along with? Somebody who won't mistake my honesty and good intentions for something underhanded.
The majority of my social interactions revolve around me genuinely giving it my all to keep a conversation going, and supporting the other party emotionally and intellectually. In the end I just end up feeling drained and disappointed because it is all so one-sided.
This may lead me to becoming cold and distant once it reaches the breaking point, and that sort of behavior isn't something I like to see coming from myself, yet I can hardly motivate myself to keep going when I'm the only one exercising effort.
It makes me feel both disappointed in people, and in myself for giving up, turning socialization into a bittersweet experience.
To make it worse, very rarely things go anywhere with other males for me. I find interacting with females a more organic and interesting experience in general. Yet not many seem to believe in friendship between the opposite genders, and there's always a certain degree of romantic and sexual tension once things advance enough and we feel comfortable around each other. This can quickly lead to the ruin of a friendship.
Nothing excites me more than interacting with somebody who naturally exudes life, carrying that secret spark deep inside. Everything flows by itself then, and even the most simple topics can become interesting enough to entertain for hours.
Why are you regarding the INTP personality as suicide tier or shit tier or whatever else bad you could think of it?
I think ENFJs are the type you want.
16p is founded on Big 5, a genuine theory, this "test" is just 25 pointless questions put together for no reason. Get emotional and project all you want, you made a shitty test and should learn more.
No, what he needs is another INFJ. The INFJ - INFJ pairing is unrivaled.
no argument here
16p is only based on the X or Y letter spectrum
this test is based on which behaviors on a bigger spectrum you value more. It's actually a dynamic one that changes the course of questions depending on your answers.
But I wont keep on arguing with a below 100iq person anymore who cant even see that
Geee I don't know user, I do not zee two Hitlers together ending well .
Go suck a bbc, faggot. You're probably an NF.
They sound pretty tsundere to me
ENTPs are not evil
we just like to have fun
but fun is evil
You would say that...
I'm glad that I'm an innocent ISTP who can never comprehend the true evil lurking in the depths of the INFJ heart.
How does an evil ENFJ look like anyway?
Don't post Monika, she's not evil.
ENFJ is frequently said to be the femme fatale type. So a purposeful heartbreaker whereas ENFJs are usually accidental ones.
what does it mean?
Am I fucked for life?
nobody's the villain of their own story user
there are plenty of ENFJs that aren't evil, it's just that they don't realize what they do can be seen as evil from another's perspective
it means you're ISTP and so prone to suicide
sorry user
INTJ here I get sudden urges to destroy relationships and emotionally hurt my friends and lovers for a rush. Later I generally regret it but remind myself that I didn't feel all that much for them anyway
oh ok cool
Fuck off Sophie. This thread isn't a place for you to dump your blogposts.
But how can I have evil in my heart if I don't have fun?
I don't think you know what blogpost means.
I do. The threads have been bogged down by them for months.
If that's a blogpost for you, then you clearly don't know what you are talking about.
2 Hitlers ain't reiche