Bloodplay with waifu edition
Waifu General /waifu/ #184
>Bloodplay with waifu edition
but i don't want her to get hurt
Tasting her blood could be an interesting though.
jonathan is my beloved husband.
Why do we have to be so far away from each other, Alice? Why we just can't be together?
nice thumbnail lmfao
She is the only doctor that can cure my heartache. But even then, there is no treatment to being madly in love.
I know not what universe she exists in, but I know that, irrespective of the universe, she is the most beautify lady in it. Much about her is unparalleled: her kindness, altruism, perseverance, and selflessness. Truly, a bastion of light shining in darkness
>Urabefag in charge of making threads again
God fucking damn it. Can we have a thread without fetish shit in the OP?
God I want to make my waifu have a mind blowing orgasm so badly.
I want to cuddle with waifu in the summer heat that makes our bodies sticky
I want to to wash every inch of waifu's body.
I want to take a bath with her and tell her about all of the little details about her body that I adore so much.
Actually I do too, it's quite irritating.
hey guys what's going on in this absolutely perfect thread
maybe this isn't the right place to post this but is there anywhere thats like the complete opposite of this and the /c/ threads?
Like some sort of AA support group for people that want to get rid of their waifuism. I do not want to have a waifu. I had a dream last night that I was holding hands with her and looking at embarrassing high school yearbook photos. Is there a place I can post things like that but instead of getting responses like "oh I'm sooo jelly" I will get people telling me to forget about it and focus on other things?
I hate having a waifu. It has ruined my chances at having a real relationship
>It has ruined my chances at having a real relationship
how so? talk to us user
There is no escape from the waifuism if you really love your waifu.
Can't you just ignore and forget her, and get a real girl? If you don't want her in your life, then you don't love her, so that shouldn't be hard.
If she keeps coming back, and you can't deny your feelings, then just accept and embrace it.
>I had a dream last night that I was holding hands with her and looking at embarrassing high school yearbook photos.
I would kill for a dream like that
I know you hate that kind of response but I must express this since I never have wifu dreams.
I have turned down real women before because I felt like I was "betraying" her, and my ability to make connections with real women has been stunted by idealism
>Can't you just ignore and forget her, and get a real girl?
Thats like telling an alcoholic to "just" ignore their urge to drink.
>just accept and embrace it.
There is no positive spin on this. If alcoholism is an illness that destroys your liver, waifuism is an illness that destroys your heart.
I want out as soon as possible.
Perhaps for you its a choice. It was not a choice for me.
I'm sure every day some guys ask Google
>how to forget a girl
so don't ask us.
His girl is not real. That's a big difference.
It's not the same when having a waifu has fucked with his ability to connect to women. Plus, obviously, this
I can't agree with you. When a guy wants to forget about his girl, it's possible he can't meet with her for some reasons or she isn't interested. I don't see any big differences here.
You don't see how having an imaginary "relationship" that, as he said, has affected how he connects with real people, could possibly be different from forgetting a real girl? Really?
>with real women has been stunted by idealism
>destroys your heart.
Your heart is functioning as it should be. You are meant to love with such voracity that it may seem blinding at times, overwhelming. Do not misinterpret your situation: the internal conflict stems from both your basal instincts and your predilection for physical touch, no?
Does this not say something about the real women in your life? In any case, one should always consider the fact that their waifu may be out there somewhere; a person with memories that aren't quite hers, with disassociative feelings she can't quite find the root of. Perhaps, then, its you're job to find her.
>wanting 3DPD
You have been muted for 2 seconds, because your comment was not original.
Yes, really. He's not mentally ill, he just fell in love with a wrong person and these feelings have an impact on him. This is completely normal situation in every relationship.
I didn't say anything about mental illness, I said what he's said himself - it's warped his ability to connect with others because he expects a more ideal partner than can exist in the real world, by the sound of it. That doesn't happen in real relationships for obvious reasons. Not the same issue at all.
Why do you want a "real" relationship though?
Your feelings for her will never go away. The best thing that you can do is try to bury your feelings inside by doing things irl or by just keeping yourself busy. This may distract you for a short time from thinking about her. But eventually a song, a movie or even a sentence will remind you of her.
I don't know about you, but I TRIED to forget about my waifu. I tried to stop thinking about her completely and while at first it felt great, few days later I started feeling kind of empty and like a part of me was missing. Like I was no longer myself. And as soon as I felt that way, I started looking at pictures of her and crying, again.
I know how you feel and that other girls are just so lackluster compared to your waifu. I feel the same. I know I will never love anyone as much as I love her.
The only way out of it is just trying to accept the world for what it is. Everyone has their ideal partners. But only few don't want to let go of these ideals. You may try to force yourself to be with some girl but still thinking about your waifu and being sad. Or you may walk this Earth alone and stay faithful to her but still being sad because she's not with you. The choice is yours.
Also, how long are you in love with your waifu?
>If you don't want her in your life, then you don't love her
Not him but I love my waifu and I want her in my life but not as a fucking fictional character. In this way it only brings me pain.
>In this way it only brings me pain.
That pain is a choice. In my almost 8 years of being with my waifu, she has only ever brought me happiness.
Seems awfully dismissive.
>if it works for me, it must work for you
>if it doesn't work for you it's your fault
>blood play
absolutely not, that's really gross. Please dont post stuff like that.
But I'm here to remind the world that I love the future hero of Ylisse. May the world one day wake up and all love this handsome princess.
To not die in loneliness and be with someone? I would never try to forget my waifu since I love her way too much but it's obvious why he would try to forget his
How is it a choice?
She suffers in her world and there is no possible way for me to visit her and at least try to make her life a bit better. I want to get there and make her smile. I want to comfort her and assure her that everything is going to be alright when I'm with her. But that is not possible when she's so far away from me. How can I be happy while knowing that she is not? She sometimes manages to bring me happiness too, but how can I thank her for that? How can I make her happy too?
Well yeah, pretty much. Whose fault is it then, the waifu's?
I am with someone (my waifu) and not going to die in loneliness.
>there is no possible way for me to visit her and at least try to make her life a bit better
Well, not with that attitude. I did visit my waifu a lot in the first few years, but I'm having her visit me more nowadays because it takes less mental effort from me. I'm well aware that this sounds "delusional" or whatever to a lot of people, but I'm not going to let other people's worldviews dictate how happy I'm allowed to be especially since this is trivial to keep a secret.
Shows that this place is normalfags
Why does it have to be anyone's fault?
leahfag go to bed
>I did visit my waifu a lot in the first few years
How do you know that you are the only one who does so?
>and not going to die in loneliness.
I meant as dying without a partner, while not having children. When you are an old man all of your family will be dead and that's when you'll be alone.
I personally don't care that much, and I'm probably killing myself before that time comes.
>I did visit my waifu a lot in the first few years
You mean on dreams or in a tulpafag way?
>killing myself before that time comes
>he hasnt dedicated himself to living a high pace lifestyle conducive to potentially actualizing the change he wants to see in the world
>he doesnt take risks and make sacrifices knowing the most negative state of being , for many, is the one that may bring himself closer to her
Just because you were meant for this world, doesn't mean you can help change it
>space before a comma
don't listen to him, that's the mark of the devil
Genuinely accidental. Irrespective of the space before the comma, you should know by my diction who it is; or, rather, who it's not.
it's a joke bud
Loving Elizabeth as always. Generic questions incoming.
>How would your waifu express her affection in a relationship?
>How easily distracted is she?
>Is she more eloquent than you?
I want to kiss Yuris scars.
>>How would your waifu express her affection in a relationship?
Yuri would be subtle about it mostly because she isn't used to positive affection.
>>How easily distracted is she?
Not at all Yuri can read a book while the rest of club is talking and buzzing about.
>>Is she more eloquent than you?
Yuri is much more eloquent then I.
>I meant as dying without a partner, while not having children. When you are an old man all of your family will be dead and that's when you'll be alone.
Well, there are ways you can have children, such as adoption. You could even try to somehow make things work out in a "friends with benefits" sort of way, where the benefit would be having a child, and I know that doesn't sound like the nicest thing to do to your waifu but your circumstances are what they are, you've got to do what you've got to do, it really depends on you and your waifu whether that's something you would be comfortable with. I would personally try to avoid that if possible. I'm also still in my twenties, so I'm definitely not in any hurry to get children, I actually don't even want children right now, and who knows if I'm still in love with my waifu when I'm like 40. If I am, then I guess that's how it is, and I'm not actively trying to end it, but things happen sometimes and I'm not fundamentally opposed to change.
>You mean on dreams or in a tulpafag way?
More like just using my imagination (the daki helps). Sometimes it feels very real and sometimes it doesn't feel very real but it's still fun and meaningful to me.
>adopting as a single man
Yeah, good luck with that.
>that doesn't sound like the nicest thing to do to your waifu
Or anyone else involved, especially a child.
>How would your waifu express her affection in a relationship?
She doesn't express her feelings a lot, but she expresses it through words, actions, and even just her "raw" feelings (through drool). Sometimes she's subtle, sometimes she's direct.
>How easily distracted is she?
Not very, she's usually a focused person. Unless there happens to be a cat nearby.
>Is she more eloquent than you?
If you are really certain about this try avoiding the media related to your waifu and see how that works.
>Yeah, good luck with that.
Well, if it doesn't work out, then it doesn't. Apparently more than 50% of men who ever made it into adulthood in the history of our species died without ever reproducing (could have been bullshit but I believed it), so it's not that big of a deal.
At least they had the excuse of dying of some plague or getting killed in war or being monks
>How would your waifu express her affection in a relationship?
Probably the usual stuff like saying "I love you," hugging, kissing, hand-holding.
>How easily distracted is she?
I wouldn't say she's easily distracted. She seems pretty good at focusing on things.
>Is she more eloquent than you?
Nope. I'd say her eloquence is sufficient for getting her through school, but not much beyond that.
>being monks
I don't think devoting your life to a fictional character you acknowledge is fictional is any sillier than devoting your life to a fictional character you think is real.
>believing in a religion is the same as wanting to fuck/marry a fictional character
I havent made a new thread since kassfag's edition.
But let me remind you that there is a little shitstain trying to fuck up this place in a desperate attempt for attention and even though he said he would leave for good he is still amongst us.
He has been making the new threads and the time he was globally banned for ban evasion the mods took down the thread because he was the author and i am pretty sure that he has been the one behind these editions.
>link related
>Deleted thread
>new thread
He even falseflagged against himself once again for attention.
And i would like to point out that the thread made in retaliation of the "eye-plucking" edition was made by a gay russian or someone masquerading as a gay russian.
>The mentioned thread , look at the trip on the OP
>Searching for the trip brings us to a certain Jow Forums thread with a homosexual russian or someone masquerading as a homosexual russian
, my good urabefag
>aknowledging its existence
Waifufaggotry is more personal and real than religion imo
>wanting to fuck/marry
A waifu isn't some anime girl you like to fap to
Look at the filenames on the gay russian thread and this one. Same thumbnail.
Hence "marry," genius.
>How would your waifu express her affection in a relationship?
When she commits to something, she commits to it wholeheartedly. Her unyielding support, despite seemingly outwardly standoffish, would be the foremost way she would express affection.
>How easily distracted is she?
Not easily distracted whatsoever. One might say laser focused.
>Is she more eloquent than you?
She is, she simply chooses not to express it. One would assume I would act similarly, but I have extremely good public speaking skills so I've been told
If all else fails donate your semen to a sperm bank. The downside is that your son will probably be raised by some dyke but it should work.
Then why don't you just say marry? No true waifufag would only want to just fuck her instead of having a romantic relationship
>That image quality
Dont tell me that you dont have proper scans , my fellow Urabefag.
Sup everyone, how're you doing? I've been absent from the thread for depression reasons. Still trying to stream every now and then I guess.
Make it double.
Anything troubling you?
yeah but spilling it onto this thread like spaghetti from a hot plate onto the floor isn't the way I'm gonna go. It's just personal issues really, I'll work through it.
Eh, guess I was just reading it at the wrong place. Thanks for that page
>her smile in the last 3 panels
>mfw you notice the smile growing wider ever so slowly.
I love Urabe to the point that it hurts but i dont feel ok seeing her in the late manga's artstyle. It reminds me of what could have been.
Very well.
i'm completely despondent. nothing feels good anymore. i don't have any hope for the future.
i think i'll just put the nose down and call it a night. if god doesnt understand why i feel that way theres no reason to try and please him anyway.
So many cute expressions for such a reserved girl
Wish I knew what it feels to be the one to bring them out.
>giving a fuck about future
It doesn't even matter, just try to be as happy as possible, do what you want and don't be scared.
>just try to be as happy as possible, do what you want
Spotted the utilitarian
I think a therapist or might be of most use to you. If you tell them what your problem is and that you want to solve it they should be able to help you the most. If you really want to try and let go the most solid advice I can give you is to try and distance yourself from her. Delete and remove anything related to her and try to stay away from things that remind you of her. I know that "just ignore it lol" seems like a meme answer but it is the first step you can take if you really wish to find proper companionship.
Not everyone sees it the same way.
>How would your waifu express her affection in a relationship?
Probably through those unnoticeable but very meaningful ways, like someone asking you to put on your seat belt, making you unsolicited coffee just the way you like it, asking and genuinely caring how your day has been, etc. She's the type of person to express her affection very openly and yet silently.
>How easily distracted is she?
Not easily at all. She tends to stay very focused.
>Is she more eloquent than you?
I'm not sure. We're probably about the same? I do tend to have a problem with words and expressing myself in a proper manner from time to time, but as eloquent as she is I find myself to be on par with her, even if I do give myself more credit than I deserve.
Kotori Itsuka is the love of my life, or whatever.
>How would your waifu express her affection in a relationship?
Probably mostly with smaller stuff. Assuming white ribbons, since that's her "true" self, then she would hold my hand, or hang onto my arm. She'd also just hang around me and want to spend time with me, I guess. That's not particularly specific, but she shows affection by hanging around people as her "true self, I guess. If she were wearing her black ribbons she would probably pretend not to like me, along with other tsundere type things.
>How easily distracted is she?
Depends entirely on the situation. Generally she can't be distracted if something important is going on, though if it is of little consequence she could probably be distracted relatively easily.
>Is she more eloquent than you?
Probably not, no. I can babble like an idiot sometimes, but when it comes time to actually discuss something, I can really get my act together. She's pretty good, don't get me wrong, I just think I might be a bit more eloquent than her. She is by no means unrefined.
Also, from last thread:
>You seem to be distressed by the way, is something wrong?
I think the condition I was worried about developing might actually be getting worse. I'm probably just over thinking things, but I've had a bit on my mind the past few days regarding it. I'm probably overthinking things, and seeing something that isn't really there, but it's been bugging me nonetheless. Also all the talk of death had me thinking about relatively unpleasant things, but that's unavoidable. It's hard to put into words exactly what's been bothering me, but that's partially because I'm uncomfortable talking about it so openly.
Good afternoon.
Why are you yelling?
>express affection
i think she would make me things, like origami flowers or pancakes or a drawing or anything small like that
seemingly very, shes always doing something new, wandering around, getting lost, finding new places. its almost like she cant sit down
hmm... probably, but i likely -could- be more if i cared to be. she probably likes to be eloquent but likely can only be superficially so
Something from my past has been haunting me for 5 years but it has stopped out of nowhere and i cannot help but feel that i shouldnt just let it go.
I want to gift my waifu a fancy pen and a hundred thousand cartridges for it so that she may use it forever and ever.
>here she is
This made me laugh.
She's cute, user.
thank you, im glad you liked the picture
it has a companion piece, you might also like it
Have you ever taken into consideration the age gap?
I am not one of those witch hunting normalfags but i like to hear everyone's opinions on their waifu when certain considerations are involved.
yes. im not sure what kind of answer youre looking for. i love her
Very nice.
I was expecting a long and ranty wall on how age is irrelevant on your love but it seems like you are as vocal as your wife.
Excuse this bored old man who has nothing better to do during commute other than interrogating random people on a thai cat breeding forum.
One last urabepost before fucking off momentarily.
thanks, i take that as a pretty high compliment.
i could say more if you ask something more specific
you're excused, i dont mind it at all.
i hate G*d
well getting a good artpiece to be proud of out there does wonders for how I feel, especially seeing how people respond to it.
Let's hope everything else is gonna get better from here on out.
Yeah, gaunter o dim is a dick.
You don't have to stop, actually it's probably better for your long term relationship if you fap to other girls whenever you just need to sate your sexual desires and only fap to her when it's about sharing an intimate special moment with her.
Fain o this bonnie lass.
>How would your waifu express her affection in a relationship?
By doing cute tomboy things like punching me in the arm and wanting to play fight with me.
>How easily distracted is she?
She's very easily bored but not distracted.
>Is she more eloquent than you?
Neither of us are particularly eloquent, I would say (but I suppose that's me being somewhat self-deprecating). But we're both surprisingly good at public speaking.
>he still faps at all
Allow her to be your guiding light, your veritable sun. The rays that warm you will be asceticism
I masturbate only once a week and not to her but with her. I mean, I'm just lying in my bed with her picture few centimeters from my face, doing this very slowly and lovely talking to her simultaneously, I even hear her voice in my head.
And this is, how can I put this, more than great. I don't consider myself as a virgin anymore, this is the greatest pleasure I've ever felt.
This man approaches your waifu and asks her to choose between a sniper rifle, a mini-crossbow and a GEP gun. Which weapon does she choose?
Been lurking these threads for months now. I don't even know why I do it.
But she wouldn't like that
She's not strong enough to cure me
Maybe I'll try that
gep i guess
i need to play deuce sex
>I masturbate only once a week and not to her but with her. I mean, I'm just lying in my bed with her picture few centimeters from my face, doing this very slowly and lovely talking to her simultaneously, I even hear her voice in my head.
Yeah, that's more or less how I do it too but additionally I fap to porn. I just need to get an orgasm a few times every day if I want to be able to concentrate on anything, and a lot of the time it feels more like a chore than a pleasure really, and I super want to avoid associating her with those times. If it's with her, it has to be magical.
Did someone say bloodplay?
Kayn is a master of every weapon